Deep ITM Put on AMZN

By EdgeAnalytics
It may be too late to jump in on this one, as the risk is about 20/share in option value if it turns against us.However, if you can stomach that kind of risk and have the capital, a .75 Delta ITM Put with 2-3 months of time value could win big. Today's slight rebound allows for an equivalent entry to the closing price from 11/10/2016. Trail your stop to the Red line.

Oscillator divergence supports the end of the long uptrend from earlier this month as well as an awful earnings report with supporting negative sentiment at this time (that doesn't mean it can't change on a dime). AMZN is a stock I personally avoid due to the psychology of it being an investors' "Sweethart". My personal opinion is it's one of the biggest bubbles of all time waiting to burst. Now could be the start...
