ADABTC MOONED!!! Now Its Time to Correct

By x28Jakke
Ok guys,

So, with the news of of ADA being given additional of ADABNB and ADAUSDT trading pairs on Binance pairs, we pumped massive. From the bottom of Wave 3 to the top we had a 25% price gain. We hit a killer Wave 3 target at just over the 2.618 Fibonacci Extension zone of Waves 1 and 2. Now, we will be in a Wave 4 Correction.

As far as I can see, we have already completed our Waves A and B, and my reasoning is that I already count a 5 Wave structure up for wave 3, so the following Wave can't be anything other than our Wave A, and then what I'm counting as Wave B did not make a higher high. We hit a bearish spinning top on the daily where I have labeled our Impulse Wave completion, and this candle signals that the bulls have run out of steam and the bears have taken control.

Now, my target for the base of Wave 4 is the 0.382 Fibonacci Retracement, conservatively. There is a higher probability that we go lower, however the main range for retracement is between the 0.382 and 0.618 Retracement Zone. So we should likely correct here to atleast 2744 Satoshis.

I have given a Subwave count for Wave C, however it is mostly conjecture because we have not had a Countertrend to verify that Subwave 1 has hit the bottom yet. We could already be done with Wave 1 at the posting of this, or we could possibly go deeper. I am not sure at this point. I simply drew it out as an indication of a possible scenario that could be played and to extrapolate where the bottom of the correction could finish.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope you enjoyed my chart and explanation. Always remember to practice proper risk management! And please don't forget to like !!

Happy Trading!!

Bearish Spinning Top Daily Candle:
cardanoCARDANOADAcardanobitcoincardanobtccorrectionelliottwaveprojectionelliottwaveretracementElliott WaveelliotwaveanalysisFibonacci
