
BSV/USD what is it doing?

Do you think it’s gonna go up or down.

I keep seeing it holding the support line, it tried to go lower but it didn’t. So I assume it’s going to go up from here. I’ve entered a strong long position at these numbers. I left a little of my funds on the sidelines incase it drops but it looks highly improbable to drop. So I’m considering to go all in at this price. If anyone thinks other wise please let me know or private message me.

I’ve also been reading the Craig Wright vs kleiman court case, it looks highly probable that Craig will win. It seems the court cause is a coop to set the precedent of the dealings with bitcoin ownership. questioning from both side of the case make Craig look like satoshi and make kleiman look like an idiot.
analysisBSVcraigLONGsatoshiTrend Analysis

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