Aussie Long-Term SHORT Play

By brandonlz2017
Since 2011, the Aussie has been steadily declining. Heavy price action has been highlighted above in green, and as recently as early 2016, we can see a strong resistance level around .7659.

Not only does DailyFX cite that the Aussie remains in a downtrend, a quick google search on "Australian economy slowing down" (and limiting to past 30 day results only) yields some fundamental concerns.

News headlines titled "Australian economy 2016: 'Worst economic performance since GFC", "Australian economic growth looks set to slow sharply", and "Australia economy retracts for 1st time in 5 years" are among the results.

With these fundamental concerns taken into consideration, I believe a long term play is appropriate.

Taking a conservative approach, a safe stop loss order at .75675, a take profit order at .72930, will give us a 1.38 risk/reward ratio. The aim is 159 pip profit.
