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Bitcoin's next bubble: are we heading for $12,000 next summer?

Time for some wild speculation, looking at where we might be in a year, if the bulls have their way. The next "reward halving" coming in July 2016 could easily fuel another bubbly rally (whether you think that's a valid reason or not :P)

I've been using this dusty old fork for a really long time now, and at this weekly scale, there's a lot of wiggle room. So don't complain about it not fitting perfectly, or how the wicks seem off - because this is price data from, and doesn't include all the price action (AFAIK). There's no "right way" to fit the fork at this scale. I just find it useful to try and identify the super-long-term growth trendlines and potential channel harmonics.

Today, our resident chikun-herder, Fontas made a bold prediction in chat of BTC reaching 120K in two years. I thought I'd dust off this old chart and see how such an outrageous forecast could play out. While I couldn't really make sense of 120K on this chart, I did find the trajectory from here to 12K plausible (just a tenth, but still juicy :P), especially looking back at the history of the other mega bubbles in BTC's lifespan. And the timing of such a target would put us in June 2016, exactly 5 years after the first mega bubble, and also eerily aligned with the "33 week cycle" that has framed the larger movements for years (see the 1,2,3,4 columns)

I also scribbled the pink line to show what another "double-bubble" scenario would look like according to this timeframe, if we to repeat the combination bull runs of 2013. We'd hit maybe $2,000 in october before pulling back for the second push.

Check back next summer, but place your bets now, because if this is even remotely correct, we've got a 48X profit train getting started...
Well, it's only a year late, but maybe this is the summer we make it to 12K?

Better late than never? At least when you're hodling... ;)

