I made a key code of current price action,& this is what I found

By iCantw84it
So amongst all the other weird things I see in the market everyday I would like to add this one. I found it amusing. What if you could make a key code of current price action to determine when to get in, by basing it off past price action that fit insdie the key code you just made? See as instituionals are trading a stock, 100s or even 1000s of algos are running simultaneously creating a unique pattern in the price action. It repeats itself over and over until one of the major ones leave the stock or change their algo. That said finding an easy way to find these moves and what happens next is the next step. if it repeats itself more than once....it stands the chance of repeating itself again.....

So there lies the basis of my whole trading strategy, cross hatch that with wycoff method and the Curve plus about 5 other weird things I have seen in the market that holds true still to this day and you have what i do on a daily basis.
is it right or wrong I personally don't care. As it works for me and I make a living off it. Will it work for you, idk.... I have acquired savant syndrome, what looks plain as day to me might look greek someone else. Idk.

That said I enjoy doing these so even if you can't see what I see, you will have a constant flow of these always to look at.
by iCantw84it

pls like/ subscribe / share/ comment below / request a breakdown of a stock... as its the only way I can gauge if you want more of these or not.
CCL using the key code....
There is a new video going over 4 stocks using the Key Code if you want to see it.

Algo Key Code on RIO - CCIV - TME - DISCA - CCL
Candlestick Analysisconstellationicantw84itkeycodethecurveTrading PsychologyTrend Analysiswyckoffmethod
