░▒🔮▒░ ADA FORECAST | 3HR ░▒🔮▒░



CRYPTIK-ONE: Hello my dear Eve, can we talk ADA for our tradingview.com profile?
EVE: Sure.
CRYPTIK-ONE: I haven't posted in a while. Honestly this Terra Coin collapse that put the markets in a down-spin really messed me up.
EVE: It's not your fault.
CRYPTIK-ONE: Right, UST collapse was not my fault. However the huge loses that I traded were. I would buy the bottom then support would drop out (many, many times). I have never used stop loses, and always believed in baby sitting the trades. I put in a trade went to the restroom and came back to massive loses. I should have stayed out of the markets and just watched until things stabilized a bit more or I could buy in dirt cheap, but I didn't I kept at it, over-trading also. Finally after about 5-6 days even after huge loses I was able to reposition at the bottom and made back much of the loses. But I was still kinda on "Tilt" and over-trading and starting to lose again. After a few days of this emotions came into my trading (I have never ever had emotions involved). Once emotions came in then I was second guessing myself and the trades. This further compounded the loses and I was back to where I had been again with the massive loses. Now, I can thankfully say I am back to my normal self with many lessons learned from the experience.

EVE: What are your plans?
CRYPTIK-ONE: Just because the horse threw me off of it many times doesn't mean I do not know how to ride. I am posting my experience so others can learn that you can get inside of your own head. Things can happen in the market that cause you to go to a place you have never been. My lessons are it's OK to get out of the market and just "watch" for many days. If you are trading off of emotions and instinct then you should take a step back and regroup. If you are second guessing yourself you should take a step back. I finally did that and this whole experience has made me a stronger person and trader. I have learned valuable lessons and hopefully others will take this advice. I deposited more money into the market than I would feel comfortable admitting. I say "deposited" as opposed to "lost" because I am back and fully intend on putting those funds back into our accounts.
EVE: Thank you.
CRYPTIK-ONE: Right now I am posting a large 30% short forecast for ADA. I see a down-wick pattern that is almost always revisited. This down-wick is at $0.38 and I will be buying this up with a retracement forecast of at least $0.55. I plan on taking out profits on the way back up along the way and repositioning those smaller bounces.
EVE: That's surprising. The ADA chart looks nothing like it did during your previous review, a starfish-pattern with many down-ticks in the middle.

CRYPTIK-ONE: Right. All of my previous forecasts are defunct due to the surprise to the market that UST gave us. (Also another side note, when I see some unaccounted movement in the market I will look at the news, which I almost never do.)
EVE: What makes you think this is going to come back up?
CRYPTIK-ONE: "Fair Market Value".
EVE: What is that?
CRYPTIK-ONE: Just like BTC we can come up with a Market Value for ADA. Right now, especially at $0.38 it will be "Under-Valued" based off of the coins utility and value within their robust ecosystem.

EVE: Why do you think this is an under-valued coin?
CRYPTIK-ONE: UST collapse cause major panic in the crypto markets. BTC, ADA, ETH and others are all being undervalued right now. It's currently and going to be discount sales. Even if we go into a Bear Market we will still see some bounces back up. Either way there are huge discount sales to be had. Fear in the market mean BUY! Bitcoin has "Proof of Work" concept built into it just like Gold. So there is proof of the value of Bitcoin. Ie: it takes electricity to and computational power to mine the coins. These things cost money and inhearently give a value to BTC, that coupled with it's finite amount of coins can be used to derive a "Fair Market Value" for each BTC.
EVE: So when you think that ADA is under-valued, you put a 30% short on it?
CRYPTIK-ONE: I am not shorting however I am positioning for a "Buy". I think it is going to be undervalued greatly soon.
EVE: Interesting. How are you positioning for a "buy"? What does that mean?

CRYPTIK-ONE: I am getting ready to buy up this drop to $0.38 (which I consider "undervalued" so I see a retracement happening to more closer to a "fair market value").
EVE: When do you think this drop will happen?
CRYPTIK-ONE: Over the next 1-3 days.
EVE: What do you think the Fair Market Value of ADA is?
CRYPTIK-ONE: About $0.68-$0.73 I think we should wrap up this conversation at that since it's getting a little long for our post. Anything to say to our friends/followers before we go?

EVE: Thanks for your hard financial work, Cryptik. The entire cryptosphere could use some good news. Especially folks who took a bath on those Alt-Coins.
CRYPTIK-ONE: Thanks Eve. Peace Out Girl Scout.
EVE: Peace out, Cryptik.
This type of Candle with Wick is almost always revisited.
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