ACB Long ATM Straddle

By LaurenTrading
Cannabis stocks have the possibility to move a lot in a short period of time, as regulatory changes on whims have huge impact on the market size to which Cannabis companies can sell their products. Although our stance is that the cannabis industry is likely to become even more volatile as more regulatory developments and sector-wide shake-outs leave only the leading firms, the reason we are particularly interested in the ACB long straddle is because of the low IVR.

We are entering into a near-the-money straddle on ACB by longing the July calls and puts with a strike of $7.50, for a $.70 debit. The breakevens are below 6.80 and above 8.20. As a long straddle, the maximum loss occurs if the stock price S is at the strike k of 7.50 at maturity in July. Taking long positions on both of these options is very cheap because the implied volatility is subdued -- with an Implied Volatility Rank of 4.3.

Also, Aurora in particular has not joined big partnerships, contrasting the alignments with Canopy Growth (CGC) and Constellation Brands (STZ), Cronos Group (CRON) and Altria (MO), Tilray (TLRY) with Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) and Novatris (NVS), and HEXO(TLRY) with Molson Coors (TAP). Announcement of any partnership, which is likely as billionaire private equity specialist Nelson Peltz recently joined with the intent to line up possible partners, would have a huge impact on the stock price. In January, Aurora Chief Corporate Officer Cam Battley told Business Insider that he would be looking to release “hemp-derived CBD strategy” into the U.S. market in the “next few months” in January. Five months later, we still don’t know what the surprise is. It could come within the next few months.
ACBatmBeyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisIVRivrankmovementstraddleTrend Analysisweedstockweedstocks
