BSV USD Inevitable fate

By Rekt4Sure
As we all, are laughing, trying to make sense of all madness this world has stumbled into, others have been secretly preparing to escape our inevitable fate.

While most people are easy to manipulate thru television broadcastings others are easily kept ignorant thru social entertainment.
Some individuals, are clearly able to see the obvious signs, overlooked by so many, although in plain sight.

These individuals, that always are aware of the distressedness and unsettledness most peoples constantly having to feel inside.
Those who can actually see, those that are not oblivious, those who are alert and those that will not neglect what realy matters.

While most people are remained blissfully ignorant of the troubles that lay ahead these few individuals are slowly connecting all the dots.
Those that are more attentive, listen more carefully, read between the lines, suppose more, figure out more, ascertain, assume, construe, deduce an induce more.

Do not let youirself be misconceived in obfuscating disbelieve administered secretly concealing the obscure discombobulated confound displeased humans live in.
It is true that our civilization and biosphere is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people as it is true that Earths remaining Co² levels
will entirely be consumped in less than eights years.

It is als known that people are more frequently encountering strange phenomena yet increasingly exploring multiverses, dark matter, quantum computers and artificial intelligence.
Everything you saw in science-fiction movies when you where little has already been built or is currently under construction.
Perhaps more people should of accepted this as an obvious signs that some people want to get the fuck out of here real quick! Like within 5 to 7 years Quick!

That said, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
This could go either way
doomedFATEGannTechnical IndicatorsinevitableTrend Analysis
