I SAT on my profits and ride the trend......

By dchua1969
The intention of this chart is to show you the power of sitting on your profits and letting it run...

You would notice beside the double digit returns todate , there were the trench (March low) that I suffered paper losses while holding on to these counters. Of course, on hindsight, I should have bought more and average down. But I did not.........

It is one thing to say follow the rules of trading and another thing to say when you see a portfolio of red in those days where it is a sea of red (though it was a short month).

On hindsight, had I bought more any or all of these 3 stocks during the March low, I would have tripled my gains todate. To keep the chart clean, I did not show those extra positions that I added as well.

Yes, the Covid-19 news that flashes back then was scary, it was unprecedented and when the rush of emotions come, the rules of trading are somehow put on hold. I was frozen for a while, not knowing how to make sense of the charts and news.

I guess this Covid-19 has taught me valuable lessons in trading and the importance of being greedy when others are fearful (people were selling during that time which is a good time to accumulate).

I also discovered I was spreading myself too thin with my capital allocation in creating a diversified portfolio. When you are attempting to look at B stock, suddenly, you forgot about A stock and that is the challenge. One rabbit holes lead to another and suddenly you have 50 rabbit holes , all half dug (meaning, shallow representation).

For the remaining months of the year, I intend to stop acquiring new shares of new company and focus on my existing portfolio and add on or reduce where necessary. Focus on what's on my plate first rather than being greedy to pile on more things onto the plate.

P/s : SAT stands for Silver, Apple and Tencent (just an acroynm)

700AAPLChart PatternsTrend Analysis
