AUDNZD 15 Min w/ Updates Ongoing *Not Advice*

By Redimere_91
15 Min Technical Analysis
- Want to see if price breaks 1.08395 or not which will give us an idea for an entry to the low. Price could also break through resistance and start a retracement of previous 4 hour recent high. (Check 4 hour analysis)
Trade active

Went ahead and entered a short position here (Red Dot). Price may continue to the upside but we found what we wanted to wait for. We will manage the trades as we go win or loss. Targets are set for 15, 4, and D timeframes.
Check Related Ideas Section for other timeframes!
Click on Monthly Link and all timeframes, additional comments per timeframe will be there!
Trade closed: target reached

15 Min target reached. Price came an retested the 15 min demand zone. We are still holding our 4 hour and daily trades. Our stop loss is set and will see if the next low will break or not. If price breaks resistance, we will reassess.

Decided to take another short position at this level. I still like the price action here as price broke the recent low. If price breaks the previous high of 1.08274, we would want to see a second break above 1.08392 and we would wait for the next low to be made before further assessment. Our target is for price to reach the green demand zone and to see if there will be a lower low. There could be a possibility that price could start retesting the 4 hour recent high (check the 4 hour analysis publish). Price could easily start shifting to test the 1.08985 supply zone on the 4 hour so we are waiting for a possible shift in momentum on the 15 min to see if we can trade it when or if it comes. Overall, we want to see the previous low on the daily to finish testing before further assessment on larger timeframes.

Looks like price broke the previous high (rectangle box). We want to see if the strength will continue towards the next high of 1.08390. Keep in mind we still have a lower low so we want to see what price looks like when or if it tests the previous low on the 15 min. We are still in our recent trades and will keep updated once we get more data.
Trade active

We entered our last short position here. Due to risk management, we will wait until our stop loss or target is hit for further outlook. If stop loss is hit, we will wait for a low to create itself and reassess. If our target is hit, we will wait for a high to create itself and reassess. We currently have tow 15 min trades that we entered this morning with a target of 1.07981 after hitting our 15 min target from last night. We also have a 4 hour trade with a target of 1.07809 and a daily trade with the target of 1.07275.

Price went ahead and reached our lower levels. The RBA decided to hold interest rates for a second time in a row. If you look at the rectangle box, price shot down with momentum and is now trading sideways on this 15 min timeframe. 1.07532 is the current lower low and we want to see if price breaks that. 1.07767 is a level where price might've changed structure on a short term basis. If price doesn't break our current low, we may look for a bullish scenario that may carry into the 1 hour and 4 hour as a retracement play to the previous high. I will update once we enter a trade. If we miss our entry we won't rush into anything.
Trade active

Went ahead and entered an AUDNZD long here on the 3 min. We haven't completely reached oversold just yet on the 15 min timeframe but if we pay attention to our dots, price has recently broke a high trading sideways after breaking a low. This isn't the ideal setup, however I want to see if we can break the 1.07768 recent high. We have our stop loss set in case we are on the losing side and will reassess if taken out.
Trade closed: target reached

15 min target closed after a brief scare. Price shot down during the 1 hour market close and looks like it created a divergence before price broke the recent high on the 15 min. We are still holding our 1 hour, 4 hour, and daily trades as we will follow price action to see if this could be a start of the 4 hour retest before further assessment. We want to see a higher low and we also want to see price break above the current high it's making for further movement to upside and hopefully it can carry over into the 1 hour and 4 hour timeframes. If not we will take another look.
audForexideasNZDTrend Analysis

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