
Possible breakout @ 3 october 2014

By Maddie
Hey guys :)

As I promised yesterday here is my long awaited chart with description. The trend lines that I drew in this chart are very important resistance/support lines. For the people who told my I'm a bit to positive this is just another way to confirm my chart a posted yesterday.

So lets start with the RSI. We've noticed in the last chart that the RSI consist of four phases while were in a rally. For this chart there are just only two phases. The phase from below the 30's to above the 70's and vice versa. So were seeing that the rally starts when were @53 than going up to 70.
We also noticed that in may the same thing happened as normally the only thing that wasn't was that we went back to below 30's.... For over the last three years this only happened after a big rally. So we could say that the rally of May was a real really which happened a bit to fast. The positive thing is that we didn't break out of the major pattern as you can see in the chart :) . This had something to do with the major trend line that could be broken @ that time. When the rally stopped the trend broke. For now were again below 30's for the second time. It could also be possible that we go back to below 30's one more time but this didn't happen before in BTC history. This means that we need to go back to around 53 and than the rally will slowly start. As long as we stay between the red lines in the chart there is nothing to worry about.

Okidokie now let's go to analyze the chart further. We saw two rallies in 2013 who looked almost the same! Until may the pattern of this year looked the same but than the little bubble stared to raise. The only thing were i'm worry about is that after the failed bubble of May the bottoms didn't got higher like we saw before....) We got above 70's which is normal. Normally it consolidates around 53 but it didn't. On the chart we see a raise thats a lot faster than in the rallies before. We take the days to predict when the new rally in fractal sercomstances. 92/83*70=77,59 so +/-78 days. It only took 5 days longer. Now analyze this years bubble. 166/92*83= 145 days + 5days = 150 days. The rally will take place between the 3th and the 8th of october if the same pattern will be followed. So guys this means there is so much more to come :)

Richard Brown, executive architect, IBM: "So my view's quite clear. I believe cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the first example, I believe they're going to change the world..."

Also take a look @ the chart that I've made to confirm this idea!

Hope this helped you further and don't forget to like :)
Have a good day!

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