AMC no sale button needed this week

By darkside1082
We have gone threw almost all the hoops and here we are. Things changed on sept 30 from Bearish to Bullish. Amc is now on it's second back to back Reverse Head and Shoulder pattern.

Only 3 weeks away before earnings and that's always a bad time to be short. If you go back to GME it showed them reporting a week earlier before they moved it another week out ( showed the 1st but turned out to be on the 8th). It shot up over 35% 8 days before earning. No one had a reason for this there was no news that day.

I do believe the market will make new ath this month and this will also help drive amc. We are going to be running on short covering and fomo. Caution going into next month I see all this playing out in 2 short weeks.

Also any stock that doubles in a short time they will stop the trading it's always been that way after the 87 crash I think.

This is only my view, so don't make trades off of this information.
Chart Patterns
