ADABTC - Quick Look

ADABTC - Looking very good right now. I think Cardano does have a bright future and at these prices - man you just can't get it any better! (Well maybe, there was that guy that accepted payment for a pizza for like 10,000 BTC - wonder where him and his lambos are at rn :P)

Alrighty - 2 ways to go at it folks:

1. Buy now (anyone could argue these levels look pretty good, as do many coins right now. May see a small drop in the next week to month and from there we go up. So buy and don't check the account for like 2 months. (That might be a lil risky :o)

2. Wait a bit... see what happens over the next couple days to week (along with what Bitcoin does) and go from there.

Another very quick look at Cardano - I am enjoying these small fast posts as that's how my brain works - go go go. I want to start posting a bit more in depth charts and what not so maybe next post I won't keep cheating you out of 5 mins. HEY! IF you got this far, thanks for the read, hope this helps or gives you a little laugh. Adios, and see you next time my people!
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