By Yossi1
!this beautiful stock's movement just looks great opportunity for long
.Wide movement with testing the highers, and now its just about completing (maybe) Mug and Handle

but although we have nice technical info, there are some hards levels to breakout, which one of them and maybe the most important one is 200M

i dont think im gonna take it once it breaks the down-trend out, i'd like to have a Re-test on one of the important levels: down trend or support on the chart and then get into when its closing up 200MA. MB my STOP will be too far but my target also gonna be like this, cause if we really want the chances to be on our side, we have the stock to proof close over 200MA. there are some rules ive been learned that we have to follow
so I hope u to have nice trading, hope u all enjoyed this idea

clearly not a reccomendation for any stock's actions!
be well, see ya...
Trend Analysis
