ANET is a popular tech stock with strong fundamentals while valuation methods such as PE Ratio, Price to sales, etc, might be signaling that it is overvalued, the forecast projections remain strong. Arista Networks has no debt and more then 3 Assets per Liability, With more then double the Cash to cover Liabilities also growing Equity rapidly this company. The Balance sheet is a definite strength for this company! ------------------ Balance Sheet: Cash: US6.27b Debt: US$0 Equity: US8.43b Total Liabilities: US3.19b Total Assets: US11.62b ------------------ Valuation: PE Ratio: 46.63x Forward PE Ratio: 43.7x Price To Sales: 18x Price To Books: 13.5x ------------------ Idea: ------------------ Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and in no way am I signaling a sell, buy, or hold opinion on this stock (Arista Networks) I am just giving my personal opinion as a hobby trader, I have no certifications and I am not a financial analyst, I also may be wrong about how I feel about the stock. I want you to do plenty more research on this and the stocks you are interested in because the stock market always holds a lot of risk that may pose different risks and overall be different for each investor and trader. Please do not make opinions based on this idea or any idea. Please be careful! this post is only for conversation.
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The information and publications are not meant to be, and do not constitute, financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice or recommendations supplied or endorsed by TradingView. Read more in the Terms of Use.