Rectangles are potential support and resistance zones, specifically relevant only in their timeframe of existence on the chart.

Simple project in theory but from a mathematical perspective of probabilities an distribution of events, could be hard to achieve. The goal of the project (/after the simulations of potential pathways and important events projected in time with their relevance) is to "CATCH" 3 major inflection points AT any of the elements in the drawing. Hard to trade such bold scenario or attempts, without a solid background of a system that has been back tested, forward tested, and rigorously scrutinized through statistical analysis and a lot of math, but it can be done and the exist strategy is simple: inflection point means you expect the market to turn around and you go against the recent move, if it goes against the position after 1 trading day, and breaks the low/high of the signal entry day, exit, other wise wait for another inflection point to cash in.

To make things more simple, this is similar to a pinball game where the price is the ball. Inflection point means the ball jumps somewhere else, preferably in the other direction for good.

This idea won't have the usual updates with analysis of Japanese Candlesticks. This is just for show. Hopefully some good pivot points will occur on this one: short and long, and to spice things up a bit, some models might anticipate that one of them could be an absolute doozy. Let's just sit back relax and enjoy the pinball show.
Looking forward to see the developments of the market near the ellipse in this ping poing project.
One hour left until close and we have a candlestick shadow at the ellipse. A decent bounce, but not convinced it is the end of the supposed bearish correction. Added 2 yellow price levels on this snapshot. If this yellow level holds, the upper one could be the target of another bullish move attempt.
Big bounce from the white curve at the red rectangle.
A small rebound from the ellipse and a "hit" on the blue cross icon.
Touch down on the white curve and while the scenario of a rebound from this point in time sounds appealing as it would be a big hit for the purpose of the project, I wouldn't hold my breath for it. What interests me the most in this snapshot is the top pinkish rectangle sitting on the white curve. I am very curious to see the price action in that zone if we reach that time space.
touchdown on the red rectangle again. Not sure if it holds, but if the price does rebound for the third time from it, it might retest the white curve from below.
3rd rebound from the red and a retest of the white curve. Not sure it will hold from above. I also still like the scenario where the price eventually reaches in time the pink rectangle sitting on the white... eventually. For starters let's see if we can reach 188 first in case of a break of the white from below maybe no retests after break.
Rebound from the white curve...
Could be irrelevant but I added a red dot at 192 for 9 May. We are approaching the bottom pink rectangle. Will it be touched? More importantly will we have any other pin ball effects at any of the elements remaining in this project?
Interesting rebound from very near the marked price level. I am a little bullish biased on this one but could be wrong. Let's see if it reaches the green ellipse and to see what happens there. Previous ellipse was a bombshell. After receiving a goal from the Apple it smacked the price sending it into oblivion.
Almost touched the green then a big drop. It could revisit 178 although I have become a neutral observer on this one.
Probably irrelevant but the price meets the cross. Few elements left in this project for some more pinball action.
7th rebound could be the last one in this Pinball game. Earning coming soon, could still bounce around like a pogo stick, but there aren't many other elements left in the project. Besides, considering the apparent random nature of the elements, one could say 3 is 2 too many already, from the perspective of normal distribution of probabilities.
Cue the drumroll. 8 is a lucky number.
Just when we were ready to test the potential bouncing phenomenon at the last ellipse, with the price closing right next to it, the market pulled a Houdini or Harry Potter moment, teleporting with a gap with the help of the earnings, bypassing the ellipse. Not sure the red will be touched but it seems highly probable that it will flirt with the big green rectangle. Don't know if it will drop after the ellipse or pierce the green and search for higher ground , even for the big lurking purple plank above. We are still on level 7. 8 is a mystery.
A little bit of a rebound from the big green but will not be marked as the 8th unless it doesn't revisit the high created there in the next trading days (maybe even full 2 weeks).
Pink ellipse below. Let's see the price action in this area...
Squeezed between the green and the ellipse this has to pop out eventually. If I were to pick a side I would say down...
Red dot wasn't a hit, but close enough. Counting the 8th rebound in the pin ball journey with the bounce from the last ellipse.
Hello Mr. Exclamation Sign. Added 3rd May, 25 days ago. Nice coincidence.

Looking forward to see what happens after the green rectangle ends. I don't believe the price will pop out of it for the top purple plank until then.
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