interest rates and housing Australia.

By S12spring
A visualization of how house prices react against interest rates rises other than the obvious divergence where rates get cheap and people will spend more.
I haven't made any predictions, there are a lot of moving parts in the system at the moment.
CPI being a big one on everyone lips, affordability, availability, sustainability, buzz words right ha
A lot of people got money really cheap and after the 5 year fixed terms what is the flow on effect, have people stopped excessive spending and in turn the is a down turn in GDP jobs but CPI still climbs.
Will tenants pay for all the rate hikes if the houses are not worth it? will people try and interest only? left with the prospect of selling will prices go too low while we are still in need of more houses to curb demand?
ordinary interest increases appeared to be up to 60% over time and we are looking at a event where we are already 3x that.

I used info from another chart to have more complete data for the interest, I should have done the house prices too. ( If someone knows how to import stuff like this speak up, that was a ball ache)
Surprised tradingviews data was not complete.

Have your say. feed back is welcome.
Might do updates if i"m feeling inspired.
Chart Patternseconomyhousehousinghousingmarketinterestinterestrates
