Sell Offs Over? Here's a Idea on ADA.

By PacMan1337
So from what I am looking at on the 1hour time frame and the 15 minute time frame is that we have seen the bottom twice which is at around $1.05 and it bounced off that level twice now. I do strongly believe we double bottomed and bounced off the strong $1.05 support level and are now beginning to start to form a new Uptrend and head back up to rechallenge our ATH. I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS IS THE BEAR MARKET!! I only think this is a bearish trend / cycle (**Inside of a bigger bull trend**) and that after that 2nd bounce we have firmly held our support level of $1.05 and can now start moving back up. As far as how long this move takes I can't give you a estimated time frame. But I can tell you a 100% fact is that you can't get huge gains in crypto without seeing some major profit taking. This is why I can't stress enough to newer investors to only invest BIG MONEY in projects that are fundamentally strong and have a solid foundation built underneath of there large fomo driven communities. So hopefully all of you that have been following my TradingView held on to there panties during this pretty much normal behavior profit taking and are now ready to get back on with the bull run. Now I can say for sure 100% without the shadow of a doubt that this bull market will eventually end but do I think it is now? Absolutely not and for multiple reasons at that. We have more money flowing into crypto markets then ever before. We have wealthy banks, Institutional Money & even Governments getting involved in the crypto space. United States has not shown any type of behavior leaning towards any type of bans only regulation which is to be expected when you're dealing with trillions of dollars and you keep seeing "Rug pulls" in the Coindesk breaking news headlines pretty much on the regular with platforms like Ethereum not keeping there platforms projects clean for the space which leads me into my next belief that Cardano will be King one day. The way Charles Hoskinson communicates with the community and how he doesn't play favorites or shill certain projects tells me 100% without any doubts that its all fair game and that is what makes successful communities. You can have the best technology in the world but if you don't have a community willing to develop on you're platform then you're not going to get anywhere. Cardano 2021 , 2022, 2023, 2025 are going to be some INSANE times so just hold onto you're panties Boys & Girls and make sure you HDLE, Buy, Sell, Repeat because I can feel it in my bones #Cardano is taking us to the promise land!!

This is not Financial Advice only my opinion using trading strategies & tools that I know in order to predict a analysis of my own. If you are new to the space then I suggest DYOR, Learn TA & NEVER TRADE LEVERAGE!!

As always,

Happy Trading Traders, Drop a Like, A Follow if you liked it & NEVER TRADE LEVERAGE!!
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