A question you have to ask you self today, if you want to determine investor sentiment around the world on AMD. Very easy to do. Don't need neural networks, algorithms, sentiment engines, rules engines, and one of the largest data centers in the world, which I have access to right now....
Would you, the average investor, not the day trader in you, or swing trader in you, but the average investor in you... the institutions represent the average investor as well... or are supposed to... would you, on December 20, 2019, Friday, right before X-mas, 11 days until 2020, AMD up (PLACE NUMBER HERE for percentage) in 9 weeks, sitting up in the sky at $43.12 / $43.14, would you put NEW MONEY to work right now? Would you even put $500 into AMD today at $43.15 and then just sit back, relax, come back in January, which only 5 TRADING DAYS AWAY, and see where it is? Or do you already OWN AMD or are thinking about it? and maybe waiting those 5 days and come back in January, and maybe a pullback and then I buy my AMD $500? This is all you need to know about investor sentiment today. If this baby, and I would love it to, pushes right through $44 and heads to $46 today? Why would that be? What sentiment today would do that? That is the question you need to ask when you trade AMD today.