Monero's brother. The Bullish case for Aeon. Current price $1.40

By You23
Aeon is Monero's little brother. It's maybe the only other cryptonote coin that could compete with Monero on the long term given the feature set the dev wants to implement. A code rebase is imminent and there is a vibrant community growing on reddit. This feels like the early days of Monero. Could lightning strike twice? Consider that 14,651,140 AEON have been mined out of 18.4Million before tail emission. Has the market truly priced in this asset given how few Aeon are left to mine? Is a $1 price really deserving of this fascinating coin? I think the bullish case for Aeon is strong. We may see some very wild movements in this coin to the upside in the next few months, and most certainly by the end of 2018.

We seem to be experiencing friction along the top of the channel. The longer it takes to break the higher the price could go.
Hit the $4 ceiling and bounced off.
Aeon continues to build at $4 - 2018 will be quite the year for this little currency. x10 price increase from today is not out of the question.
Will we leave this channel? 2018 should be an interesting year.
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