By MoRafi
Now I understand there are a lot of shenanigan's going on in the banking sector, but I'm not going to pretend to know how exactly this will affect the price of bank stocks. Everyone and their mom is now bearish on bank stocks from the constant news of bank failures and if I've learned anything from the markets is that the market always moves against the crowd. So I make my decisions strictly from the price action and volume obtained from charts.

BAC has been trending on this blue support line since 2016.
You can even take it back to 2011. Each time it has bounced off of this blue trend line. However this time, it will be different. This time we had an inverse head and shoulder from which price broke down with SIGNIFICANT volume

Although the price has bounced from the blue trend line for right now, it has already rejected the previous support of the inverse head and shoulders at $30. Validating the breakdown with more downside to come. The fact that a bearish pattern broke down with such high volume right above the extremely strong blue trend line tells me price action is gathering strength to be able to break below this blue trend line after years of support. When this break below occurs, it will be nasty. A rapid fall in price, not slow and drawn out. An optimistic bounce area will be between 24 to 23. However, a break of a trend line this strong can only be accomplished with significant strength, in this case bearish strength. I see BAC falling to the 19.5 to 17.5 dollar range, an area that previously was a resistance but is now a support. When will this break down happen? I don't know, but price action is showing it is bound to happen in the upcoming future. Possibly after earnings are all done with.

bankstocksBearish PatternsChart PatternsdoomTechnical IndicatorsInverse Head and ShouldersNEWSTrend AnalysisTrend Line Breakvolumeanalysis
