AMD broke above the 3-week Bull Flag. Major buy signal!

On March 13 (see chart below) we issued a major sell signal on Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), as we saw the stock topping at the top (Higher Highs trend-line) of its 2-year Channel Up:

AMD flashed the strongest 1W sell signal you can get.

Our projection was materialized as the price corrected significantly by -37% and has almost reached the 1W MA50 (blue trend-line), which was the level that held, formed the latest Higher Low of the Channel Up and made us give a new long-term buy signal a month ago (while also the 1W RSI reached the symmetrical Support level of the October 2023 bottom (45.50)).

Today the buy sentiment got stronger than ever as AMD not only broke above the 4H MA50 (blue trend-line) but also above the giant Bull Flag pattern that started on the May 28 High. With the 1D MACD about to form a Bullish Cross, a very strong long-term buy signal emerges that call for a new Bullish Leg similar to at least the May 02 - 28 one.

If the prevailing structure is a Channel Up then expect a +23.65% rise, which puts our Target at $190.00 (just below the 1.5 Fibonacci extension).


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