At least 10% potential downside from here in Amazon

Hello all,

So far, on the short I would have taken had I been trading this, I'd be up 10%. I'm not trading this however, and I likely won't until I become certain the entire economy is in a downtrend. I did say that if you were in AMZN to get out, and as of now, that was the right choice.

Have a read of this article:
It is Ray Dalio's perspective on how the economy works.

He also has an upcoming book releasing October 15th about large debt crises. I have preordered that book, but you can read the pdf of it for free here:

Go ahead and read Principles: Life and Work as well. Ray Dalio is a huge inspiration to me (read: inspiration, not idol) and I would recommend reading everything he writes. Hell, follow him on twitter and watch his Principles videos while you are at it.

Ray Dalio has influenced my thinking tremendously, and so far, in the markets, it has been extremely helpful. If you wonder how I get the results I do, it's by constantly learning from those better than me.

Good luck!

There is a reason Ray Dalio is releasing this book now... the economy is going to crash in the coming months/years people. Be prepared.
Read my last analysis if you are confused about WHY I am bearish - it is based off a simple strategy I use for all markets I trade.

Prepare for AMZN crash
AMZNBeyond Technical Analysiseconomyraydalio
