
A LONG opportunity for Wave E completion, then to a Big SHORT !

It seems that as some other players in the Lodgement / Hospitality industry, ACCOR is not immune to market sentiment and investor scrutiny... where currently a LONG position with a reasonable entry is a good trade, but only until what seems to be a completion of a triangle wave E, where if my analysis is correct, there should be a massive SHORT opportunity to trade an Impulse a significant way down.

EMAs all show the start of the Upward bullish trend together with TDI suggesting we have already had the Shark fin with blood in the water at Wave D point, which confirms the upward trend.

Hopefully market sentiment will not punish ACCOR too much for lagging behind market expectations and performance. It seems some upper management 'proverbials' need kicking, very hard and very soon, in order for better performance to progress faster, in order to avoid a negative market sentiment which would be expressed in an Impulse wave downward, wiping off significant value from this stock.

DISCLAIMER: This chart is for sharing and educational purposes only and is not intended to be a signal service or similar.
This chart analysis is only provided as my own opinion, based on my own analysis and comes with absolutely no warranty that this analysis is correct, whatsoever. Do not trade this chart if you do not have your own strategy. Trade only with your own strategy at your own risk.
Plan your trade and trade your plan... and IF in doubt, stay out.

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Bullish PatternsExponential Moving Average (EMA)impulsewaveLONGpatterntradingshortTDITrianglewavee
