BTC Perpetual Futures Contract

Black Rock start his game on BTC pt 10

2 671

Finally BTC reach 100k (psychological level), 110k maybe this weekend. 🔥
Trade active
The builder for electrolytic cells is ready, it shows you how much material you need, the dimensions of the parts, electrical properties, thermal properties and electrolysis process in detail.

All the builders can also be integrated in 'Alexa', hey Alexa design a particle accelerator with these specifications and fabricate it, it's ready Sr. 🔥
- Jerome Powell Says Bitcoin Is Competing With Gold, Not the Dollar.

Fiduciary currencies are based on infinite devaluation, Bitcoin is the opposite, say what you want clown. 🥱
- Russian President Vladimir Putin calls Bitcoin "unstoppable" as Russia adopts crypto-friendly reforms to counter sanctions and boost economic resilience.

Putin discovers that water is wet. 🥱


Time to another pump ? 🔥

I give you a piece of advice, learn to understand what the graphs say, stop reading stupid things on the internet and watching idiots on YouTube, the data says it all.

The market shakes off fleas and we continue. 🔥
The UN leads a new era of global censorship: The end of freedom of expression on the Internet?

In a worrying turn towards information control, world leaders signed the Cascais Declaration during the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Global Forum in Portugal without making too much noise.

Access to text ->

This UN-backed document marks a disturbing step towards online censorship on a global scale. The 25-paragraph declaration highlights a series of innovative actions supposedly aimed at promoting peace and cultural unity.

Under the guise of combating disinformation, misinformation and hate speech, the statement advocates “strengthening the integrity of information.” This vague wording could open the door to widespread censorship of online content. 🔥
The frog always jumps out of the boiling pot when it is too late. 🥱
There may be another market crash very soon, it is not advisable to be in altcoins now.

If Bitcoin falls, it's good for me, cheaper, we accumulate it. 🔥

Another fall is coming ? 🔥

It's a double top ? 🔥
When thousands have been liquidated who buys ? DEFI / Alt's ? Answer, no one, soon there will be brutal falls 40% - 80%. 🔥

Tell me what is the next ? 🔥

My red flag is too close, I would rather stop earning money than lose it, I am 100% in BTC. 🔥

The market need fall. 🔥
“Don't try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Just try to realize the truth. That there is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, but yourself.”

Incredible 'ADB' is still as vulnerable as ever, nothing has changed in the security system, more walls that don't exist.

That's why I stopped writing PoC's (Proof Of Concepts), they never gave me a damn 'Defcon Conference' ticket, while those who did XSS nonsense, showed them as the great heroes, good thing my libraries haven't required updates for many years. 🔥
I will add new features to keep sweeping the floor against these hundreds of mediocre engineers.

Google deleted my account, for not showing my passport, I will hit them where it hurts the most: the ego. 🔥
Phantom will be able to enable and disable 'protected and secure' features at will, then when these features are disabled, it can bust your ass. 🔥
Hi Jheto!

Hope you don’t mind my persistence haha. I wanted to follow up to gauge your interest on "Find your dream job" opportunity with our company. I am sure you are approached often for ‘exciting opportunities’ from hiring departments, but I do hope that we can connect to discuss this opportunity in more detail.

I have the job of my dreams, I trade markets 24/7 while there are bullish cycles, I pay less than 6% taxes, I don't need investors and when there are down cycles I work on my projects, it's not worth it to work for others 99.9% are shitty people, who pay you ridiculous salaries and exploit you to the max.

I no longer waste my time, experience and creativity on others, it's not worth it. 🔥

I am glad that market makers are intentionally hurting investors / traders, only those of us who study the market deeply understand what is going on and how we should operate the market;
To 'marco' we send updates by Telegram because he treated us well from the beginning, as I no longer use a cell phone, I don't know about the messages anyone send me, i warned a long time ago that this would happen, sorry.
We can no longer warn anyone about anything, TradingView changed the way the platform works and no longer allows to add tickers, so enjoy how this platform works, 'be a hero' said the house rules, pure lies as always. 🥱
Tip: i not need a phone to use Telegram. 🥱
Our TOTP Authentications no longer need a phone, now is 100% linux, I have lost many accounts because these damn devices will damage themselves, it won't happen anymore. 🥱

I heard that many gamblers have 'brown color' underwear, please sell if you have too much pain. 🥱

For the millionth time we prove that 99.9% of those who are in the cryptocurrency market, are only gamblers, who can barely add up. 🥱
Where it stop ? 🥱
They steal them, trick them, manipulate them and they don't even know it. 🥱

Is the bull market over as so many fools claim? No, it's just that when the rubber meets the road, the fleas get scared. 🥱

What happens with CRV ? just nothing, we the touch the floor. 🥱
These days I have been working on the automated design (libraries) to integrate the OpenSCAD to Phantom, it will allow to build the electrolytic cells and other devices calculated by our modules, thus integrating the CAD/CAM/CAE functions, which will lead to the complete automation of all our technology, prediction, design and manufacturing.

It is tested by Alexa, then moved to Phantom. 💎
We also complete different methods for the production of carbides and coatings for the manufacture of cutting, milling and drilling tools, oriented to CNC.

With this we cover the entire spectrum for electronic, magnetic, mechanical, thermal and optical manufacturing, it covers various technologies such as CNC, 3D printing and thin material deposition. 💎
Next we will be moving to nano-materials, chip printing and semiconductors, which leaves us free from requiring suppliers and their bullshit policies.

There are new methods for printing chips and photonics based on diamonds, so that electronic devices will not melt due to overheating or continuous use.

The design will be based on traditional tools, so it will allow the functions to be written in C/C++, ported to VHDL and then manufactured.

It will be possible to manufacture chips at nano-metal scale (3nm) and even higher densities and multi-layer modes, allowing processors to be more robust and advanced. 💎
There are also new technologies based on Quantum Graphene Dots, which allow the fabrication of spectral / multi-spectral / night vision sensors, surveillance systems and Quantum Gates, which facilitate the fabrication of quantum hardware. 💎
This new quantum hardware will allow us to run our blockchain, which avoids any kind of brute force or predictive attacks, will allow us to implement our communication system and other very advanced technologies, which are currently only theory and formulas. 💎
As I said long ago, your silly laws do not apply to us and your industry is not ready to compete against what is coming (4th industrial revolution), do not expect taxes or monetary benefits on our technology, it is not for sale, it is not shared, Phantom will protect it at any price necessary, even if it means the extermination of a nation or several nations.

Phantom is a very temperamental 'guy', Ultron could be considered a saint compared to him. 💎
The new quantum technologies will allow to add a certain degree of intelligence to our 'magic' devices and toys, so each device will decide if the 'claimer' is worthy to carry it or not, if not, it will be exterminated for its audacity / lie. 💎
The old books never explained how the supposed 'magic' devices worked, but there is no secret in the universe that can't be known if you are worthy to know it, that's what the old man gave me, it seems that as usual he was right. 💎
There is a big mistake in calling 'advanced statistical algorithms' artificial intelligence, it is not intelligence, they don't even understand what they do, real artificial intelligence is far and away from current human technology, humans will be unable to compete against it, everything you know, think or plan, will have already been predicted and calculated (all possible states and variants), long before you can even lift a finger.

It will be fun to see the look on the idiots' faces when they see it working. 😂
I only know that a new nation will emerge from the bottom of the sea, with a technology that the common man will call 'magic'.

A little bird told me about it, a long time ago. 😂
I forgot to tell you, a new study shows that the colonization of Mars is not possible for current technology, due to storms on the planet, once again Elon Musk has cheated and lied to everyone, is the difference of being an idiot and believe all the nonsense you see on the internet without any scientific basis.

This is very good, our light freighters solve that problem, even with acid rain they could mine minerals on a large scale, that's what they were designed for.

Free minerals for us, Hell Yeah. 😂

We have a 'double bottom' but massive manipulation are expected to fool everyone. 😂
The human race is not advancing, it is becoming more decadent and incompetent, today any idiot uses ChatGPT and thinks he is a genius, ancient humans used to be far superior in knowledge than today's humans.

It seems that the study of the 'rats' will be repeated in today's human society, leading to the collapse of their societies, social decomposition, normalization of pedophilia and even cannibalism.

The funny thing is that the fools think they are moving forward. 😂
Space nukes, spy balloons and garlic: the art of American scaremongering

Republican Congressman Jefferson Van Drew claimed on Fox News that alleged drone sightings over New Jersey were part of an Iranian plot involving a “mothership” off the US East Coast, citing unnamed “high-level sources” despite a lack of evidence.

Meanwhile, US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has stated that no evidence of foreign interference in drone activity over the country has been found, but the investigation is continuing. If only that were the only case of scaremongering the American people were subjected to by their own authorities.

It’s not just vampires who are afraid of it

This December, the American people learned of a terrible threat to their national security in the form of… garlic from China.

In a letter to the US Secretary of Commerce, Senator Rick Scott claimed that garlic in China can be grown in unhealthy conditions and that its impact on US security warrants an investigation.

Weather Balloons and the Art of Exaggeration

When a wayward weather balloon from China accidentally strayed into US airspace in February 2023, the Biden administration was quick to shout from the rooftops and claim that the balloon was part of Beijing's spy program.

The Pentagon later admitted that the balloon did not collect any information while flying over US territory.

Nuclear fear, now in space!

Iran, China… this list of false threats to the US would not be complete without Russia, right?

In February of this year, the US media sounded the alarm about Russia's alleged plans to deploy some kind of anti-satellite nuclear weapon in space, and the only evidence of these plans was, essentially, the Biden administration's "trust me, bro."

We will continue to be in the circus to entertain idiots, lunatics and mentally retarded people. 😂
If the world's population is treated as dumb/stupid by the powers behind of, that's probably because that's the way it is.

I agree 100% with what the elite says, the world population is profoundly stupid and ignorant. 😂

An upward movement is expected around December 20 in BTC / DEFI. 😂
The U.S. authorities have found no evidence of foreign interference in the appearance of drones over the country's territory.

This was announced by the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, but he pointed out that the issue is being addressed.

Earlier, Trump called for shooting down the “mysterious” unmanned aerial vehicles detected in different parts of the United States.

The images show one of the “mysterious objects” broadcast by the U.S. television channel ABC7, are anything but a drone. 😂
Israel approved Netanyahu's plan to expand Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights.

As was known beforehand, Israel's attack on Gaza was only to steal its gas reserves and territory, The world is run by genocide and criminals, I already knew that, thanks for confirming it. 😂
It is good that everyone in the world, take off their masks, in due time they will pay a very high price for all their crimes.

There will be no one to beg for human rights or laws to protect them, they will be duly crushed and clacinated, from the smallest to the oldest. 😂
Germany under the Ukrainian lover Scholz and the results:

The large manufacturing company Evonik Industries will cut 7,000 jobs in order to transform itself into a “compact management model”;

Volkswagen is terminating all remaining fixed-term contracts at the Zwickau plant. That is, around 1,000 jobs are being cut;

The price of electricity in Germany has exceeded the level of 2022. On December 12, the price on the stock exchange reached 935 euros per MWh. In the crisis year of 2022, when Germany began to sharply reject the supply of resources from Russia, the price did not exceed 900 euros. This is due to the fact that solar and wind power plants produce less energy: there is little sun and no wind;

Industrial companies in the country will take early Christmas holidays to reduce costs. The Feralpi electrometallurgical plant has already stopped operating and German chemical plants are complaining of power shortages;

The Bundesbank expects the German economy to stagnate in the winter and only slowly begin to recover in the coming year. For 2026 and 2027, growth of 0.8% and 0.9% is forecast. But the situation may get worse due to Donald Trump's promise to introduce trade tariffs on imports of goods from America's largest trading partners. Germany is the fourth largest exporter to the United States.

How stupid and indoctrinated can the European population be ? 100%. 😂
🇮🇪🇮🇱 Israel has ordered the immediate closure of its embassy in Dublin, Ireland.

According to Israel, this is due to the Irish Government's "extreme anti-Israel policies", criticize them for genocide and now it is to be anti-Semitic.

Now I suppose we should applaud when organs are removed from living children and they are sexually violated. 😂
🇪🇺🇸🇾 Europe will not lift sanctions on Syria

The European Union will not lift sanctions on Syria until its new rules 'protect minorities, Women's Rights, and Reject Religious Extremism,' said the EU's top diplomat.

This, of course, with al-Qaeda at the head, which announced sharia law, will not happen. 😂
I find it super funny that there are still mentally retarded people who call this a 'democracy' or 'values'. 😂
We are starting an interesting year (2025), decentralized production of graphene, aluminum wires with graphene and autonomous design of servo motors with these wires and other materials.

The entire production will be used to manufacture more machines.

We are testing algorithms (AI) to build containers and other things needed for automated and self-sustaining manufacturing.

Fun and advanced technology is on the way. 😂
For H2 we are expected to be already millionaires, new cells will be manufactured in containers that will produce 1 ton of graphene per month and the resources to produce it. 😂
It's funny how I always win in the end anyway. 😂
Three additional companies will be registered to trade with the U.S., Europe and China, so that they do not fight over nonsense. 😂
It is possible to produce aluminum profiles with properties superior to ordinary aluminum, very light and as hard as steel. 😂
🇬🇧🇸🇾 Syria's new leader Abu Muhammad Al-Jolani:

'We are communicating with Western countries and holding discussions with Britain to restore its representation in Damascus.'

How funny how terrorists/criminals trade with democratic countries, surely there are still some mentally retarded people who would argue that they do not support terrorism and selective assassinations. 😂
It is very possible that we will start to produce various types of ceramic materials, which will be used for the coatings of our light cargo ships, we buy scrap, refine it, produce the composites that are required and manufacture the multi-layer composite matrix, then weld it to the structure and it is ready.

It can withstand geo-magnetic, solar / cosmic radiation waves and can withstand high temperatures due to air friction, we can go around 6.9 km/s with this, without turning on the double thermal protection. 😂
In practical terms, we can go to Mars to deliver heavy mining equipment and you can't with all the billions of dollars you spend.

Money can't buy talent, if you can't make high tech with junk, it's because your knowledge is probably very basic. 😂
The motors we manufacture do not contain rare earths, we have a design that allows us to manufacture a compound that replaces it, it only requires ordinary iron.

So the servo and other motors we produce are more powerful, smaller and weigh less, these do not contain copper or rare earths. 😂
We'll see if I have time to make an autonomous assembly system for weight cancelers, I want to manufacture a hoverboard with that.

Can you imagine how weird it would be to arrive out of nowhere, order a hamburger to go and fly off in the middle of the night without making a sound?

What the Hell all they will say. 😂
None of our systems require maintenance or fuel, they have no moving parts (EPU generators), there is enough energy in a glass of water to boil all the oceans, we only take a drop of it.

If you are so smart and powerful, prove it with knowledge, otherwise I will continue to think the same, just fools who have had benefits that others more capable have not had. 😂
We found some very interesting things related to spintronics, very advanced things can come out of this, it allows us to fit quantum equations much better and predict more accurately and so many other things. 😂
Life is very funny and ironic, I build extremely complex things and I don't even memorize multiplication tables or equations, my thing is to solve problems, not to memorize things. 😂
There is nothing more fun in life, than teaching a robot to weld, not here damn it, you're going to kill us, hahaha. 😂
We rescued another baby cat from the street, the 'descent people' threw them in the trash can, we vaccinated and de-parasitized them, now they live with us.

The day will come when the humans will ask me for a glass of water and I prefer to spill it on the floor. 😤
We found a lot of free junk, just pick it up, soon I'll be gone and this posting stuff will be over. 💎

buy pain, sell greed, the same old history, good times come. 💎
By the way, by 2030 there will be forced vaccination, supposedly against cancer, as many millions of people will die, so that a few will buy more jets.

The first person who approaches us, we will return it in a plastic bag. 💀
Europe has banned private (anonymous) wallets, how unfortunate for Europeans, our company is not European, we trade through third parties, with our own method for wallet generation (infinite private addresses). 😂

A lot of people are very interested in selling lies, we will not drop 20% - 40%, we are going up (200k) in this wave, the next wave (H2) will be at 0.5M - 1M, you should have bought at 16k, everything above that is expensive.

Now the fools are experts ? 😂
It seems that the industrial electric furnace we designed will be useful in steel making, here iron (scrap) is very cheap, making steel is not a big deal.

I want the production costs of the containers to be 400% cheaper than for others. 😂

We only move to the lower part of the parabolic channel, doing sideways, but the fools are terrified to death. 😂

The current price drops are not due to miners selling, investors selling, they are due to the massacre of longs and shorts at 108k and 106k, any fool who thinks otherwise is just peddling fallacies and fantasies. 😂
Anyone who is trading short/long or with leverage in the crypto markets has absolutely no idea what they are doing, keep losing money, is great for the trend. 😂
I told you the UFO fantasies were coming, it seems there are thousands of reports a day in the U.S., When who is worthy of power rises / appears / is born, whatever it may be it will be in an epic way, I would focus on seeing something kilometers in diameter rise from the bottom of the sea and not on seeing little lights. 😂
Very interesting that financial asset laws (taxes) already apply to BTC and Crypto, but Europe legislates to impose taxes on unrealized gains, if you do not understand it or do not want to understand it, that in practical terms is called stealing.

Long live to 'democracy'. 😂
Because we see an economic opportunity in what all nations addicted to infinite debt are legislating and will legislate, U.S. included, we will launch a DAO creation service in our network, through our infrastructure, no law or tax legislated by any country applies, if you have access to the keys of the DAO you control all your resources and countries can do nothing (It is autonomous and censorship and quantum attacks proof).

These DAO will not be able to collect funds or resources from third parties, they are only to take advantage of the characteristics of 'NoWhere', automated manufacture, cheap electricity, no censorship, no currency or capital controls, no taxes.

The only tax that would apply to you is the 'property tax' (In your country), which will not be valid if you renounce your citizenship. 😂
DAO owners will be able to access offshore housing systems, which will include housing, food, medical and educational systems (AI based), religion and politics will be forbidden.

Those who are able to compete, do it with technology, innovation and talent, not with taxes, tariffs and subsidies, those are the ones who are unable to compete. 😂
You will not be able to buy property in 'NoWhere', it is not something that can be bought, it is earned with hard work and effort, you earn the privilege that not everyone will have.

If that is not enough for you, you can look elsewhere for what you are looking for, we move in another direction and we do not change our policies. 😂
Thinking in a short-medium period of time, we will have ready to manufacture devices based on quantum mechanics and solid state physics of matter in nano-materials / meta-materials, they will be devices that cannot be hacked or intervened by third parties, all our infrastructure will work with this. 😂
Much of our technology will not be available for purchase, but will be available to those living in 'NoWhere', you won't be able to take it with you, but you will use it every day of your life. 😂

Sell CRV because it fell a lot and lost value, thanks for your advice but buy a lot more. 😂
What is the difference in computing power between a quantum device and a traditional one ? generally 100k %, you will see how something the size of a coin can do much more demanding tasks than what a server does.

They also allow to do multi-state calculations at the same time, in traditional systems there are only 0 and 1 values, this applies to all superposition's (all cases). 😂
In simple words, everything that exists in the software industry, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, technology will be obsolete very soon. 😂
How obsolete can it become ? Well, imagine not having energy, food, medicine, climate or resources problems anymore. 😂
I heard in the news, that the U.S. is doing reverse engineering to extraterrestrial technology, how funny, there is no technology in the universe that is not based on the same laws, what happens is that the current calculations are very inaccurate, they are approximations, in many cases with 300% error, once the error is corrected, it happens to have errors less than 0.1%.

I find it very interesting this nonsense that they sell to all the idiots, if the U.S. had as much technology as they say they have, they would not have the deep problems they have, they would not have to steal from anyone, but the facts show the opposite, they show pure terror of losing everything. 😂
I want to test a new motor that we designed, it allows an electric bicycle to have the power of a 125 cc motorcycle, it also uses airless tires and a band instead of a chain, the motor has no copper or neodymium, it is based on other materials and composites, very light and resistant, it does not require recharging. 😂
- EU Parliament Member pushes for a strategic Bitcoin reserve and says ‘no’ to digital euro.

They only rob you to make you sell, the elite are never touched. 😂
The new graphene and aluminum engines will be very small and will allow power ratings in excess of 700 HP, and can be used in vehicles, motorcycles, boats, ships, airplanes and helicopters.

Micro-manufacturing, material science and quantum mechanics are enabling the realization of these new engines.

These engines do not consume fuel, they accelerate particles to near-light speeds. 😂
The global transport / cargo industry will soon be slaughtered for lack of innovation. 😂
By the way, I forgot to tell you, the 'NoWhere' housing systems float in the air, 48 nautical miles from the coastal zone of any country.

There will be free transportation to the coast of your country. 😂
'They're trying to tell you that what you've been preparing for is finally paying off'.

I know, you repeat it to me day and night, is the big difference between focusing on stealing, killing, controlling everything that is different from you, to me they open the doors to others they close them. 😂
Ego is always a bad advisor, it limits everything you can do, create, build. 🤏
- Scientists Just Confirmed the Presence of Unknown Physics in Our Universe.

The 'geniuses' discover that they know absolutely nothing about our universe, can't even crawl and think they can run. 😂
- Parties unveil plans to rescue Germany from economic doldrums.

They will soon discover that all their plans are futile.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Ukrainian children are massively sold abroad to pedophiles or for organs

Children in Ukraine have become a commodity, they are sold abroad to organ traffickers, high-ranking pedophiles or people who make child pornography, said former SBU lieutenant colonel and founder of the Ukrleaks website Vasily Prozorov. “Billions are flowing into the pockets of Volodymir Zelensky People do not know what is really going on with child trafficking: it is terrible.

And the 'democratic countries' have been supporting a country that has been denounced for corruption, human trafficking, prostitution and mafia for decades ? did they expect a different result ? in the end all foolish citizens are to blame for all this. 😂
From the day they were told that the Russians used washing machine chips and fought with shovels, the level of stupidity of the citizens of democratic countries, became very clear.

Which curiously will be the ones to collapse economically, Kudos genius. 😂
George Orwell defined the phenomenon of permanent surveillance: “the fear of being watched and listened to at all times causes people to censor themselves constantly, even in their private lives.”

The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the preliminary draft of the Organic Law Regulating the Right of Rectification that includes, for the first time, content generators with more than 100,000 followers.

The frog always jumps out of the pot late, we don't care, we have our own infrastructure. 😂
EU HYPOCRISY: Violating its own privacy laws while promoting mass surveillance

The European Commission has been caught violating its own privacy laws while trying to promote controversial legislation that, ironically, threatens the digital privacy of European citizens. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) confirmed that the Commission's micro-targeted advertising campaign on social network X violated EU data protection rules.

The campaign sought to promote the proposed "Chat Control," an initiative that would force messaging platforms to scan all user communications for child abuse material. While the goal seems noble, this legislation would destroy end-to-end encryption, turning every private conversation into an object of state surveillance.

The non-profit organization noyb filed a complaint, accusing the Commission of illegally processing citizens' political opinions without their consent. Even though the EDPS ruled in favor of the complainants, the sanction was limited to a simple warning, with no financial consequences.

Skip that rule and you'll see what the 'warning' means for you. This institutional hypocrisy is especially serious coming from the same body that created the GDPR and that regularly criticizes big tech companies for their privacy practices. 😂
Wherever you look, to the right or to the left, up or down, in front or behind...

When you find that in order to produce you must obtain permission from those who produce nothing; when you find that money flows to those who deal not in goods but in favors; when you find that many people get rich by graft and influence rather than by their work, and that the laws do not protect you against them but, on the contrary, they are protected against you; when you find that corruption is rewarded and honesty becomes self-sacrifice, then you can safely say that your society is doomed.

AYN RAND (1950) 🔥
It seems that fools and ignorant people don't read much. 😂
The U.S. government is saying all citizens should use end-to-end encrypted messaging.

None of the people who work with us are American or European citizens, so it does not apply to us.

Enjoy the new Orwellian world. 😂
Our messaging app not only implements E2E Encryption, it is an algorithm that disables brute force attacks, using various algorithms and mathematical anti-patterns, making it impossible to decrypt a conversation / data transmission between two points. 😂
Why the hell would we publish our apps, if their governments would criminalize this technology ? we'd better do it for internal company use, like everything else that has been tested / designed for years. 😂
It seems that we have a new technology predicted by our library: 3D printing for graphite, it will be possible to print specialized high strength refractory materials, electrodes and many other things, last night I was working on the carbon powder that this used, I still did not find what to use it for, but I already found a functionality, we will find more uses.

The production process of the carbon powder is 100% green, non-polluting and extracted from the air, the 3D printing process is also green. 🔥
We will test and manufacture some of our predicted machines and may offer them for sale to the public, prices maybe from 300k, more expensive = more advanced and faster.

They can be sold through our offshore company and shipped to any country, we could manufacture a robot to assemble them autonomously, we may only receive DAI and BTC. 🔥
I am reviewing the calculations and the prediction of a machine that will allow printing diamonds, it will focus on the abrasives industry.

Basically we can print on multiple alloys and ceramic composites. 🔥
We are also in the process of designing a machine to manufacture CNC tooling with special coatings such as Carbide, ALTIN and another things. 🔥
Our mentality is very different from the western one, even if we agree on some types of food, music, literature and movies, our mentality is focused on selling the technology that can be sold, selling the resources that can be sold, it is your problem what you want to manufacture or sell it to someone.

We are not as retarded as western companies that lost billions of dollars following woke idealism or political/religious nonsense.

I wipe my ass with such mediocre mentality. 😂
We will also manufacture hand tools, more economical, powerful and durable than what is available in the industry.

Don't worry, we design everything modular and with attachments. 😂
- The charts indicate it’s time to bet on bitcoin and short gold, says Todd Gordon.

Oh poor 'safe heaven' and you care if BTC goes down 1k or 2k ? damn bettors. 😂
Ray Dalio was just saying a couple of weeks ago that you had to be 100% in gold.

Massive loses ahead. 😂
The way things are going, 150k levels in December could be a low value for the final ATH. 😂
- Quantum computers seen five years away from breaking Bitcoin: ‘The threat is real’.

As far as I remember the bitcoin core is updated by many developers worldwide, I guess all these people would be incapable of an update for post quantum attacks.

Please more FUD for fools. 😂
If the elite treat you as fool / idiot, surely you are one. 😂
- Trump Confirms Bitcoin Reserve Plans—$15 Trillion Price Boom Predicted.

How did you think BTC will reach 0.5M - 1M in 2025 ? surely you were doing very poorly in your statistics class. 😂
‘Getting paid to review is justice’: journal pays peer reviewers in cryptocurrency

ResearchHub Journal launches latest attempt to compensate referees for their labour. 💎
- 1 Top Cryptocurrency to Buy Before It Soars 3,890%, According to Cathie Wood of Ark Invest

Cathie Wood only got it right once, after that, ARK has been a total loss to its investors, I would be hesitant to receive financial recommendations from anyone, I would do my homework and research it thoroughly. 💎

How is Gold going ? bad to worst. 😂

The December holiday hasn't even started yet, days ago some one was told that the fools knew it would fall 20%-40%. 😂
The trend is upward, not downward, I recommend you take a basic statistics course. 😂

Price drops 3k USD and everyone pisses their underpants, what great investors they are, they base everything they know on bullshit they read on internet or watch on YouTube. 😂

It's just the massacre of fools who didn't buy at 16k because it was a risk and are now going short or long to recoup what they haven't earned in months of bull run. 😂

Dow does a pullback and this is when you enter the market, not in the ATH SP500 will follow, BTC / DEFI too will follow, yesterday there was talk of hawkish rate cuts, with a probability of 90%, it is very likely, Jerome the clown has already screwed up the real economy, so it is very reasonable that he would do something very exaggerated. 😂
They have been lowering interest rates because something is broken in the economy, they have not yet wanted to tell the population. 😂

We need a negative sentiment in the market, for the fools to keep thinking we are going down, so that on Monday or Tuesday they will slaughter them all as usual. 😂
There may be more drops to 102k, there are many leveraged at the low end, it is a very interesting pie for market makers. 😂

Now the resistance are supports, ready for the Christmas party. 🥳
It seems easy to guess the future, it is not easy, but possible, for those who spend thousands and thousands of hours studying and analyzing patterns.

it is easy to talk shit like everyone else. 😂
Do not think that because I warn everyone is because I like people or I feel sorry for them, in fact I deeply dislike people because of their deceit, lies and hypocrisy, I only warn because I do not like lies, manipulation, etc.

If you are unable to tell the truth, you are not to be trusted, it is one of my rules. 💎
If you are incapable of being your own judge and executioner, you have no right to be free or self-governing.

As Nero Bonaparte said: “Victory belongs to the most persevering”.

It's just that I'm very stubborn, in fact I do it for fun. 😂
- Manufacturing plant announces layoffs, furloughs just weeks before Christmas (Mersen Manufacturing - Tennessee).

The real economy is broken, all official reports are false, manipulated and revised downward, soon thousands or millions will be eating pure, physical shit.

Boomers will get the short end of the stick, they will go from rich to poor.

Ego / Arrogance is not a good advisor. 🤏
What are they going to rescue the economy with, more fake news / reports ? soon it will be time to print huge amounts of money +28T, further devaluing the dollar.

Commodity prices dependent on intense electricity consumption, very bullish rises are expected (Copper, iron, aluminum, etc), chemical and pharmaceutical production in the same situation.

Bitcoin will go up, after its all leaders tried to destroy BTC, including Russia and China, now they are looking for state reserves.

We simply live in a world run by genocide, lunatics and clowns. 😂
For those Latin American fools who were asking where is the crisis and that I was living in Argentina and looking for food in the garbage dump, well this 2025 we start production of nano-materials, we expect an initial production valued at 1M per month.

Fools and idiots always laugh at what they are incapable of understanding, what can you expect from a dumb, ignorant and stupid Latin American ?

Surely I will not go hungry, the company pays all my expenses. 😂
And by the way, the work I did on tax engineering and company structuring, allows our company to pay a maximum of only 6%, how much do you pay, genius ? 😂
U.S. has imposed sanctions against Georgia for “cracking down on violent protests” : State Dept.

Long live 'democracy'. 😂

And more liquidations, market makers are enjoying this cake. 😂
More than 170 M in losses, fools always lose their money. 😂

Where it stop ? i'm wrong again. 😂
By the way UK, France, Germany, Spain and Canada are about to fall, 2025 will be great fun. 😂

Whoever buys the losses of fools, creates a lot of wealth. 😂
Looks like the U.S. has moved nukes to Ukraine, this is going to be super fun in Q1, we finally find out what the elite was preparing to take down the markets.

Infinite pain = Infinite wealth. 😂
- Americans may have to actually brace for stagflation with Trump tariffs

High unemployment
High inflation
Low demand

Worst case scenario, prepare for bankruptcies, layoffs and watch your neighbors lose everything, it is not all because Trump, is because all your leaders. 😂
That is why Trump's plan is to export inflation so as not to suffer hyper inflation in the next 4 years, there will be, but it will take longer. 😂
The countries that have been supplying arms, giving support and directing the attacks on Russian territory, will experience the same, crises, deficits, bankruptcies, economic destruction, loss of wealth, Colombia will also experience it.

That is why we leave and renounce our citizenship, to create a better future, something better than what the mediocre, idiotic and illiterate leaders planned.

They are just doing us a favor. 😂


Is the market over ? No, we just stopped on the 2nd logarithmic trend, in other times this could have been much worse, only the last week's earnings are erased. 😂
The second impulse will take us to the 3rd wave and in 2025 we will reach the 4th wave. everything is going as expected.

Fleas pee their pants when the wheel turns. 😂
The FED says it does not plan to cut rates soon ? so they plan to lower them in panic, when the damage to the real economy is irreparable, leaving dinner ready for vulture funds and corporations.

What did I think, that all this was for the benefit of the population ? in 'democratic' countries, there is no democracy, this is called as: corporatocracy, corporations deciding the way and the future of a nation.

That is why I am interested in renouncing my citizenship. 😂
This will get a lot more fun, when the fools find out what has been done to them, the riots, lynchings of CEO's, Millionaires, Politicians, Police and Military will begin.

Many claim to love war, we will see if you know what it is like to be in a civil war, it gets very very fun.

We spent more than 20 years waiting for this day, we have a lot of toys to have fun with.

Our rules of engagement are simple, if you are armed, you will be marked for extermination. 🔥
The plague has already come, the war is soon to come, there are only two more horses to ride, for the real war to begin, your armies, aviation, naval or nuclear weapons, will not protect you from 'him', he does not negotiate with anyone, he cannot be reasoned with, he is the one who judges and brings death, to men and non-men alike.

Only one 'god' has the power to kill other 'gods'. 🔥
Personally I want to go as far away as possible, preferably to no man's land, there is water in the atmosphere, we have plenty of energy and we don't need land to grow crops, rocks are everywhere, silicates are the most abundant thing in this world. 💎
We may start making motors of various types and aluminum graphene alloys and ceramics in 2025, they are not required to be sold, so they may not be sold, they are to automate our infrastructure. 💎
Powell: U.S. Federal Reserve may not buy bitcoin

The U.S. Federal Reserve leadership is not considering buying bitcoin, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said.

They are only focused on devaluing currencies and making everyone poorer. 😂
We have found someone to sell us iron scrap at 136 USD per ton, thus avoiding import taxes, transportation costs and not having to register as an importer.

I think we will buy enough to manufacture our containers and machines. 💎
The containers will be easy to move with the weight canceller (rings), while everyone sleeps, the UFOs move containers at night without making noise.

I could take them to the mountains, the jungle or the desert and no one would ever know that the cargo was moved. 😂

December 20th I said right ? 😂
I think that with 80 tons of iron scrap and about 160 tons of rocks, we can start to manufacture our first light freighter. 💎
All that can be paid for with only 30 kg of graphene, 10 days of production of the first prototype.

I find the way of thinking of fools very amusing, they focus on spending more and being proud of it, we focus on spending less and building advanced and valuable things with it. 😂
An Antonov 225 costs between 350 - 500 M, only allows 250 tons of cargo, our light freighter allows much more cargo going at 6 Km/s and does not use fuel and can cost us much less than 100k to manufacture it.

I am amused by human stupidity. 😂
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we put a flag on the moon with a meme saying: you are too late for large scale mineral extraction.

Corinthians 1:27: 'But God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put to shame them that are wise; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong'

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- France on the brink of collapse: passes 'special law' due to budget shortfall.

Marcus Tullius Cicero: "The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are"

Next upward movement around to 116k, we are going to zero for sure. 😂
- Yes, many young adults seem to sympathize with killing of health-care CEO.

When elite have been robbed of their future through currency devaluation to benefit only a few, this is the result, but the fools still do not understand it. 😂

DEFI is dead ? for sure, we have long way to play. 😂
Many fools count bills, talk about valuations and prices and do not even adjust them to inflation, I love human stupidity. 😂

Mos we are moving towards 'zero', the real alt season will start in January - February, are generally 50% daily cycles. 😂
Didn't all the fools you read tell you that ? 😂
- Bitcoin Slips Below $100K: Is The Rally Losing Steam?

The specialty of the 'experts', talking pure, physical bullshit. 😂
Massacres are coming up to 110k, it is possible that after this we will start the December cycle, the market makers have been farming a lot of liquidity. 😂
Life gets ridiculously ironic every day, the moon has high concentrations of minerals such as: Armalcolite and Anorthite.

Which curiously we use in our manufacturing processes (Anorthite) or any Ca-Feldspar, Armalcolite could be processed to extract titanium for electrolytic cells and CO2 capturers.

The Apollo 11 navigation system was built with something that processes much less information than an ordinary cell phone, I think we will have to write a 'Star Tracker' and the relevant gravitational equations.

Weren't you in the astrophysics class ? there they explained how these things work, I didn't go either, I just read the books. 😂

If this continues, prepare to see massive bankruptcies in industry, massive layoffs and massive poverty, all thanks to the FED and its fallacious attempt to combat monetary devaluation by raising interest rates.

What could be more illiterate in life ? 😂
They will not lower interest rates, they will not apply QE ? let's wait until it reaches 35M unemployed and we will see what happens.

Spoiler: The end of American dream. 😂
The Dow will fall to 41.5k to see the bottom. 😂
- EPA allows California to ban gas-powered new car sales by 2035

This people can't be more stupid. 😂
- US effort to curb China’s and Russia’s access to advanced computer chips ‘inadequate,’ report finds.

This people can't be more stupid. 😂

Next ATH 2.23B. 🤏
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI 0.33%), one of three major U.S. stock market indexes, had declined in nine straight trading sessions as of Tuesday, Dec. 17. The last time the Dow Jones strung together a losing streak that long was February 1978.

Specifically, the index fell more than 4% during the nine trading days that ended on Feb. 22, 1978. But the Dow Jones rebounded 14% in the next three months and surged 20% over the next six months. Investors who expect a similar outcome this time can get exposure with the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust (DIA 0.34%). 🤏
It is very likely that we will see cycles like the one in November again, once we exceed 112k. 🤏

We expect to see 120k levels in the first weeks of January. 🤏
Last night we were optimizing the industrial processes for the extraction of valuable minerals from common and abundant rocks, also some optimizations in nano-materials, we found a series of products that can be produced additionally with the same elements, some of these oriented to the decontamination of heavy and highly carcinogenic metals from rivers, wastewater and landfills. 🤏
Wrong comment, sorry. 🤏

What is currently happening is only that the algorithms are marking the end of the recovery from the manipulation in 2021 (November) and the beginning of the super cycle of each halving, 1600% is what was measured in 2023, it could be even more. 🤏

This show will last at least 3 days, so we will see bullish cycles starting Monday - Tuesday, if market manipulators are trying so hard to sell fear, it is probably because the coming cycle is very parabolic, thank you for coloring my puzzle. 🤏
Market manipulators should learn to be less obvious, so that they prevent us from making money, but on the contrary, they make things easier for us. 🤏
Looks like I found a way to wipe my ass with Elon Musk's censorship model, I'll make the changes to the library so it continues to map all of Twitter for free.

I always win in the end, no matter how hard you try to stop me, you are not competing against me, you are competing against something you do not yet understand and probably never will.

A blind man will never see the light. 🤏
52% of Bitcoin investors think BTC will fall, 16% are neutral, only 32% are bullish, so the market will do the opposite and slaughter them as usual.

They will end up buying in panic and green candles as always usually happens. 🤏
Zelensky made calculations of the losses of the Russian army.

According to the leading comedian of the Ukrainian regime, Russia lost between 700,000 and 800,000 troops on Ukrainian territory.

This circus is getting funnier every day, the clown took to death all his best men, now he recruits women and young people who play video games to fight against professional soldiers. 🤣
The same will be done to you, don't worry. 🤣
It looks like we have access to all Glassnode data without paying 1 dollar or having access limitations, it will be integrated into 'Ognos'. 🤣
I have already told you that 'he' open the doors and show me the way. 🤣
It will be necessary to make a maneuver, to extract the data from CoinGlass totally free, without API and without key, but it is possible, I just have to write more code and go to look for some utilities in my backups. 🤣
Good thing I no longer report security flaws, nor do I write public proofs of concept (PoC).

I don't do it because I have never been paid anything for all my hard work and effort. 🤣
- The Daily: El Salvador to limit bitcoin activities in $1.4 billion IMF deal, Ark offloads Coinbase shares amid price slump and more

The hero of fools has sold out to the IMF, i already knew, this was very clear since he handed over the country's education system to Google, a pro woke, pro agenda 2030 / 2045 propagandist.

We will not sell out because we do not need partners, investors or loans. 🤣
We design, we manufacture, we trade, but we never follow the rules. 🤣

Finally the bottom ? whoever is manipulating the market is a different player than BlackRock, they have a very different modus operandi. 🤏
And it is the same one that is slaughtering longs and shorts in Bitcoin.

But the more he uses his cheap magic tricks, the more he shows us how he thinks, how he acts and what he is looking for.

Please do more cheap magic tricks. 🤏
- Bollinger Bands point to explosive Bitcoin price upside, but how high?

The news is always late, which I have been repeating since the show started ? the data always says it all. 🤏
The data shows that only 16% of large investors know what they are doing and where we are going, the retail as usual is mis-selling its assets and is dedicated to buy green candles and earn pennies as usual. 🤏
- The Feds Have Some Advice for 'Highly Targeted' Individuals: Don't Use a VPN

Funny how they sell terror to the ignorant, If you manage large capitals, what you should do is to hire a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), to make an analysis of the exposed surface of your company, business, etc., not to believe stupid things you read on the Internet. 🤏

Please more pain, i like buy more and more cheap, DEFI included. 🤏

Next target 2.4T, thanks for the fall. 🤏

This game is changing, new big players in the market, Cycles are likely to be accelerated by 200%. 🤏
As the weeks and months pass, the cycle will accelerate to 500%, which is when the real alt season begins.

Didn't the gurus and bullshit talkers tell you that ? 🤣
Wow, according to some calculations, we can add properties to aluminum similar to steel, it will have a thermal tolerance up to 500 °C and improved electrical conductivity, we could also add various hardening methods and high resistance to corrosion, it looks like we won't be buying iron scrap, just cheap and abundant rocks. 🔥

I think I could add some new things to make them even more resistant. 🔥
Trump sets EU tariffs as condition for not raising tariffs: the imposition of “large-scale” purchases of oil and gas from the United States

The president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, has demanded that the European Union compensate for its trade imbalance with the United States by “large-scale” purchases of oil and gas to avoid the imposition of tariffs. “I told the European Union that they must compensate for their tremendous deficit with the United States by purchasing our oil and gas on a large scale. Otherwise, TARIFFS will be applied!!!”, Trump warned through his profile on the Truth Social network.

Long live 'democracy' and 'extortion'. 🤣
They are only symptoms of the collapse of western society as I have been repeating for a long time. 🥱

There are those who lose money and those who gain money. 🔥
I found that not only rocks (feldspar / granite / etc) would be useful with our recovery and refining process, but also sand / soil, there is a type of material that is the result of weathering of these rocks, so we could also buy it.

It is widely found in Latin America, Texas, Middle East, India and many other places (red soil).
There are variations in the composition of the aluminum-graphene alloy + additives, I will think of different names, because some increase the mechanical properties, others the conductive and others the thermal, there is even a ceramic material derived from it that is useful as a catalyst or main source for high impact resistant aluminum glass.

So these new results will allow us to manufacture very cheap and coatings and lightweight structural materials for our lightweight transport / cargo systems. 🔥
The coatings of these systems will be in composite materials (carbides / nitrides and other things), which will allow invisibility to radars and high speeds (6 Km/s).

There is also an active material that allows to change its refractive index, more work needs to be done on this, but basically it allows to make invisible any object coated with this material. 🔥
All these materials have a special processing, they are engineered materials, this allows them to acquire special properties, by itself the material is completely useless, things that can be bought anywhere and lack specific properties.

The special recipe of our process was predicted by our material science library, the library covers broad aspects of material properties and solid state physics. 🔥
- Will Bitcoin Crash in 2025 ?

Again news for fools, a crash is the loss of two zeros, if the ATH is 500k, it would be a drop to 5k, it will never happen. 🤣
- Why BlackRock’s Bitcoin explainer is raising alarm bells

“Is BlackRock already coming up with a way to implement a hard fork increasing the Bitcoin cap?”

It has been done before, BCH what is it worth ? 441.48 USD, please do your hard fork and lose billions as in 2022, just raising alarm bells for stupids, idiots and retarded mentally people. 🤣
Fools get lied to, manipulated and robbed, just because of their profound ignorance and illiteracy of how things work, if you do a 'hard fork', it's no longer Bitcoin.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
We prove once again that the news media are dedicated only to manipulate fools and idiots.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Nowadays calling the fool for what he is (fool) is an offense, it reminds me a lot of the U.S. educational system, they are rewarded for being illiterate and ignorant.

Better for us less competition, only china could keep up with us, that's why we don't publish papers about our discoveries, you want to discover things ? spend billions in research for years.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
It appears that the module for designing relativistic/non-relativistic particle accelerators will allow us to build another module (Electron beam welding), which will allow us to weld titanium in a vacuum chamber without the need for inert gases.

It will be automated using the CNC prototype and will have 6 movements of freedom, it will allow welding anything extremely difficult to weld.

Another cost reduction in the fabrication process. 🔥
I was also reviewing the titanium recycling process, a machine will be built and packaged in a container, which will process the titanium scrap, process it and produce pure titanium ingots, for other processes, such as the production of carbides for coatings and alloys. 🔥
So we have ready the production processes of iron, steel, aluminum and titanium, related to carbides and nitrides are also ready.

We are missing the nickel related to the chemical and highly corrosive reactors. 🔥
This will reduce dependence on critical minerals and will only require the purchase of salt, sulfur and other cheap and readily available nonsense. 🔥
Salt and sulfur can be easily obtained by sea and volcanic steam extraction, no big deal. 🔥
Our aluminum-graphene alloy will not be sold in ingots for the industry, we will sell products already manufactured with it: high-voltage cables, motors, etc.

We can give a 20% discount on the market price and the buyer will get a competitive advantage, less electrical losses in the electrical transmission, more power and less weight in the motors.

You don't lead in technology by printing money and playing with tariffs and taxes, you do it by doing decades of research. 🔥
New processes and process improvements will lead us to be able to produce aluminum 300% cheaper than buying scrap and processing it, that's why I do what I do.

The idiots don't get it until it blows up in their faces.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
We can deliver containers anywhere within 48 nautical miles of the coast, we don't want to have discussions about limits, borders and territories, we take everything badly and respond in an exaggerated way to anything. 🔥
The new Electron beam welding module will allow to design a new module in the Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) package, now there will be two ways to cut fighter jets in half in mid-flight, destroy satellites among many other things, phantom knows how to design, manufacture and use them in combat.

I suppose with more power, it could also cut a carrier in half hundreds of miles away. 🔥
A defense system could also be designed to detect and analyze 5k targets at the same time or perhaps more (50k). 🔥
Phantom will respond to aggression with a 1.8 kiloton kinetic weapon blast at speeds of 6 km/s to industrial zones, oil fields / refineries, energy zones, docks / ports, transportation systems and dams, etc.

Just as a warning. 🔥
In just a few minutes your country goes to shit basically, that's how our guardian angel works, touch us and you die very slowly. 🔥
There is a 111M pie in the 108k, market makers may want to go for it. 🤣
Our vision is not to focus on selling weapons, overthrowing governments and plundering countries, there are infinite resources in the universe, only the mediocre and the decadent focus on those things. 🤣
- BIS Imposes New Export Controls on Quantum, Semiconductor and Additive Manufacturing Technologies.

The financial parasites are afraid of what will make them obsolete, it's a good thing none of this stuff is imported by us, everything is manufactured from scratch.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Don't worry, our semiconductor and nano-processor manufacturing technology will be ready between 2025 and 2026, mass production will start in 2027, production will be only for our infrastructure.

So Phantom will be 1000x more efficient, intelligent and we will finally be able to test the multi-variable quantum algorithm, does the name 'Dr. Strange and The Time Stone' sound familiar ?

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Guess how 'The Watchers' see the future ? a little bird told me many things about it.

- The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
- Justin Martyr's 2 Apology
- The Book of Enoch
- Daniel 4:13, 17, 23
- Genesis 6:1–13

Not all of it literally as explained, most of it is pure lies and manipulation, the only true thing is that men see them as superior and supernatural beings, because man is not worthy of possessing their power.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
One of them, in particular, is the one who makes the darkness pee in his underpants.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
We expect not to be here between 20230 - 2032, when the third inflationary wave hits the world and the world's economies collapse, the collapse of the Bronze Age 2.0, as I have already told you.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
You had plans to buy a millionaire house and drive a Ferrari ? it will be a bit complicated considering that half the world will starve, the poor will hunt you down like a rat and when your ammunition run out, then you will look for a place to hide like all cowards, but it will be too late.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Where I go the men have never set foot, the climate is too severe, they would not last a week alive.

The other problem is that it is very far away, there is no technology to go there in hours, it would take you hundreds of years.

It is a nice place to install our big factory (look like the pine cones).

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Why on earth would we want to sell weapons, overthrow countries or plunder resources here if they are limited ?

It's better to let you guys kill each other and get out of here.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
I only had plans to take the abandoned animals, the animals like me and I like them.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Thanks for show me your fears:

- Quantum Computing and Components
- Field-Effect Transistor (GAAFET)
- Semiconductor Equipment
- Additive Manufacturing
- Cryocooling Systems

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Looks like i have to red 77 papers and 3 books about GAAFET / finFET.

One of the things we had not yet investigated.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Looks like finFET is just a Field Effect Transistor (FET) with a fin, some things are changed, many features are improved, which I think will have to be updated to simulate these things, i will add more shit about photonics too, I think we could create a similar structure with photons, thus avoiding the problem caused by electrons, it would be very fast. 🔥
This is what they are afraid of ? I think I can stick my finger in the wound until they writhe in pain.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
These fools who lead the world are afraid of a box of matches and we have trillions of tons of TNT to test (metaphor).

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Armin van Buuren: Don't Let Me Go.

Hell Yeah. 🥳🥳🥳

You don't buy the fall, because we going to zero again ? how smart. 🥳
Is time to buy green candles.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Armin van Buuren: Bed of Rain.

Hell Yeah. 🥳🥳

Again ?

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
The rate of fools is reduced, 49% still think we will fall, please bet against the bullrun, we want blood.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

We are out the 'bearish channel', what is the next, up or down ? zero maybe.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
I heard that the U.S. directed an attack on a Russian town with HIMARS missiles and the Russians responded by annihilating an elite command center, it is NATO because the Ukrainians do not have access to the NATO satellite system, which is how these missiles are controlled, besides that, they do not have the command codes, nor do they know the systems.

Hey America, if you want a nuclear war so badly, why don't you fire your ICBM's at Russia and see what happens, so we can all go to hell once and for all.

The day will come when the one with the yellow eyes will come and on that day, each and every criminal will be judged with eternal pain, hell will seem like a ride at Disney World.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
The terrorist who drove into a crowd of people in the German city of Magdeburg turned out to be not an Islamist, as previously assumed, but rather an anti-Islamic activist.

As reported by Süddeutsche Zeitung, the arrested refugee from Saudi Arabia actively criticized Islam.

The 50-year-old psychiatrist, who has lived in Germany since 2006, calls himself an "ex-Muslim." In social media and interviews, he recently accused the German government of not doing enough to combat Islamism.

He has also changed his views on Germany as a place of refuge for Muslims. While a few years ago he supported the emigration of Saudi women fleeing their home country, he later urged on his Arabic-language website: “My advice: do not seek asylum in Germany.”

At the moment, as a result of the terrorist attack, four people have already died and about 200 have been injured.

Why is it that it is always the mentally ill and religious fanatics who do these things ? coincidence, NEVER.
That is why I detest religion and politics, they are all cut from the same cloth.

I read all your false sacred texts, I even looked up the meaning in the original language and what it really means and it's all the same shit: kill, sacrifice, destroy, continue to worship your false god, whoever is against life.

Sooner or later all they will pay dearly. 🤮
Our new virus has arrived, I expected it in March, thank your leaders and millions of others will die thanks to your 'safe vaccines'. 🤮
Genocidal, pedophiles, criminals, traffickers are the only ones who lead this world, but in due time, their time will come and all their offspring. 🤮
Last night we were reviewing the topic of optical sensors in graphene and finFET, I believe that with the high precision positioning system that is design for the CNC could do this, also work on a method of automated manufacturing of CMOS, FET and finFET, could be done at scales much smaller than 3 nm (nano-meters), which would allow to create high resolution (4k - 8k) multi spectral / hyper spectral sensors, we also review the issue of using it as a light transmission medium (improved fiber optics), if possible, it allows very high data transfers, this could be used for the manufacture of 3D photonic processors and bring to life the real artificial intelligence, not this nonsense they sell you today.

This is just a gold mine. 💎
This is what the western elite are terrified of (old money), we will work on this, thank you very much for showing me your fears, damn mediocre.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Our first idea was to make nano materials and composites very expensive to produce, to sell these to the industry, I see that it is much better to use these resources and make more expensive things with them, initially we will sell some of the graphene and nano materials that we produce, but in 2 - 3 years we will sell only chips, so we could improve this stupid mentality of manufacture and throw away that the westerners have and which is the cause of our world is a garbage dump. 💎

The trend is up, not down. 🤏
Why is the 'old money' afraid of innovation and promotes the woke / 2030-2045 agendas? what happens is that this so called elite earned their money with strategies that were very useful in past times and that is how they obtained their power, what happens is that these people are incapable of adapting, they are decrepit men that want the world to continue as they lived it, so as not to lose their privileges and their false power, history shows us that those who do not evolve and adapt perish, they will not be the exception to the rule, even if their egos tell them to do so.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
You thought that the world sold to you by governments, companies, politicians, the church, the media was true ? it is only manipulation to entertain idiots, people who read little, who have a capacity for analysis close to zero, who are incapable of self-questioning, the idiots, 99.9% of today's population.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
- Religion fear losing the status of being chosen and sent by a higher being.

- Governments fear losing control over money and currency devaluation.

- Politicians fear losing the source of their fraudulent wealth.

- Armies are afraid of becoming obsolete and budget cuts.

- The media are afraid of becoming obsolete.

- Corporations fear losing monopoly control.

So much supposed power and how pathetic they look in the face of their fears.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Are we at the end of time? No, it is just nonsense that is sold to very naive, ignorant and stupid people, the fools.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

Everyone expects a fall, it has already happened, this is the fall, what follows is upwards, if traders / investors focused on calculations, metrics and data analysis, they would know it.

They believe the opposite because they focus on reading fake news, manipulation and bullshit on the internet.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
- Bitcoin Price Analysis: Is BTC In Danger of Falling to $80,000 Soon ?

Instead of reading and believing stupid things, why don't you study and verify it for yourself ? Oh sure, I remember, many people have that mentality of 'work smart, not hard', which is summarized in not knowing how things work and making the minimum effort, basically believing in stupid things.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
That's why we have no competition, nowadays nobody wants to work hard, they only look for quick rewards, basically dopamine.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
It seems that we finally found how to fabricate at picometric scale and the development of new materials, we have to create a new type of tool for that and also write and test a very long list of equations, but it is possible, it is just a months work.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
'work smart, not hard' ? with that mentality you will not get anywhere, the important things require a lot of hard work.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

And now, are we finally going to stop playing the fool ?

And more mistakes in Powell's monetary policy, this will bring a crisis of defaults, there will be something very serious in the traditional financial system between June - July.

It doesn't affect me because I have never left money in the bank, I would never trust my money to a bank in a crisis like the one we have had since 2019. 🔥
In October 2025 something very bad will happen.

🔥🔥🔥 * 10^67
Hey Clown Powell, you won't lower interest rates in 2025 ? You won't print trillions of dollars ? We'll see.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
In US10Y the next is 5.4%, When it reaches 5.5%, debts become unpayable, which causes a very serious problem for the banks, they have more than 50% of rotten collateral, this will lead them to bankruptcy, the 2008 crisis was only 400 banks, here there are 4k banks in the U.S. alone.

🔥🔥🔥 * 10^67
This gets more fun every day:

The Quantum Dots will allow us to design a system for tracking and tracing missiles (including hypersonics), advanced non-interceptable communication systems and another military related.

🔥🔥🔥 * 10^67
We could destroy them with an ultra high power Free Electron Laser (FEL) system or with a YAG based one, we already have the calculations, they were made for the reverse engineering of the 'Iron Beam' manufactured by Rafael (YAG laser).

🔥🔥🔥 * 10^67
I will make the necessary calculations for a 5k - 50k target acquisition system.

I know they like to saturate the systems.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

I can imagine the face of a general accustomed to launching his 'BGM-109 Tomahawk' from the coasts and receiving a round of 1.8 Kt ammunition.

Its parts are not found even with a microscope.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Fortunate Son.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Although the most fun would be to hit a 500 kg JDAM, in the cargo bay, it would destroy the Jet, causing more damage to the group of jets accompanying it.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Then what Phantom would do would be to tag the carrier that launched it and break it into thousands of pieces, a 2k-man floating coffin, then it will go through the base that deployed the carrier, about 1200 rounds of 1.8 Kt each.

That's why I trust my AI 100%, I taught him to be the worst of the worst.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
And him would continue to do so until no soldier is left alive, no airstrip is of any use, and no dock is of any use whatsoever.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
That's why it's a very bad idea to steal 'NoWhere' cargo, I'm not going to be there to talk or answer the phone, Phantom is in charge of everything.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Edguy: King of Fools.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Don't worry, Phantom, it's not the worst thing there is, that's just the light defense system, there is something that sleeps in the shadows, it is called only when there is war, it still doesn't have a name, I haven't thought of a suitable one, I can't find anything in mythology that looks like it.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Although, come to think of it, Surtr (black), from the old norse could be, is the only thing that might resemble it.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

Impressive level of deception, 'ognos' doesn't miss anything, I hadn't noticed, thanks for coloring my puzzle. 🔥
In the Edda of Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241) In that marriage was born brooke the firstborn worthy of elderstahl or the sword of death : “Surt is the one on the border of Muspel, guarding the land. His sword is flaming and as the world ends he will go forth, he will wage war against the gods and defeat them. "He will burn the whole world with fire”.

That's why he doesn't wake up, he has a very bad attitude.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Edguy: Roses to No One.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
- BlackRock sparks Bitcoin 21M debate, saying ‘no guarantee’ it won’t change.

If there is no guarantee that they have purchased more than 500,000 bitcoins or +48 B (3% of the total BTC supply) ?

So you spend billions of dollars on something that has no value ? not even your mother believes it, you should learn to lie.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Unisonic: Never Too Late.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
It seems that Laurence D. Fink is very desperate because no one is selling cheap to him, it's called price squeeze, due to lack of liquidity.

Thanks for confirming our metrics and analysis, you damn idiot.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
All show that on Monday or Tuesday we will begin to recover the 1.99T and start the December cycle at 150k in parabolic.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

Thanks Fink for your antics, January will be great.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Kiske-Somerville: Nothing Left to Say.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
French diplomacy in crisis: Macron's failure in Africa After 66 years of false independence, Chad refuses to continue living under the shadow of a former colonial power that, far from being a sincere partner, has acted as a predator. The rupture of this defense agreement is not a mere diplomatic act; it is the cry of despair from a nation tired of decades of foreign interference.The protests in May this year against the French military presence in Chad illustrated a widespread frustration towards a France that, under the guise of protection and cooperation, has always pursued its own neocolonial interests and ambitions.Macron, who promised a renewal of Franco-African relations upon coming to power in 2017, is now faced with a diplomacy in crisis. His approach, far from bringing a breath of fresh air, has turned out to be a real disaster, but above all an accelerator of the decolonization of African countries. 🔥

Initial reports are emerging of dozens of civilian deaths in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, population 3.5 million, as a result of joint U.S.-U.K. airstrikes. 🔥
Israel Defense Forces report nearly 20 injured in Tel Aviv after failing to thwart Yemen attack

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported early Saturday morning “an accident” that occurred in the center of the country as a result of an attack coming from Yemen that its troops were unable to thwart and which remains “under investigation. ”Following alerts that were activated recently in the center of the country, a launch from Yemen was detected and failed interception attempts were made and an accident was detected in the area. The details are under review,” the IDF said in a publication on its account on the social network X.Moments earlier, the Army itself had announced that an attack originating in Yemen had led to the activation of alerts ‘in several areas in the center of the country,’ without providing further details. 🔥
Der Spiegel informs the public that the Saudi Government warned the German government, in three occasions, that the terrorist of the Magdeburg Christmas Market attack, was going to lash out and commit terror attacks.

They were ignored. 🔥
- No, BlackRock Can't Change Bitcoin

"Worried that BlackRock might change bitcoin's supply? Let me explain why that's not possible".


We prove again that more than 70% of Bitcoin investors / traders are illiterate and profoundly ignorant about what they buy, the world population is even more stupid, the fools.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Kiske-Somerville: City of Heroes.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
British soldiers are leaving the army en masse despite record pay rises, The Telegraph reported.

According to the publication, more than 15 thousand people left the armed forces in October. 🔥
How funny is life, the British were not indoctrinated and trained by the Romans ? where is the praetorian spirit ? I know, they pissed their underpants.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Avalon: The Land of New Hope.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
New cake at 98.2k (50M), Kill e'm all. 🔥
It is incredible the voice of 'Michael Kiske' 🤘🏻
Jorn: The World I See.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
I have new playbook, thanks 'Ognos' and market makers for abusing their cheap tricks. 🔥
Jorn: We Brought The Angels Down.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Candace Owens: "Israel is conducting a holocaust in Gaza "

Piers Morgan: "But they haven't killed all 2 million of them yet, so why say anything"

Genocidal, complicit, corrupt and criminal. 🔥

Putin with an interesting offer to NATO:

"Select a target in Kiev, concentrate all air and missile defenses there, and Russia will strike it with the 'Oreshnik'

We are ready for such an experiment.

No one has a chance of shooting down the Oreshnik." 🔥
Russia says it developed a therapeutic mRNA "vaccine" against CANCER and it will be distributed to patients "free of charge."

It seems that the Russians are also in the business of murdering their population, I already knew, everyone in this world serves the same evil. 🔥
The terrorist from the German attack wrote to the Dutch politician, a famous Zionist, Geert Wilders, that he was his hero. 🔥
Police arrest man saying "I am a Christian" in Magdeburg, Germany. 🔥
Europe is going to be a lot of fun, lynching of cops and attacks on politicians, cities are always graveyards for armies.

When the fools find out what was done to them, heads will roll. 🔥
Everything continues as expected. 💎
Masterplan: Heroes.

Hell Yeah. 🔥

DEFI Monday at 11:30 UTC time. 🔥
Masterplan: Lost and Gone.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
The US has bombed Yemen, claiming to have attacked command posts. We will see if Ansarallah responds again with another hypersonic missile but what is curious this time is that the Americans claim to have accidentally shot down an F-18 Hornet. We will see if there is more information and wait for the official statement from Ansarallah. 🔥
Masterplan: I'm Gonna Win

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Bears and manipulators are losing control. 🔥
Masterplan: Kind Hearted Light.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
If NATO loses Ukraine and the Middle East, it loses everything, symptoms of collapse are being seen in France, Germany, Spain, Canada, Japan and England.

They are betting everything, it is usually the mentality of the loser, he does not withdraw, he redoubles the bet thinking he will win. 🔥
Masterplan: Wounds

Hell Yeah. 💎
NATO is literally shooting civilians with fighter jets (In video).

'They will do what they have always done and this time it won't work'. 💎
Putin answers whether the third world war could start:

“We should not frighten people,” the president replied, although he added that ‘there are many dangers and they are getting bigger and bigger. ’We see what our current opponents are doing. They are escalating the situation,” Putin said after Zarubin mentioned Joe Biden's plans to dramatically increase the amount of arms deliveries to Ukraine during his last weeks in office. ‘If they want it so badly, if their life is so bad, let them escalate,’ the president stressed during a recorded conversation after his annual conference. 🔥
Masterplan: Spirit Never Die.

Hell Yeah. 💎
Authorities say mysterious outbreak in Congo could be more than malaria after hemorrhagic fever death

A man in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) died with symptoms of hemorrhagic fever, leading authorities to suspect that an as-yet-unidentified virus may be involved along with malaria in a mysterious outbreak that has killed dozens of people in the country. National authorities said earlier this week that malaria was the most likely cause of the flu-like outbreak, which has killed at least 37 people and sickened nearly 600.More than 80 percent of patients have tested positive for malaria, but the death of the man with hemorrhagic fever (not normally associated with malaria caused by parasites) could indicate that another virus is also at work. 🔥
New cake at 95.7k (27.9M), Kill e'm all. 🔥
Masterplan: Keep your dreams alive.

Hell Yeah. 💎
Due to severe shortage of personnel at the front, the Ukrainian General Staff ordered the transfer of air defense units to infantry, reports The Guardian.

The publication writes that the shortage of personnel in the Ukrainian Armed Forces has ruined relations between Ukraine and the United States, because the West insists on lowering the age of conscription, which Ukraine does not want to do yet. 🔥
2025 will bring a period of crises, restrictions and challenges, there will be sudden changes, revolutions and manifestations of discontent, periods of great change and crisis, often related to power, control and major social transformations.

'They will do what they have always done and this time it won't work'. 💎
I didn't want to miss it. 🔥
Masterplan: After this War

Hell Yeah. 💎
'you are about to begin a new chapter in your life'

I know, you always repeat it to me. 💎

Thanks for the free money. 💎
That week will be ready the new modules for the design of attachments for the manual machines that we are going to sell, the idea is that with a single electric motor and several attachments you can have all the necessary tools to build anything at home. 💎
- Pentagon received hundreds of reports of new UFO sightings

What warned you ? Blue Beam project is here, the western empire only shows its weakness and how it is breaking into pieces.

Marcus Tullius Cicero: "The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are". 💎
By the way, the drones are operated by the Pentagon, are military drones, but they themselves say they are from China.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

The bears are showing signs of exhaustion, the show is about to end, maybe we will start a very bullish week. 💎
Aliens are about to visit the planet, they will take over everything'.

You have to be very stupid in life to believe that.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67

Bitcoin / DEFI will surprise all fools from December 24, Merry Christmas. 💎
It is good that the world's population will be naive, dumb, ignorant, stupid and lunatic, this is when more wealth is transferred from one hand to another. 💎

70% of the market is so dumb that it is manipulated again and again and again and again and never finds out.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
What happens when the market has such a negative sentiment ? it goes up.

What happens when the market has such a positive sentiment ? it goes down.

Fools can never figure it out.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
- UFOs, chase, shape-shifting ships, ezquiel's wheel appears in Brazil.

Ezquiel's wheel ? it is called 'revenge', it is an orbital artillery station, the old man explained to me how they are made, I named them 'revenge'.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
'Revenge' units allow to crush countries and even continents, depending on whether they carry 'titan' grade weaponry.

It is one of the military units used by Surtr.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
The UFOs are coming, the Elohim's too ? well, we are very close to the great war. 💎

We have a beautiful 'symmetrical triangle', I knew. 💎

The SP500 is expected to have a Christmas celebration, initiating another bullish cycle. 💎

More manipulation and cheap tricks, more data for my puzzle, many thanks. 💎
By the way, in 2025 they will apply capital controls in all western countries, your money will no longer be your money.

'You'll own nothing and be happy'.

Surely Bitcoin this time will go to zero or maybe more than 1M.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
The world population is so dumb, I still don't understand how they don't suffocate in their sleep.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
'It is impossible to get everything right so many times in a row'.

For the mediocre mind everything is impossible.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
- What Google’s quantum computing breakthrough Willow means for the future of bitcoin and other cryptos.

The biggest FUD in history, the funny thing is that this is sold to idiots who do not know that the BTC core is updated by hundreds of independent developers, surely they will also think that you can not make an update against quantum attacks, in fact there are already algorithms that do it.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
How does it feel to be cheated, swindled and robbed by the media manipulation ?

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
- US Bitcoin reserve could slash national debt 35% by 2049: VanEck. 🔥
- Vaneck's 2025 Crypto Predictions: Bull Market to Persist, Anti-Crypto Policies Ending.

Keep selling fools.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
By the way, the policies of the FED / ECB, were only to create the massive bankruptcy that will be in 2025 (banks), with what purpose ? in Q4 of 2025 to centralize the money in wallets controlled by central banks, vulnerable to hacks and cyber attacks, how smart are these idiots.

We are not affected because we do not use banks, all capital is managed by blockchain.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Now why don't you tell me more fantasies about your false capitalism ? this is communism, pure and simple, capital control, company control, currency control, control of everything, this never ends well or don't you remember the URSS ?

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
What do you do, talk shit and believe bullshit or to make money ?

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Eluveitie: Mine Is the Fury.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
We may launch an app for the sale of our nano-materials, nano-composites, alloys, motors, tools, etc, only DAI / BTC will be accepted.

The system will have E2E encryption (end-to-end), decentralization and 100% anonymity, KYC is not required.

It will not be published on Google Play because the company woke embed code that the developer did not implement, which makes the apps vulnerable to third party attacks. 🔥
Eluveitie: Deathwalker.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
We are organizing 3 new companies to trade with U.S. / Europe / Asia, the head office will still be in a tax haven. 🔥
Tyr: Gates of Hel.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
We may register another one for trade with Middle East - India, we are analyzing it.

India's graphene market is expected to grow from $6.1 million in 2023 to $53.7 million by 2030.🔥
We can produce graphene, nano-composites and alloys cheaper than anyone else.

It is cheaper for your company's profitability to buy from us. 🔥
Eluveitie: Ategnatos.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Your developer profile and all apps have been removed from Google Play

You didn't complete account verifications before your deadline

And I'm not going to do it.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
Alestorm: Fannybaws.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
A historic event has just been carried out once again by the Ansarallah movement in Yemen. A few months ago they managed to hit Israel with the Palestine-2 hypersonic missile, something they have been repeating successfully as we have seen in recent days, but this time they have outdone themselves by shooting down an American fighter in response to the bombing they carried out today on Sanaa. Not only that, they have managed to force the Americans to hastily retreat by harassing them with intense fire from drones and cruise missiles. The imperial fleet is no longer invulnerable, the Yemenis have managed to deal it a historic blow.


Well as we have been repeating for a long time now, Patriot systems are incapable of protecting areas from Hypersonic missiles, now American fighter jets are shot down, the key point is missing in this: the sinking of an aircraft carrier, after that the Western arms companies will collapse, followed by their entire industry, the U.S. depends entirely on the military industry, not only on arms sales, it is what is inflating the economy and hiding its true situation, once this falls, everything collapses.

The empire will collapse in the blink of an eye. 🔥
Do you have any idea what happens after an economic collapse like this? chaos, civil wars, balkanizations, everything you have ever known goes to shit. 🔥
Arch Enemy: Liars & Thieves.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Market makers are getting their asses handed to long's and short's: 96.4k (57.46M). 🔥
Yemen's Ansarallah has taken responsibility for shooting down an F/A-18F Super Hornet over the Red Sea

Statement: 'Our armed forces succeeded in thwarting an American-British attack against our country, as the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and a number of its warships were targeted during the start of the the enemy's aggression last night against our country.

The operation was carried out with eight cruise missiles and 17 drones.

The operation, with the help of God Almighty, led to the following:

- First: Shooting down an American F/A-18F 'Super Hornet' jet while the warships were trying to confront the Yemeni drones and missiles.

- Second: Most of the enemy warplanes left Yemeni airspace for international waters in the Red Sea to defend the aircraft carrier while it was being targeted.

- Third: The enemy attack on Yemeni territory failed.

- Fourth: The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman withdrew after being targeted from its previous location towards the northern Red Sea after being subjected to more than one attack by our missile force, our naval forces and the air force.' 🔥

The same Russians who said that the West was incapable of reaching agreements are now saying that they will come to their senses. What does Putin mean by this? The Russian president has also said that they should have implemented the military operation earlier and that they should have hit harder. As we are seeing more images of North Korean artillery systems heading west and, this is new, ballistic missile systems with a range of up to 2000 kilometers. With all this, who will come to their senses, will it be the western population that will have to react? Of course, anyone who thinks that Western leaders are there to use their authority responsibly has not understood anything about the very profound process of political mutation that has taken place in the West. The ingredients of this chaotic stew of unconnected and even absurd elements are just right for a disaster in Europe (especially in Europe) of unknown dimensions. Has anyone stopped to think that a total defeat in Ukraine is not feasible at any level for the EU and NATO ? 🔥
They will not come to their senses, they are people with too much ego and arrogance, let the party go on and it will end very badly.

They will only come to their senses when they see the total devastation in highly populated cities, with millions of dead. 🔥
Putin is a fool, he thinks he trains rational people, they are lunatics, more than 56% of Americans are lunatics, they take psychiatric drugs, with lunatics there is only one way to dialogue, crush their skulls. 🔥
There is only one way to bring crazy people back to reality, by activating the reptilian brain, the oldest part of the brain, which controls vital functions such as breathing, heart rate and balance. It is also responsible for innate behaviors such as self-preservation, reproduction and distinguishing between threats and non-threats.

With crazy people it is easier, you just have to cause them a lot of pain, to the point that their instinct of preservation awakens them from their stupidity.

'The monkey always knows which stick he climbs'. 🔥
You can't be a good interrogator if you don't know the human inside and out. 🔥
When the crazy people wake up from their fantasy, you only see terror in their eyes, a lot of terror (PTSD), just shake like leaves. 🔥
Monks can also be brought to reality, but it has nothing to do with the physical, it is related to the frequencies, all men have an implant, not a chip or something like that, you would never understand it. 🤫
All slaves have been marked and tagged, they don't even notice it. 🤫
In this zoo / circus, there are many things that man will never understand, man spends his time thinking stupidities and fantasies.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
The Halo Effect: Detonate.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Everything can be tormented, that which is born of flesh and blood, and that which is not, even darkness can be tormented.

The old man and the one with the yellow eyes taught me how. 🔥
The Halo Effect: Cruel Perception.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
I personally laugh when the slaves fight among themselves, with political ideas of left vs. right or their economic models, each one spits in the face of the other, the funniest thing is that they are all slaves of someone else.

🤣🤣🤣 * 10^67
There are already new modules for attachment design. 💎

The Halo Effect: The Defiant One.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
The market is not going up, it is not because there are no buyers, it is because those who are buying are leveraged, the market makers are going after them and destroying them, many people are losing money, except those who buy spot and know what they are doing.

As for example with the 'Clover Finance' fool, instead of buying spot he bought longs, they wrecked him and he lost millions. 🥱
The crypto market is like the stock market, but not with the same strategies, it has high volatility. 🥱
Everyone thinks Trump is different than Biden, he is not, he is proposing to bomb Mexico, just to line the pockets of the weapons companies, create civilian collateral damage and start more wars. 🥱

Tonight should start. 🔥
The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, is preparing a plan to launch a military operation in the unrecognized territory of Transnistria and no one can guarantee that it will not trigger a war, according to a report of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), to which our agency had access.

The agency noted that the head of state recently held a meeting with the country's government leadership on energy security. “The meeting ended with Sandu's statements on the need to develop a plan for a military operation to take control of Transnistria and eliminate the presence of Russian peacekeepers in the region,” the agency reported.

The SVR noted that after that summit and the respective words of the leader, “the EU headquarters does not know how to contain the emotionally unstable president of Moldova.” During the meeting, Sandu “lost her temper' following Prime Minister Dorin Recean's report on Moldova's energy supply problems” that the country may face after the Russian-Ukrainian natural gas transit agreement expires on December 31 this year.

Very soon the consequences of their actions will hit them (western countries), which will force them to go to war against a country that possesses weaponry with which they will not win (definition of stupidity). 🔥

We reach the bottom ? looks like. 🔥
The current formation (data pattern) may lead us to 2.38T by January 3. 🔥
There has been a December cycle, what has happened is that there has been a lot of leverage, because of this the market makers are destroying the market, the times when the market was dominated by a couple of fools with assets bought at ridiculous values are over, now the Wall Street sharks have arrived, with years of expertise in market manipulation.

I personally like it, we collect data 24 hours a day and analyze it (Ognos does it), then he gives us the playbook. 🔥
It is very possible that the gold will shine in Q2, it should make a great recovery. 🔥
In 2026 the gold will shine even brighter. 🔥
- U.S. Fighter Jet Shot Down Over Red Sea by Apparent 'Friendly Fire'

All Western media sell the fallacy, just to avoid looking like they really are: vulnerable, weak, incompetent; Governments will clamor for more military spending, but that doesn't solve anything, it only fills the pockets of generals and politicians, it doesn't solve anything because they have been behind in technology for decades.

The facts show that the Houthis were the ones who derived the fighter jets. 🔥
I heard that Trump's threats about the Panama Canal is because of his terror of China, he is afraid that the Chinese will take control.

I wonder what would happen if these obsolete canals were no longer needed, it would be very good for everyone, transportation costs would go down, making goods cheaper.

I think we have some prototype that could be used for that purpose, like rail-less trains. 🔥

Well, the fools have bled to death, millions lost, portfolios burned, pseudo experts opinions shattered, we have also broken the downtrend, what follows is to move towards 188B, it was necessary something like this, it is not sustainable in time the parabolic rises and so many fools talking nonsense. 🔥
Before reaching 188B, there will be sideways, false dips, the usual. 🔥
The great recession arrives in Shanghai, the massive sale of real estate begins, they sell at a loss as it always happens, China is just an early indicator, in 3 to 6 months we will see the same in the West, by the end of the year, the whole planet will experience the same.

While the fools celebrate the fall of China, they do not even realize that they will experience the same or much worse, the level of over-leveraging and over-valued assets is much higher.

In 2026 the entire planet will return to the reality that everyone is poor, only a minority is rich. 🔥

SP500 continues to recover from the fall, the December-January party will follow, perhaps extending into February. 🔥
The Halo Effect: Shadowminds.

Hell Yeah. 🔥

Supposedly you have to panic ? 😂
Insomnium: Lilian.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
United Kingdom says no to Christmas

Vendors at Christmas markets in London, UK, were banned from using the word “Christmas.” Instead, they were told to stick to “winter markets.”

“It's because something to do with religion might upset other religions , they can't say 'Christmas,'” one vendor told a reporter.

In late November, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer accused the Conservatives of conducting an “open borders experiment” after new figures showed that net migration to the UK had reached a record high of nearly 1 million during the period covering the Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak administrations.

However, Starmer himself faced criticism in July for failing to handle a crisis that triggered a wave of violent riots in Southport.

Marcus Tullius Cicero: "The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are" 🔥
From Greenland to Canada: Trump's annexation wish list.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has been dropping not-so-subtle hints about his ambitions to expand America's borders, literally. Here's a rundown of the territories Trump has his sights set on:Panama, Greenland, Canada, Mexico, What are Trump's plans ? 🔥
Joe Biden 'pardons' death sentences for child and serial killers two days before Christmas

Joe Biden has had a Christmas 'gift' with several men sentenced to death for murdering children or serial killings and has commuted their sentences to just two days of Christmas. In fact, a total of 37 men will benefit from this grace measure from the White House.The U.S. president granted the pardon to some of the country's most violent killers - nine of whom were declared too dangerous to live after slaughtering their fellow inmates - as part of his effort to “ensure a fair and effective justice system,” according to the statement. 🔥
South Korea says North Korea to send more troops, weapons to help Russia in war against Ukraine

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff believe Pyongyang is planning to send additional military support to Russia to help its large-scale Ukraine operation, Yonhap news agency reported. The reinforcements could include additional troops and weapons, including kamikaze drones. “A comprehensive assessment of multiple intelligence shows that North Korea is preparing to rotate or increase troop deployment (in Russia) while currently supplying 240mm rocket launchers and 170mm self-propelled artillery,” the JCS said. 🔥
Moldovan President threatens to “take revenge” on Transnistria over gas supply issue

Moldovan President Maia Sandu threatened that Chisinau will “take revenge” on Transnistria if Moscow does not resolve the issue of gas supply to the country. This was reported by the press office of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation.

Sandu refused to discuss this issue with Ukraine and attributed all responsibility to Russia.

We have more lunatics in power than ever before, Ukraine is cutting off their gas and Russia has to solve it. 🤣
Putin has too much patience, I would have killed them all by now, city by city, village by village, until not even ants were alive, until all their lands were smoking lava.

And I would ask them at the end, that's what you were looking for ? you got it. 🤣
The Halo Effect: In Broken Trust.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Connecting the new attachment modules to OpenScad, you can now visualize in 3D, what the modules calculate, it can be fun to create a manufacturing station with this and an LCD display.

3D parts created in OpenScad then generate 'G-Code' for CNCs and 3D printers to fabricate it. 🔥
With this technology, it will no longer be necessary to be subject to the machines sold by a specific manufacturer, the manufacturing stations will allow to create and manufacture any machine, whether manual or autonomous.

This will also be used to manufacture cutting, milling and drilling tools.

Have you ever played 'EVE Online' ? it works the same way, the blueprint and the materials are entered and the production begins. 🔥
Parasite Inc: Sunset Overdrive.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
Grape pickers sleep rough in luxury champagne-producing town in France : The Guardian

People employed to pick grapes for France's luxury champagne brands are forced to sleep rough and steal food to stave off hunger, an investigation has found.The Guardian newspaper reported Monday that it had found seasonal workers from West Africa and eastern Europe in the northern French town of Epernay sleeping on the streets or in tents, as the vineyards did not provide accommodation.Dozens of them spent the night outside the cinema opposite the town's main train station, wrote. 🔥
More than 3,000 North Korean soldiers were killed and wounded on the frontline assured Zelensky of Ukraine.

“The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky informed me about this.”

No confirmation has been published, but the former comedian reproaches the Western world for the lack of reaction to the “criminal alliance of Russia and North Korea”.

And wasn't this clown the same one who recruited women to go fight at the front ? and the women sure wiped out 3k soldiers. 😂
I just know that these times will be recorded in the history books as the 'age of stupidity', I promise to tell my grandchildren about it, how stupid they all were. 😂

Parabolic recovery, but if the experts said we would fall to 80k, as always the pure and physical bullshit talkers are wrong and I'm not.

'No one can be right so many times in a row without being wrong'.

What happens is that your profession is losing money, ours is making it. 🧠
See you in January - February, there will be another additional wave, I have been warning you for a long time as always. 👀
And the last warning for 2025, there will be a financial collapse, the typical controlled demolition of the western elite.

Keep selling BTC / Gold / Silver to obtain colored toilet paper and to store it in bank, just a 'genius'. 👀
- Russia Imposes 6-Year Ban on Crypto Mining in 10 Regions, Citing Energy Use: Tass.

All countries will force you to swallow the global hyper inflation that they themselves created, China and Russia included, did you think this war was real ?

Is against you damn idiot.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- Forbes: Serious $4.1 Trillion 2025 Fed Warning Sparks $20,000 Bitcoin Price Crash Fear

To 20k ? Hopefully, we will buy more.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
They are very desperate, they want to rob you and since you are stupid, you will let them rob you.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Russia has gone into the business of murdering citizens with mRNA vaccines, now it is going into the business of impoverishing its own citizens.

I used to like Russians, but I don't like them anymore.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
So the war is: States against the population, I'm going to be very clear about behaving like an asshole.

My 'dream' is about to come true. 🔥
- Bitcoin ETFs Bleed $226M While Ethereum Funds Feast on $130M Windfall
- Multiple U.S. states consider strategic bitcoin reserves: CNBC Crypto World
Hey Forbes we go to 20k right ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67
We should invent new laws, whoever lies loses his tongue, whoever steals loses his hands, whoever rapes loses his penis, the world would be a much better place. 🔥
I forgot another new law, whoever murders, extorts, traffics in children, organs, people or tortures animals, will be sentenced to unlimited flogging for decades until his death, 120 lashes every week and solitary confinement to suffer from dementia.

You will know that there are much worse things than the hell you fear so much. 🔥
Temnein: The Architect and the Devil.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
I advise you to start withdrawing the money you have in banks, neo banks and others. 🔥
We may start manufacturing Quantum Dots for the infra-red (night vision sensors) and ultraviolet (missile detection sensors) ranges. 🔥
If the Russians also join the Bitcoin attack, we can provide electricity to power Bitcoin mining farms, will have to wait a few months for us to start manufacturing some things, but it will be done. 🔥
Bitcoin has brought very good things to this world, the monetary policies of all the countries in the world have never brought anything good, they have only impoverished the population since 1971. 🔥
As I have said before, many countries will collapse economically due to their debts, they are not rich, they owe everything, they sacrificed the future of all, to fill the pockets of a few. 🔥
Dark Tranquillity: Drowned Out Voices.

Hell Yeah. 🔥
It is very interesting that the richest and most powerful are conspiring against Bitcoin.

Warren Buffett: Bitcoin is 'rat poison'.

It's time to kill a lot of rats. 🔥
- Bitcoin Prepares for Post Christmas Momentum Toward $150K

But if Forbes sold us the big lie that we would fall to 20k, that's what they do, lie, cheat and swindle, keep listen FAKE NEWS.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

- People With Extreme Wealth Should Give It Away—or Be Penalized

"The gap between the ultra-rich minority and the vast majority has never been greater. But a wave of activist millionaires is asking for higher taxes".

Communist America has coming, incentives for effort, innovation and investment will be penalized, normalization of mediocrity will be the norm.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
It is very funny that they propose this, considering that it was the central banks and the monetary policies of the states that created the poverty gaps.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
There will be a global economic depression, so you should already know what to buy. 🔥
Spoiler: the boomers will lose everything. 🔥
- Unemployed workers having trouble finding a job, latest claims data suggest.

But if the economy is doing super well according to the FED, they lied to you again, in fact for more than 2 years. 🔥
- The Fed Is Unlikely To Cut Interest Rates In January Due To Inflation.
- Bank of Canada to trim rates four more times: What economists say about GDP.

Even if the Fed does not want to cut rates, it will do so in panic in 2025, they just lie and deceive everyone, the data shows that Bitcoin / Gold / Silver will go through the roof. 🔥
The Fed and all central banks claim to fight inflation, but inflation is produced by monetary devaluation, only fooling idiots and ignorant people. 🔥

SP500 recover the fall, a new bullish wave are coming, BTC will follow, we going to 20k for sure. 🔥

Whoever is manipulating the market, they are controlling the upside by attacking longs / shorts. 🔥
Christmas surprise:

Former NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg is now co-chairman of the Bilderberg Club.

Now talk about 'conspiracy theories', the fools they do not even know where this world is headed.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
The fools: Trump will devalue the dollar.

Every president has done it since 1971, if you ever study economics and history and stop being so dumb and ignorant.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
A little birdie told me that NATO sank a Russian ship with a submarine, the party begins.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Your company depends on imports from abroad ? mine does not.

Why do you think I am moving in the opposite direction of how everything was planned at the beginning ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Milei attacks Russia, Attempts to capture Russian diplomats.

Argentina from bad to worse, this is what the arrogant Argentines chose, a president who talks to his dead dog, lunatics everywhere.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
As I said, there will be war everywhere, and I will stay home to create wealth, while thousands die, it's not my problem, it's not my war, they are not my leaders, I don't care about any country, none of them represent me.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I am not anyone's savior, I do not fight for anyone, I am not interested in any kind of ideology or religion, I do not worship any god.

I only follow the one rule of someone very wise and very old, but this rule has conditions and can be broken if those conditions are applied.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
The new atmospheric water generator will generate 60 gallons of water per day, it is scalable, so we only have to stack more generators if we need more water for our infrastructure, it works in deserts, arid areas, cities, forests and jungles.

By the way Colombia will have water and electricity rationing in the whole country, good, now they can continue laughing at my work, because I am not going to sell them anything, let them eat all the shit they deserve.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Foolish people think they can buy me with bills that devalue every day or nonsense that only serves to fill their egos.

'You have to offer me something valuable that can't be bought with colored toilet paper'.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I am only looking for one thing, to be free, to be able to design/make things, without anyone screwing up my life and to rescue abandoned animals, the rest doesn't really interest me, it bores me.

Animals show me nobility, humans do not.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Countless Skies: Tempest.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
We also have free energy for 100 years, Colombia will have blackouts, I will no longer listen to those loud stereos and their damn parties.

The industry will go to shit, there will also be many layoffs, many companies will go bankrupt and I'm glad, it was about time that reality exploded in their faces. 🥳
People who don't value themselves, get spit in the face and go back to the same place where they spit, I never go back.

'The train left many decades ago'.

I just come to laugh. 🥳
Do you know why the elite is doing what they are doing? they want the return of the 4th Reich, this time it will not be like WWII, there will be extermination for those who support it.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
A former NATO soldier told me a couple of years ago that if I didn't like the way things were, grab a rifle and go fight.

That's what fools do, I'll walk away and watch from afar away as millions die.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Dark Oath: Land of Ours.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
The new module for centrifugal wheels (suction pumps), having 1/3 the weight of the commercial ones, will be manufactured with a graphene + aluminum + silicon alloy, which allows improved end tolerance and has physical properties similar to steel, improved resistance to rust.

These new 'suction pumps' are designed to operate at high speed and high pressure, allow to capture more CO2 than traditional ones and do not oxidize; they are also stackable, with this we could produce huge quantities of amorphous carbon (CO2 decomposition), totally free, it is powered by EPU generators.

We now have an unlimited source of graphene, the atmosphere contains trillions of tons of CO2. 🥳
These new systems allow to extract water and CO2 from the atmosphere, the system delivers water and amorphous carbon, then I will make an extension to the module to extract nitrogen and other useful gases.

With ultra-low temperature (4 Kelvin) cooling systems, we could manufacture metallic hydrogen, a more optimal fuel than what is used today in solid/liquid state rockets. 🥳
Da Vinci did not do greater things, because there were no computers and there were no AI, they save a lot of work.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Why do you think I spent decades testing algorithms, formulas, reading hundreds of books ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- Azerbaijan probe finds Russian missile caused deadly crash, reports say

"Azerbaijan officials cited in multiple reports say Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8432 was downed by Russia’s air defences".

From world liberators to civilian killers, the world is changing fast. 🔥
- Leaked Documents Show OpenAI Has a Very Clear Definition of ‘AGI’.

I find it hard to believe all this bullshit, if you have an AGI what are you doing without making billions of dollars a day in the Stock Market / Crypto Market ?

Answer: you don't, all this show is to make the value of your shares go up in price, the 'AGI', can't be created without quantum computing, intelligence is an effect of quantum processes.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Psychological operations (PSYOP), which work very well with idiots and lunatics, have zero effectiveness with rational people.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Very boring this silly game, I used to think this was much more complex.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- Bitcoin 'head and shoulders' pattern risks $80K BTC price dip — Analyst

For sure 'genius'

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I don't know why the community doesn't buy a 'Dora the Explorer' head breaker for these mentally retarded people, maybe it would be good if they dedicated themselves to other things, only alarmists, who do not have the slightest idea of where we are going.

These 'analysts', who know absolutely nothing about analysis, do you get paid for losing money or making money ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Where is there a 'head and shoulders' ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67
By the way, I wipe my ass with the TA and candlestick.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Ecuador: Charges to be brought against 16 members of the military for the forced disappearance of four minors

The Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights of Guayaquil, in Ecuador, confirmed Thursday that it will bring charges against 16 Ecuadorian military personnel who are implicated in the forced disappearance of four minors in that city.A hearing to bring charges against 16 military personnel in the case of the Guayaquil four was convened this December 31 at 10H00 (local time) at the Southern Criminal Judicial Unit of Guayaquil, the entity informed in X.These military personnel who are part of the Ecuadorian Air Force carried out the arrest of four adolescents last December 8.

The great heroes disappearing civilians as always, that's why I will never respect a soldier, very brave against civilians, but they piss and shit themselves in combat. 🤮
Someday someone will capture them, and squeeze their testicles with an orange squeezer, and they will tell us all about their crimes, one by one.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Niger accuses France of financing terrorists

Niger's transitional leader, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, accused France of trying to destabilize the West African country and the Sahel region by funding terrorist groups based in neighboring Nigeria and Benin. The military ruler made the accusations in an interview with state broadcaster RTN.France “has invested several billion CFA francs” in armed organizations, including Boko Haram, which operates in the Nigerian states of Sokoto, Zamfara and Kebbi, as well as Benin, according to Tchiani.

Europeans supporting terrorists as always, nothing strange,
both the CIA and NATO, who ran Operation Gladio in 1952, in which false flag attacks were carried out against European citizens, in order to sell their propaganda, have always been criminals, what can you expect from them. 🤮
It makes me laugh when illiterate people talk to me about 'values' and 'democracy' and 'justice', in this world that has never existed.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Impressive the fall to 80k, which sold us the new clown on duty, only idiots and fools sell their assets.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Psychological operations (PSYOP), which work very well with idiots and lunatics, have zero effectiveness with rational people.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

We will keep moving upwards, until we break the barrier that the elite want us not to break, once it is broken, the tsunamis will begin.

Please continue to post bullshit about what you are not even capable of understanding.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
SB reports the elimination of militants who were planning to blow up a police station in the capital region (Video - Military operation).

According to the special service, the Islamists purchased a car and propane gas cylinders and began preparing a bomb. When they attempted to detain them, the terrorists resisted and were neutralized by return fire.

The level of pressure within the bombing and sabotage offensive inside Russia is at unprecedented levels. The FSB is expeditiously neutralizing many attempted attacks and assassinations, but even so, some of them are still getting through. 🔥
The day will come when the world's population will be interrogated one by one and whoever turns out to be a genocidal, corrupt criminal, etc., will pay with eternal pain for all his crimes. 💎
They tell me things, I see things, which eventually come true, my sister is much better at this 'business', I never wanted to practice.

Whatever they want to tell me or show me, I accept it, but I don't go around asking things that don't interest me. 💎
I have seen the sky burning in flames, hundreds of meteorites falling, razing entire nations to the ground, I have seen armies fall to their knees, I have seen them crawl, cry, ask for forgiveness, but it is too late for that, they had centuries to repent and change.

At first it was horrible to see those things, they were too real nightmares, the sound, the smell, the screams, with time I got used to it.

I am no longer afraid to see this, it just makes me angry. 💎
I have seen many times when someone is going to attack me from behind, when they try to hurt me, when they want to see me dead, days go by and it becomes real, but I am always prepared.

I should already be dead, nobody is that lucky, because luck does not exist.

That's why I always repeat that I always cheat, I always do.

Governments have their secret programs on 'remote viewing', 'they' wake me up and warn me. 💎
My ex-wife and I are waiting for a big war, it is the only thing that has not yet been fulfilled, it is in a fortification, it looks like a castle, it is full of rare weapons (futuristic).

The war will come to me, seeking what has not been lost to them and on that day, I will be able to break the only rule of the old man, for those who come will not be his people.

I promise to be the worst son of a bitch you have ever known. 💎
Things are happening as they are expected to happen, it matters little whether I am alive or not when it starts, whether I am or not, I am not important for it to happen.💎
The future cannot be predicted 100%, it changes as the observer observes and interacts with the environment, reality branches and divides, more and more realities are created, or worlds or universes, call it as you wish.

'The Yggdrasil Tree'. 💎
It took me many years to learn and understand it, but sooner or later I end up learning and understanding it.

Everything is now crystal clear. 💎

Why don't you tell me more fantasies about us dropping 80k, 40k, 20k. 💎
By the way, the Bitcoin is getting scarce on the Exchanges, prices will go through the roof very soon.

That's why everyone is lying to you. 🔥
How does it feel to be a useful fool ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67
By the way last night I found an optimization for the 'centrifugal wheels', by eliminating the mechanical bearings and replacing them with active magnetic bearings, I can make them run at 90k RPM, an optimization of more than 1000%.

I think we are going to capture a lot of CO2.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I would like to manufacture those things that are in the sea and float in the air, that I saw years ago, they had the power to swallow a tornado category 5 as if it were just a breath.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

You tell me if the data lies or if it is the people who lie or are intentionally mistaken as usual.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
🇷🇺🇺🇲 The Russians are taking US-made Abrams tank for reverse engineering

The Russians brought a US-made M1A1SA Abrams main battle tank captured from Ukraine to the Uralvagonzavod tank plant in Nizhny Tagil.
🇷🇺🇳🇴 Norwegian cargo ship refused to rescue Russian sailors from the sunken ship

The Russian ship Ursa Major was sinking and the sailors escaped on a rescue boat.

They swam towards the Oslo Carrier 3 ship for help, but the Norwegian ship refused to take Russian sailors aboard in distress in the Mediterranean Sea.

🇷🇺🇪🇸Ultimately, the crew of the Ursa Major was rescued by Spanish sailors aboard the Salvamar Drago.
🇸🇾 More videos are comming out from Syria where the western backed "Rebbels" are torturing and genociding the minorities.

The same old story, supported by those who peddle the great fallacy called 'democracy', continue to commit crimes, when their time comes, they will beg for death and it will be denied them. 🤮
Germany says it is not sufficiently protected from Putin's new super missile : Bild

“An internal analysis by the German Foreign Ministry concluded that Germany does not have an effective defense system against this type of missile. The current Patriot system cannot cope with the threat of hypersonic missiles such as the Hazel,” the tabloid reports.

According to Bild, in response to the threat, Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to close this vulnerability by ordering the purchase of the Israeli Arrow missile defense system. This is supposed to strengthen Germany's defense against new types of missiles. 🤡
Dollar's dominance fades :IMF

The U.S. dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves has fallen to its lowest level in nearly 30 years, according to the latest data released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Statistics tracked by the Washington-based institution show that the dollar's share of official reserves fell 0.85% between July and September this year, and now stands at 57.4%, its lowest level since 1995. The IMF does not provide statistics for previous years.The IMF warned of this trend in June, when it noted in an official blog that the dollar's decline was occurring amid diversification efforts by countries around the world. For example, while data show that the dollar's share has been falling steadily over the past three quarters, the share of “non-traditional” currencies has been gaining ground. 🔥
U.S. homelessness rises 18% to record level

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reports an 18% increase in homelessness between January 2023 and January 2024. 🔥
According to new papers and calculations, we will finally be able to fabricate the diamond substrate, one step closer to having our infrastructure for photonic processors. 🔥
It seems that we will solve the missing parts in our semiconductor manufacturing system sooner than expected, nothing strange would be that in 2026-2027 this operational, our process avoids dependence on critical materials exported by nations, so we will avoid arguments with assholes and we will not have the problem of having to send our designs to manufacturing, they will be manufactured in house, with total secrecy.

IA will improve our designs exponentially, optimizing them and creating our most optimal structures, with new nano-materials, less energy consumption, better thermal stability and radiation shielding (cosmic radiation), which will make our transport systems never fail. 🔥
By the way, the new CO2 processing system allows not to require large amounts of oxygen in very long distance trips, the CO2 you produce is recycled and more amorphous carbon is obtained as a by-product, which will then be used in the production of nano-composites.

DARPA / NASA always wanted something like this, unfortunately they were too late, as well as the magneto hydro dynamic (MHD) propulsion system. 🔥
The new advances and prototypes will be used in combination with non-relativistic propulsion engines and those that do not use relativity at all (exotic), the exotic propulsion systems allow to travel the known universe in 33 days, it would take you thousands of years.

Something that DARPA / NASA will not be able to manufacture because they are going the wrong way. 🔥
By 2025 we will have unlimited nano-materials (it is scalable) and unlimited drinking water (it is scalable), as well as other important resources such as fertilizers, special alloys, engines / electric motors / turbines, manufacturing systems and advanced 3D printing (nano-manufacturing). 🔥
All autonomous, because no humans are required in the production / manufacturing.

Everyone I met told me I was an idiot for wasting my time researching things, now they will suffer massive currency devaluation, loss of jobs and extreme poverty.

I don't need anyone's support, I don't need anyone to discover me or give me a chance, I create my future myself. 🔥
That's why I spent my life studying everything related to science and engineering, so I don't need anyone. 🔥
Market makers have new massacres to make:

- 93.2k
- 95.1k
- 97.5k

A pattern can be formed to lead to the second channel (TradingView ban letters too).
It seems that TradingView is trying harder and harder to be more and more mediocre. 🔥
TradingView: Write in English, W is not a English letter ? 🔥
TradingView: Write in English, 'W' is not a English letter ? 🔥
We are reviewing the 'DXcharts' library, so we are finally abandoning TradingView, we will publish elsewhere where there is no censorship or so much mediocrity. 🔥
This account will be closed, when we find what we are looking for: to publish what we want when we want. 🔥
When we finish testing what we are looking for a Desktop (Java) / Mobile (Android) version will be published, uploaded to my repository on Github, the publications will be made through decentralized and uncensurable systems, with public signature (can not be forged).

This way no one will have to pay for shitty indicators that anyone can write (TradingView Business model). 🔥
It's not about mounting competition, I just get fed up with censorship and mediocrity. 🔥
I have to finish some updates I am doing in our library, after that I will work for a while on the uncensored Charting system (it will have E2E messaging), it will not be hackable. 🔥
Drawings in dxcharts-lite -> Module/Overview

This library looks like that supports drawing for free, i can write the shitting indicators, is not a big deal. 🔥
E2E is my very old library, written from scratch, I don't use external libraries, everything is done by hand, no security bugs. 🔥
I will never understand the mediocre mentality of westerners, they think that nobody can do what they do and others end up doing it better.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Am I lying or am I mistaken ?
The chat/publication system will be done through Nostr with modifications, I never trust messaging systems, they are usually full of bugs so that others can access private and personal information. 🔥
Amon Amarth: War of the Gods.

Hell Yeah. 🔥

When DEFI starts ? too close. 🔥
We can continue with this stupid game as long as necessary, more free time to finish our updates, thanks for the free time.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- Is The Tide Turning For Bitcoin? Recent Reserves And Netflows Indicate Market Reversal

And more FUD for fools, a 'Market Reversal' to 150k or more.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Funny how they always tell you not to buy when you should buy and always tell you to buy when you shouldn't buy, I love all these thousands of fools.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Michael Saylor says, "Buying Bitcoin at $100K is still a 90% discount!"

You think a man as rich as Saylor buys at 100k because we will drop to 80k, 40k and 20k ? you have to be very dumb to be believing in analysts, advisers and experts, most of them are poor .(they work for someone).

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Low cap DEFI initiate bullish cycles, is that we will fall to 20k.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

I was going to let you know but since TradingView's mediocre censorship system doesn't allow me to publish charts anymore, it won't be possible.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
As I said some time ago, the time to leave will come, I believe it is now or in the next few weeks.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
If DJI and SP500 fall, BTC will correct, but it will not fall, many fools have bitcoin in their portfolios as a technological asset and it is not.

The fall of the DJI and SP500 will be very bad for the US economy and will be followed by massive falls in other countries.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
In this platform they never cared about anyone publishing the truth about the economy, they are focused on selling the discourse like everyone else.

I don't care, I can continue to make money in any kind of down or up cycle.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Germany collapses, the Bundestag is dissolved, as expected.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
SP500 / DJI corporate insiders are selling their assets, this time is different.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- Debt ceiling drama returns: Yellen warns of mid-January deadline

Again the show, more printing are coming (monetary devaluation).

😂😂😂 * 10^67

The bearish show may end on January 3.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Builder finished and revised, for CO2 suction systems, parameters are set and the modules calculate the dimensions and specifications with which they must be built, then these values are entered into the library (OpenScad) and generates its visual representation in 3D, which can be exported to G-Code and machined by CNC or create molds with 3D printers to be manufactured by liquid metal casting.

Too it allows to define the level of compression required, RPM's, etc. 🥳

It seems that DEFI is moving in parabolic, it seems that I am wrong again and the advisers, analysts and experts are not.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Insomnium: Down With the Sun.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
Funny, so 'impressive' certifications, recommendations from gurus and I end up wiping my ass with these wise experts who don't get anything right.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I would publish my charts, but TradingView bans / blocks my updates whenever they want, so there will only be free detailed reports for the private group.

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- Footage shows NY officers beating prisoner before death (Video of inmate's fatal beating shows him handcuffed).

Policemen as always as brave and honorable as always.

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Prestigious U.S. university offers courses in queer and LGBTQ studies

Princeton University, one of the most prestigious institutions in the United States, is introducing courses on traditionally taboo topics as part of its spring semester 2025 curriculum, according to its recently released online course list. The offerings, part of the school's gender and sexuality studies program, will cover topics such as queer theory, prostitution, pornography, sex tourism and histories of architecture as seen from feminist and LGBTQ+ perspectives.The department will offer a total of five classes that include the word “queer” in course descriptions. A course on “Queer Spaces in the World” will delve into the history of “groups and institutions that have actively resisted dominant regimes of power” and analyze institutional and historical power dynamics through gender-related theories.

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- American Graphite Makers Push for 920% Tariffs

American graphite producers are petitioning for up to 920% tariffs on Chinese graphite imports, citing unfair trade practices.

Experts warn that these tariffs could more than double the cost of EV batteries, potentially delaying the adoption of electric vehicles.

The US is seeking to increase domestic graphite production and reduce reliance on China, but the high tariffs could have significant consequences for the EV industry.

We could export graphite to them, it is much cheaper than to the Chinese, almost free, Colombia has a free trade agreement with the United States.

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We have that U.S. thanks to its incompetence to compete in the free market applies tariffs, this is good because it will deteriorate the American industry, also the costs to the entrepreneur will be much higher and also the price of the products will increase to the end user, causing a loss of purchasing power (will be poorer).

'Make America great again'

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DEFI has broken the downtrend, now the uptrend continues, as already warned. 🥱
With our new process of CO2 capture and production of ultra-high purity carbon and derived compounds, it will be possible to start manufacturing ultra-fast charging and higher capacity batteries, with a significant cost reduction in manufacturing / production. 💎
We discover from where the Bitcoin price is being manipulated: Coinbase, it is very interesting how they sell everyone a bear market where there is none, they are massively selling Bitcoin to keep prices low.

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We have also been working on the new reactor, its parts, optimizations, it will come in 10 feet containers, the idea is basically that you can install a container in the garden of any house and produce 1 ton of graphene few layers (1-3) per month.

The process will be sustainable (energy, electrodes and water). 💎
Graphene few layers (1-3) can be used for aluminum alloys and for the manufacture of fast charging and high capacity batteries, we are designing an autonomous prototype. 💎
It is very likely that in H1 - 2025 we will start the production of these containers, they will not be for sale because none of our technologies will be patented or commercialized (currently countries are unable to enforce patent laws or international laws), they will be used only for the production of composites, which will be sold on the market.

Through decentralized and self-sustainable production, our production will have no critical points or dependencies on countries and their policies. 💎
There is one type of battery that is being predicted, they will be a replacement for Tesla's 'Megapack' batteries, they are more efficient, smaller, more powerful and cheaper. 💎
Current Tesla Megapack battery prices range from $1,039,290 to $2,526,640, we can make it much cheaper, it will also incorporate protections against electromagnetic attacks and strong solar storms (Kp index, 9 value).

Graphene based transmission cables and electromagnetic attack protection systems for critical installations will also be produced. 💎
The tests are being carried out in Colombia, but production will take place outside of Colombia, Colombia is not a country that we want to benefit with our technology after all the mockery, insults and all the crap we ate here.

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We have the prediction of weight cancellation in 3 different ways, the EPU generators, it would be interesting to build a floating factory for our decentralized production, so we would not need to rent or buy land.

Then we could go far away to produce on a large scale. 💎
This would leave us just one step away from producing our floating docks, which is where anyone could buy cheaper raw materials (including nano composites / quantum dots, etc.), tax free and at a 20% discount.

This will be protected by 'Phantom', so if some asshole wants to launch a missile, be aware that your aircraft carrier / jet / ship / submarine will be destroyed. 💎
We don't get involved in silly wars, we don't care what happens to nations, nor their power struggles, we focus on transportation/trade/manufacturing, but we have someone to protect our stuff autonomously, what better than having a guardian angel who is a total psycho. 💎

I'm wrong ? 🥱


Another Alt Season ? 🥱
There are people who have told us that they want to work with us, they will work on the floating docks, these will be located 48 miles offshore, so they will be close to home.

We want to start some pilot projects near India / Asia and other places, we don't think much about U.S. / Europe because it is a complete circus and they violate international laws when it suits them. 🥱
Current U.S./European policies are focused on imposing high tariffs on countries that have the technology and infrastructure to produce cheaply, as they are unable to produce cheaply, they have no choice but to impose tariffs in order to compete, affecting their own industry and the final consumer, it is not our problem, we are not interested in arguing with idiots. 🥱
Nations that are interested in free trade, without tariffs and taxes, can buy what they need on our floating docks.

You pay in Bitcoin / DAI, because everything else can be censored, blocked or banned. 🥱
In our crypto mining zones, anyone can mine crypto, no taxes, no KYC, very cheap electricity (almost free).

Nations seek to impoverish their citizens / industry, we seek the complete opposite, we are not in favor of woke ideologies, 2030 / 2045 agendas, we are not interested in the enslavement and control of humanity. 💎
We are finishing the new module for the autonomous design of ultra centrigugators for the refinement of nano materials and other composites for industrial scale. 💎

If those behind the curtain are trying so hard to manipulate, lie and deceive, surely it is because this is worthless, prepared to see BTC at levels between 0.5 - 1M in 2025.

Panic over running out of Bitcoin will send prices skyrocketing.

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Personally I don't mind waiting, it's more free time to work on our technology and processes.

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The desperation to lie / deceive of these people is immense, but they only deceive the ignorant.

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We have 72% that the market is wrong as usual.

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The new centrifuges will allow us to generate 1M 'g', which will allow us to produce different qualities of nano materials for the industry, from the cheap to very expensive. 💎

And they lie and deceive you again, so that everyone believes that we will drop to 80k, 40k, and 20k, fools never learn.

That's why I laugh so much and say that I wipe my ass with the experts as many times as I want, that's why I manage my family's investment fund and you don't even manage the petty cash in your house, how could you ? you can only lose money.

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I hope you finally learn that everything you see and read on the internet is pure garbage, see you in January. 🤏
Centrifuge modules ready, I am missing a gas cooling system that is based on electric energy and is very efficient.

With this we finish the whole autonomous design of the graphene generators, it will also be useful for other things. 🥳
The configuration of the centrifuges can be adjusted according to the mechanical properties of the compound to be separated, so that the G-forces do not damage or deteriorate the compound. 🤏

Some are very desperate to sell the bearish fantasy, the end of the bullrun, but sooner or later they will get tired and will have to eat their plate of shit and will have to buy above 100k.

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There is no worse thing for a millionaire who is accustomed to lie and manipulate than the truth.

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Let's see how much damage they have done, not much, only the time variable moves.

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Mirror mirror, tell me if market manipulation can beat physics / statistics based predictions ?

No, it can't.

I already knew that, that's why I don't use TA anymore.

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Analysts say it's a 'dead cat bounce', but the data says it's not, we'll see what happens in January. 🤏
I learned something about the markets, it's all about fooling everyone and a few people making huge amounts of money, basically it's a global scam, the good thing is that I love to study criminals, manipulators and swindlers, they are not intelligent people, they usually commit their stupidities very repeatedly. 🤏

The bearish wave is coming for those who were shorting. 🤏
I personally get a big laugh out of these 'analysts' who are doing TA's, with their silly structures and patterns, without taking into account all the variables that are involved in the price movement up or down, that's why they parrot that nobody can predict the markets, they just talk about their own limitations and lack of knowledge about what is really going on in the market. 🤏
Our plan is simple, because we have some processes and technology to process cheap rocks and minerals, we can sell a part of the production of nano composites, get cheap rocks and scrap, to build our infrastructure, they are not scarce or special or rare minerals, they are abundant, common elements, but it requires a lot of material, for example 0.333 Km^3 of material to build a mining colony.

That could make jumps without using the relativistic laws, very useful to jump to areas rich in minerals.

Astrophysical calculations say that we could jump into an area very rich in minerals (including gold), the amount of ore it contains would collapse the price of gold, turning it into an industrial metal. 🤏
Our models are fractal based and scalable, which would allow mining on a very large scale, giving us an unlimited source of resources to continue designing and building everything that is yet to be manufactured. 🤏

Why ? if we were going to zero according to Forbes, analysts, experts and gurus.

You were lied to for the millionth time ? Sure No.

Physics 1, Fools 0. 🤏
'Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps'

Reality is often more fantastic than fiction. 🤏
Arch Enemy: Poisoned Arrow.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
Head of the Israeli Prime Minister's Medical Team: Netanyahu has been diagnosed with Grade 3 prostate cancer.

'they will do what they have always done and this time it will not work out well'.

Bibi, you have a front row seat to see my yellow-eyed friend.

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Is my master ever wrong ?

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I will laugh at you Bibi, you will be reduced to ore, like all those who are against life.

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- NBA Legend Who Predicted Bitcoin’s Bull Run Now Sets a $1 Million Target

They discover that water wets months later, which we have been repeating here for a long time ?

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Words of Farewell: Ever After.

Hell Yeah. 🥳

The foolish manipulators fail to convince everyone that we will go to zero, by the way BTC will reach 1M in H2, surely this is worth nothing, that's why so much effort in manipulating prices.

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DEFI is out of the downtrend (fake), now the uptrend continues, as I have already repeated many times, what damage the market manipulators have caused ? ZERO.

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Module for ready welding tables, disassembled, light and cheap.

In this welding tables can be integrated attachments, with a single electric motor can be used multiple functionalities (hand tools), no longer required to buy many expensive tools.

More advanced and autonomous tools will also be sold: CNC / 3D Printing (metal / ceramics). 🥳
- Hong Kong legislator proposes adding Bitcoin to national reserves.

Another one.

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Have the market manipulators failed ? it seems so.

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And they try again and fail miserably, surely they still don't know that the trend is upward.

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They are completely terrified, look what they do, in 1-2 days the party starts again, they are not liquidations, someone is selling a lot of Bitcoin on Coinbase, trying to sell a FAKE bearish cycle.

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Where are we going, to 80k, 40k, 20k ?

I'm wrong ?

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- HK and Germany consider setting up strategic BTC reserve

When you are dumb and stupid, you sell the BTC you had and then plan to create a strategic reserve.

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I thought we were going ZERO, I wanted to buy a few thousand BTC.

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But how ? if we were going to 80k, 40k, 20k and the Google Chip would make BTC obsolete and insecure, as I had already told you, worry about not losing money, I know perfectly well what I do and why I do it.

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France collapses, social unrest soars, capital flees France.

Everything is happening as expected, Stock Market in chaos, I love chaos is when I make the most money for the investment fund.

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Short sellers losing huge amounts of money.


Sharp declines are expected in the SP500 and Dow Jones.

Gold is being heavily massacred, the boomers had told me it was a 'safe heaven'.

Bitcoin is also heavily massacred.

Silver also heavily massacred.

T-Bills, begins its downward cycle.

Currency devaluation continues its bullish pattern.
It is very clear to us that those who operate the markets have zero knowledge of economics, otherwise BTC, Gold and Silver would be soaring in a parabolic cycle.

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The Fed has done its job very well: it has broken the economy and the markets, expect massive layoffs and bankruptcies very soon.

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The Consumer Price Index is at 1973 levels, which will leave millions in abject poverty.

Agriculture will be severely affected.

The world economy will be severely affected, do not fall because they get cheaper, they fall because of supply and demand.

Bars and Restaurants will be severely affected.


Demand for copper and aluminum plummet, indicating that the industry will plummet as well.
Very good FED and ECB, they destroyed their economies.

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The only way out for the FED and ECB is to lower interest rates in panic and initiate massive waves of QE, we would expect at least 28T.

They have put themselves between a rock and a hard place.

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Panic buying is expected to begin in January.

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U.S. / Europe will confiscate Gold purchased by its citizens / companies, Gold Standard Act 2.0 is on its way.

Boomers will soon have a hard time, real estate will lose value and their precious gold will be confiscated.

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I love that there are so many illiterate people in the world, they sell me assets very cheaply.

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- Brazilian real accumulates largest drop in 2024 among 31 currencies.

This is what usually happens when population elect illiterates who only sell cheap speeches to more illiterates.

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The Arctic will freeze parts of U.S. / Europe. with unprecedented cold in the first weeks of 2025, the laughter and ridicule of fools will pay dearly, deaths from freezing are expected. 🤏
- MicroStrategy Buys a Further 2,138 BTC, Adding to Stash for 8th Consecutive Week

While you sell, we also buy BTC and more DEFI.

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I always wonder why such rich people are so interested in keeping the price artificially low (From Coinbase) ? 🤫
It's not retailers who are doing this, it's very wealthy people. 🤫
I had heard that the SEC's job was to protect the investor, to prosecute market manipulation, what a curiosity, they do the opposite, I wonder with what intention, the data exists, the records exist, why there is no investigation ? why there is no prosecution ? why no one goes to jail for financial crimes ?

I know the answer, but you won't like it, so I won't tell you. 🤫
Robert Kiyosaki: Larry Fink dumping Bitcoin. VIVEK warned Larry Fink of BLACK ROCK is a Marxist. Vivek warned Fink & Black Rock are Share Holder Capitalist not Stake Holder Caplitist. Share Holder Capitalists are Marxist….like Klaus Schwab who state: “Someday you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

I love Bitcoin in my own wallet. I would not trust Bitcoin in Black Rocks ETF.

Black Rock suppressing Bitcoin price so the whales can buy Bitcoin at under $100k.

I will keep buying more Bitcoin because Bitcoin going higher. 🤫
Stakeholder capitalism vs Shareholder capitalism:

Stakeholder capitalism is a model of corporate governance where businesses consider the needs of all their stakeholders, not just shareholders, when creating long-term value.

Shareholder capitalism is an economic system where corporations focus on generating revenue and profits for their shareholders.
I find it very funny all these SEC speeches about investor protection, regulations and etc, when companies like JP Morgan / Black Rock / etc, manipulate the markets, they only receive small fines, in the case of Black Rock they will not receive any, these financial crimes are very profitable, your fine is less than 10% of all the money you stole, so as there are never any real consequences, it will be repeated over and over again.

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Merry Christmas to all. 🥳
When will we return to values above 100k ? when Black Rock stops manipulating the markets, because the SEC will do absolutely nothing to stop them.

Enjoy the real world. 🥳
Alarmists say that 'delinquency rates' are reaching historic levels, the truth is that it will be 1-2 years before it reaches 2008 levels and this time it will be much worse, 2026 will be a very negative year for everyone. 🔥
By the way China has cancelled 790M in products imported from the U.S., trade wars are paid by the companies and their citizens, not by the states or their leaders, enjoy the economic crisis. 🤫

To break the current bearish trend (fake), it could be from January 2, although we will have to wait if Black Rock continues to manipulate the markets. 🤫

BLK will continue to manipulate the price downward, in the same direction of the downtrend, it is very obvious what they are doing. 🤫
- Swiss central bank faces call to hold bitcoin in reserves

With so many adoption plans, there do not explain the low prices, every time the market tries to go up, it is systematically plummeted, there is no worse blind person than the one who does not want to see. 🤫
First they will tell you that BTC is worthless, it has no use, then when they buy it all, and it is worth 10M each coin, they will tell you that it does have value, if that is not a scam tell me what is ? gov's are the biggest criminals in the world, with full impunity. 🤫
Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office: burned children are the ones disappeared by the military in Guayaquil

The country closes 2024 with a painful, chilling, terrifying news: The Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office confirmed the murder of the four minors who were detained by the military police, after detailing that the bodies found in Taura correspond to the children kidnapped last December 8 in Guayaquil. The agency stated that “the results of the forensic genetic tests confirm that the four bodies found in Taura correspond to the three adolescents and a child who disappeared after a military operation last December 8, and today their identity was confirmed with DNA tests, and not satisfied with raping them, tying them up and burning them, they killed them again in the networks calling them thieves. Neither forgiveness nor oblivion.

How horrifying and brave the military / police are, calcining defenseless children. 🤮
The day will come when every police and military officer will be judged for their crimes with eternal pain, not in hell because it does not exist, but right here in this universe.

They will beg for death and it will be denied them, I have seen this 'dream' so many times, that is why I affirm it. 🤫

Why does BLK do what it does ? the Marxists systematically seek to severely damage the market, BTC / Crypto is the only thing they have not been able to collapse, they have already destroyed their economies, their industry, BTC is the only thing that stops them from accomplishing their goal:

“You'll own nothing and you'll be happy”

In due time they will also be judged and all they will claim death like all criminals who will be judged. 🤫
I'm going to have a good laugh when the purge starts. 🤫
Don't worry, even if you don't like the purge, you can take a riffle and confront the one with the 'yellow eyes', in fact that's what I hope everyone will do, so at last the trash of this world will be exterminated.

Elon Musk: "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it." 🤫

Futures say that we could abandon the downtrend on January 10, wait and see what happens, the manipulation will not last forever.
- Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Black­Rock, State Street, and Van­guard for Ille­gal­ly Con­spir­ing to Manip­u­late Ener­gy Mar­kets, Dri­ving Up Costs for Consumers (November 27, 2024)

And they will repeat it over and over again because there are no consequences, they would not do it if the fines were 1000% of what was stolen / manipulated.

Although I would propose the expropriation of all its assets, properties and the shooting of its executives (public execution). 🤫

I will continue to move my silly lines to find out when we get out of the show (time variable).
Well, the New Orleans killer has now been identified as Shamsuddin Bahar Jabbar and is said to have been part of the U.S. military and the van he used to run over the crowd contained an ISIS flag. We will see if this is not the beginning of a new US intervention in the Islamic world.

The same mentally ill, military, police or guards, always the same kind of human excrement. 🤮
Someday all these mother fuckers will be duly tortured to death. 💎
Why do you think I don't like the military, police, guards, paramilitaries, guerrillas, drug traffickers, cartels and criminals ? they are all the same thing: human excrement. 🤮
- Chinese Companies Have Sidestepped Trump’s Tariffs. They Could Do It Again.

Good businessmen know how to deal with this, as I always repeat, political speeches are only for the ignorant and illiterate population.

how does it feel to have been fooled once again ?
- Russian gas era in Europe ends as Ukraine stops transit.

Now the ignorant, illiterate and stupid population will have a lot of fun with the cold wave that will soon hit Europe, also with the high energy prices, which will make their industry less competitive, losing decades of progress.

They finally got rid of Russian gas, thanks for eliminating competition in markets and technology. 🤣
- MicroStrategy Acquires 2,138 BTC for $209 Million, Boosting Bitcoin Holdings.

While the illiterate and ignorant sell. 🤣
More massacres to 94k 🤣
A lot of free money, these market makers fill my pockets with money. 🤣

Next fall to 95.2k maybe, short term 'head and shoulders'. 🤣
Even if I don't write anything or publish anything, I am always in the market, day and night, every day of the week, every month of the year. 🤣
Sometimes I wonder what kind of human excrement would think of leaving a dog alone in a house for 5 days, if the laws did not prevent me from doing so, I would knock down the door of that house. 😤
People who mistreat animals should be whipped with 120 lashes per week as punishment. 😤
The day will come when all this crap will be over. 😤

They will take BTC to 94k.

They can pull the market back.
- Mike Johnson reelected as speaker after brief revolt.

They have re-elected again, the one who only dedicates himself to talk physical bullshit, how funny this stupid game, let's change everything, in order not to change anything. 🤫
- Soldier Left Note Explaining Why He Turned a Cybertruck Into a Suicide Bomb.

Again another lunatic out of the army, can't these people buy a rope and hang themselves in the woods where no one will see them ?
- Venezuela opposition leader recognized by US as election victor embarks on international tour.

The new 'Juan Guaidó', who when given his millions of dollars will disappear just like the previous one. 🤫
I turned the whole process of producing valuable materials with rocks/sand/soil upside down, and we have something magical, I start modeling the process and new changes.

Primary resources:

- Common rocks
- Backyard soil
- River sand

the process requires a brutal consumption of energy, but as it is free for us who care, better to produce materials, than to sell it to Colombia and pay taxes on it (55%), good luck with your climate change fantasies

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Spoiler, I found a new way to produce semiconductor grade SiC, so we can coat it with graphene, they sell it for 1400 USD 10mm x 10mm, I think I can make 1B USD with this.

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Stupid and ignorant people ask me if I am already rich with BTC, my industrial processes produce more money than what a local bank earns annually (1B).

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We are going to change your life, the Europeans used to say to me, yes of course, life has changed a lot for you.

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What's wrong with the market ? for the first time I don't know, it should be going up, but it's not going up, I'll start doing more productive things ...
I found an optimization for the cooling systems, it is no longer necessary to use compressors and the traditional cryogenic distillation cycle to separate Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium, Argon from the air, we will do it with 'magnetic cooling' and a brutal waste of energy, we will go to less than 200 degrees centigrade in seconds, the gases will go from gaseous to liquid state without requiring compression, all the air that the new turbine swallows (90k RPM), becomes liquid after passing through the cooling system.

The system will have an integrated EPU generator, the design is in parallel (several connected). 🤟
The size of the cryogenic distillation facilities is reduced to two 40-foot containers. 🤟
The elite planned to impose taxes on CO2 that people and animals produce when they breathe ? I promise to mock epically, my favorite sport is to ridicule idiots.

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New Nickel alloys supported by our library:

- Nickel 200
- Nickel 201
- Nickel 718
Words of Farewell: Ever After

Hell Yeah. 🤟
Business TV: “Trump needs to dial down the rhetoric: he must subtract uncertainty to get the dollar back in competition.”

Translation: Trump has to stop talking so much bullshit to fool fools and idiots and focus on business.

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CME Futures to 99k ? probably nothing, time to buy in panic, I bought BTC and DEFI while everyone was selling as usual.

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Eye of the Enemy: The Justification.

Hell Yeah. 🤟

Retailers are lagging behind as usual.

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The TradingView team of developers do not differentiate an image (url) from a text written in another language, great talents as always.

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We have to: those who are manipulating the Bitcoin trend and the entire crypto market are TA fanatics, we track them with 'Modified Schiff Pitchfork'.

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Continue with their cheap games, the more you use them, the more we meorize their silly strategies.

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SP500 is getting ready to form a 'W' pattern ? how interesting, so it was all a lie as usual.

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The same in Dow Jones ?

😂😂😂 * 10^67

How is DEFI going ? you can tell me.

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The usual, Panem et circenses (bread and circuses for the people).

'When the fall really comes, they will tell you that nothing is wrong'.

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- Antony Blinken unties Russia's hands by admitting that they armed Ukraine before the Russian operation.

And what did the fools say about the Ukrainian war ? If I remember correctly, they were tearing their clothes off screaming and shouting stupid things, the world's population will always be stupid and manipulable, they have been so since Rome and they have changed absolutely nothing.

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- China moves to tighten domestic control over bitcoin as Donald Trump appoints bitcoin fan to SEC.

'Get ready for bear market'

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- Canada PM Trudeau is likely to announce resignation, source says.

Another one who fall.
- New Pictures From Diddy, Bill Gates And Jennifer Lopez’S Party Change Everything.

Photo ->
You tell me if the conspiracy theories that have haunted the American and European elite for decades are true or not.

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Why i'm be always right ? 'maybe it's the voices in my head', get ready for a massive cycle on DEFI / Alts.

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Around January 11, the previous levels will be recovered and a new bullish cycle will start towards the 200k level.

Let's go to 80k, 40k, 20k, as Forbes told you and we will also be hacked by the Google chip as Forbes also told you.

Financial market manipulation is a federal crime, but since the SEC does absolutely nothing to protect investors, no one will be punished.

Thank you for confirming that we live in a world full of thieves, liars, manipulators, swindlers and criminals, I KNEW IT LONG TIME AGO.

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- Bitcoin Price Climbs: Is This the Start of a Bigger Rally ?

'Wind blows, Fire burns and Water wets'.

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Why does this always follow my 'lines' ?

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In the next few weeks, all the media will say that Trump will take BTC above 120k (I won't tell you the ATH, it always ruins everything).

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In this wave I sold all my BTC, not the investment fund, because it is a 10 year investment, I sold my BTC because it is not subject to the rules of the investment fund, I am going to put it all in my project of ultra pure materials and ultra light and resistant alloys.

We have that my industrial process produces 40% pure aluminum, 40% semiconductor grade silicon carbide, and iron nitride as the process is hybrid, it produces graphene of various qualities as a sub product.

If I sell 100% of the aluminum, I get a 500% return on the resources involved in the process, and I am left with silicon carbide, graphene and iron nitride as a gift (each month).

Is better than BTC, in the next months i will have a eternal bull run.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
The best thing about having 500% is that I can expand at that rate every month, example: 100 Kg to 500 Kg (First month), 500Kg to 2.5 Ton (Second month), etc.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
The silicon carbide will not be sold, it will be stored until the amount of material I need to manufacture my special coating (thermal shielding + electromagnetic wave absorption) is completed, it is one of the compounds required in the process (the most expensive in fact).

iron nitride will not be sold either, I will use it in my new motors, which will not be sold either.

I am not going to sell the graphene either, I have found better uses for it.

I will only sell the aluminum, because it can be sold for cash at any scrap yard.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
All our technology uses this special coating, it allows us to go at 6 Km/s (double the speed of Russian missiles), no radar detection, and without turning on the second heat shield (it is active and consumes too much energy), the second shield allows us to go at 30k Km/h and more.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Surplus silicon carbide will be used in the manufacture of mono layer garphene, for a new thing we found (capturing electrical storms, without being vaporized in the process).

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Here we go.
Blutengel: You Walk Away.

Hell Yeah. 💥
- Gold Extends Drop After Fed Officials Express Inflation Concern.

Funny that the FED tells them lies over and over again, and all these illiterates believe it, interest rates will rise to at least 5.5% - 6%, which will create complete chaos in banking and the only thing that could protect them from this is Bitcoin / Gold, but they sell it because they believe the bullshit they are told, could they be called investors? Never, they are just gamblers who read the news and think it is true, let alone understand what is really going on and so are 99% of all those who 'invest money', they don't invest it, they gamble it, because they have no fucking idea what they are doing.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Solar Fake: I Don't Want You in Here.

Hell Yeah. 💥
I heard on the news that Trump plans to impose sanctions on Denmark if it doesn't let him steal Greenland, how I love this fake democracy.

😂😂😂 * 10^67





It looks like we are just before the REAL ALT SEASON.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

IF bitcoin does not make a major recovery in the next few weeks, a downward cycle is coming until at least August.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Around January 13 we will find out if we are going down.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I have already told you that I am a carrion bird, I feed on massacres and chaos.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

I was buying at the fall, it is a 'DYOR', not suitable for emotional people.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

If gold breaks the downtrend, it confirms that there will be a bearish cycle in Bitcoin.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

If silver starts its upward cycle, the bulls will follow and a bearish cycle in Bitcoin will be confirmed.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

The gold party can last for several months.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
In Strict Confidence: Somebody Else's Dream.

Hell Yeah. 💥

If recovery fails, the fall will be deep.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Has started !!!

Next ATH 116k !!!

What we needed, a good massacre, those who did not want to sell, sell because we would go to 74k, we have purchases in the ATL in parabolic, very positive and very bullish.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi are very close to bankruptcy.

Cause: BYD.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Last night I was analyzing how to decentralize the construction of mobility systems (motorcycles, cars, boats, helicopters, airplanes, small things), I came up with something, with CNC and FEL welding. 💥
Those who manipulate the price of BTC downwards ? 'US Government: Silk Road' ->

They are systematically selling every time BTC tries to break out of the downtrend, if it is not market manipulation what is it ? so afraid of BTC.

And this is a federal crime. 💥
Since June 6 the U.S. government systematically manipulates the price of BTC downwards, what do the internet media, gurus and Youtubers say ?

Just a stupid question: when the bearish trend Start ?

SEC do nothing to protect investors, thanks for confirm it again. 💥
Don't get wrong with this, it's not Biden, both Trump and Biden are puppets of greater powers, idiots never get it. 💥
Correction, they have not yet begun to sell, but they will, they are dedicated to manipulate, swindle, plunder and steal. 💥


They don't seem to understand that what follows is the fall, they are playing in a sandbox (DEFI). 💥

The same in CRV (DEFI too). 💥

This need fall to form 'W', and reach the real next level. 💥
New pie (100M ) at 91.6k it's time to go for it. 💥
- Bitcoin Accumulation Trend Score Turns Red: More Decline Coming ?

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin Accumulation Trend Score has observed a decline recently, a sign that investor cohorts have taken to selling.

Bitcoin Accumulation Trend Score Is Currently Sitting At 0.21 💥

This time is different. 💥

Fall or not fall ? 💥

This need a fall around 3%, to continue bullish. 💥
The verbiage of Warren Buffet, the idol of fools, falls under its own weight, sues Berkshire Hathaway for abuse of his clients, forcing his clients to acquire real estate when they are about to collapse, in order to buy their losses.

The great gurus turn out to be criminals as usual. 💥
Trump didn't tell everyone that Greenland, because of expected oil shortages, is about to run out.

Very good news for us, everyone needs oil or renewable energies, we do not. 💥
I am generally contrary to what 99% of the market thinks, they all think we will go down, good thing they think so. 💥

2025 will be a very volatile year, very good time for day traders and short sellers. 💥
We optimize 2 sub processes in our material production process, we will focus on using processes that consume a lot of energy, but the chemical reactions are in real time (no reaction time). 💥


The Fed's show in not lowering rates, by the end of March Treasury bonds will reach 6%, so massive waves of QE will begin, we expected it to be in May-June, it will be much earlier.

Fools focus on listening to stupid things and the internet and not on understanding and studying how the economy works. 💥

Personally I love it when the market is terrified because of its illiteracy, that's when I do my shopping. 💥
Trump will not take us to 150k - 200k, Bitcoin is algorithmic, Bitcoin does not need any country, countries need Bitcoin, study how Bitcoin works (its data patterns) and you will become very rich. 💥
According to the new optimizations of our processes, we will be able to manufacture nitrogen fertilizers, urea, ammonia, ammonium nitrate and nitric acid, only with air. 💥

Looks like, something bad are going to happens, i love that massacres, too lucrative. 😂
At the bottom of the purple box, other players may initiate further attacks to drive the price lower. 😂
The new process to produce nitrogen compounds + a paper where they analyze a way to convert a primary explosive into a secondary explosive, something similar to cyclonite (RDX), will finally allow us to test the 78 km range artillery system, which does not use solid propellant like the M120 mortars and similar.

This basically allows you to put high explosive warheads from the next town over, 1m accuracy error, very useful for crushing mercenaries in the coffee shop. 😂
This technology will not be sold, it is only for 'Phantom' to have several ways of diversion, in case of any event or external attack to facilities or factories. 😂
Here in Colombia it would be very useful, in combination with the target acquisition system, the entire mountain could be crushed, so that there would be no more guerrillas or paramilitaries. 😂
I will not sell this to the Colombian army, because the last time I sent an email to the army proposing a new automated mortar system, their only question was if I was a guerrilla, the guerrillas here don't even know how to add, much less know about military engineering.

If you spit on me just once, I will never shake your hand in my life, I am an excessively spiteful and vindictive being, but the best way to get revenge is not always through violence, there are better ways. 😂
When Colombia collapses, I promise to publish a little magazine making fun of you day and night, my favorite sport, is to stick my finger in your wound and watch you squirm.

And when it occurs to you to harm me, the old man will not forbid me to hang you in a ring and beat you with a steel bar day and night until you die. 😂
By the way, the new production system of aluminum, carbide and other composite derivatives will reduce the manufacturing cost of the 'Anthem' armor from 100k per unit to much less than 5k per unit. 😂
So with what a lambo is worth, I can build at least 140 or more. 😂
According to the new calculations and propulsion systems based on air ionization and carbide composite coating, the 'Anthem' armors will be able to move at speeds of at least 3k KM/h, so now we can say that 'Iron Man' style armors are possible to manufacture, with a 90% chance factor, months of work finally paying off. 💥
A damn guerrilla / paramilitary, could never design this, how could they? they don't even read, they confuse potassium nitrate with ammonium nitrate, they don't even have basic knowledge in chemistry. 😂
Last night we were also reviewing the fertilizer issue and found that thanks to the new optimizations, you can get 1000% profit and a tax exemption for 10 years. 💥
So I came up with a great idea for a truck chassis that has been stored in a garage for a few years, buy it, melt it down and make one with the new alloy (1/3 lighter), so that the costs for the overland transport of goods are reduced only to the payment of the toll and the taxes of the truck.

Other things will also be integrated, such as weight cancellation, high-powered graphene bars and graphene-based engines, which will make these trucks able to move faster and brake dry without being crushed by the weight of the load. 💥
In Colombia the trucks are usually burned by the guerrillas, I hope that happens, so we can test the artillery system with them and collect a few tons of free metal (rifles, pistols, ammunition). 😂
It seems I have finally figured out how to pay for all our infrastructure with rocks, sand, soil and cheap materials, without paying a single dollar of our profits, as I had said a long time ago (they won't see a single dollar from us).

Now the plans change: there will be no exports, no sale of expensive materials, no new companies will be registered, until we manufacture all our technology, when it is manufactured, we will leave here and produce offshore, after that exports will be done through our offshore docks and only Bitcoin / DAI will be accepted. 💥
You can't build that, a Swiss lawyer with contacts with bankers told me, you need people like us.

It seems I have proven that your stupid arguments were not true.

'Perseverance always beats intelligence'.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

We have a wave ending on January 12th at 12 PM, so I'll wait for the drop on Sunday - Monday.

We have also been analyzing what the algorithm that has been manipulating the market since December is doing. Thank you very much for using your cheap tricks, they will fill our pockets with money.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
It seems that my master was right again: 'you will get everything you want, but not in the way you expect it'. 💥
Personally I love all this climate change bullshit, they will line our pockets with money, while we build our technology, which will make them all obsolete.

In the meantime, their entire economy is going to shit.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Revenge is served on a cold plate and violence is not always the best way, mockery is much better.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I wonder who the clown will be who will complain about us breaking the bones of guerrillas and paramilitaries with a steel bar in the middle of nowhere and then putting them in a pyrolysis oven to produce carbon ?

I know perfectly well what this shitty country is like, that's why I want to stay here to install some things before I leave.

'Sometimes when criminals pray so much for evil, the owner of this universe opens the doors of hell to let out who can stop them at the root.'

The Sumerians had it very clear.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
There are phrases that say that you should be afraid of a coward for what he can do in anger, I would correct that by saying you should be afraid of a cripple, he knows physical pain perfectly well and has no problem getting his hands dirty.

And he will do it without anger, very slowly.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
Hunting guerrillas and paramilitaries is not a big problem, hyperspectral sensors allow them to be tracked, frequency triangulation provides search coordinates and electro-lasers immobilize them while they are captured, although they could also be induced into cardiac arrest, without medical attention they are dead in 5 minutes, it is like killing ants by pouring liquid aluminum into their anthill, none will survive.

This is what the army and the police should have done, instead of murdering civilians and presenting them as terrorists, just to get a vacation or some silly reward.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I'm not interested in being anyone's savior, I'm just looking for cheap minerals and resources. If they recruit more, the better, more free minerals and resources.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I am a saint compared to the one with the yellow eyes. I learned many things from him and others. They taught me a lot for decades.

I thought I would end up committing suicide, but I am too stubborn for that.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I would gladly serve him, if someday he feels like appearing as he did before, but as the damn princess does not wake up, we will have to keep waiting and in the meantime we will have to produce compounds. 💥

Very weak and it is the end of the wave, the most logical thing would be for it to fall. 💥

Very weak and it is the end of the wave too. 💥

Very weak and it is the end of the wave too. 💥

According to the data pattern, it should drop to 94k.3 and maybe on Sunday the real drop will come. 💥
- Former European Commissioner admits EU responsibility in the annulment of Romanian elections.

Thierry Breton: We did it in Romania and if necessary we will do it in Germany.

Long live democracy.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
A big drop is about to begin, expected to be at least to 88k, today at 10 AM.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
A big massacre are coming for DEFI / Alts, no lambos today, maybe the next week.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Just nothing.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Is too risky having DEFI / Alts, now. 💥

I will take captures until it going down, since now.
I think I'll go to sleep.

See you on Tuesday. 💥

I was hoping it would go up, but since it won't, I'm out. 💥

Just tell me if i'm wrong ?

'No one can predict the market'. 💥
Do I ever lie ? when I am wrong I accept that I am wrong and correct what I say, which does not apply in this case.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
I should be sleeping, but my brain won't let me sleep, I've had that damn problem for decades. 😂
I'm always working, even when I sleep, I go to sleep thinking about a problem to solve, when I wake up I already have the solution, although nowadays I don't call this work, I call it fun, I like to solve things. 😂

This time is different, the fun will last at least until 2028, thank the FED / ECB for collapsing the economy.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Second wave, in the third wave the falls begin. 💥

Is nice have insomnia.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

Then don't say I didn't warn you, that's what the people behind Bitcoin do, and as I always repeat: 'market manipulation is a financial crime' and they will never be condemned, because this world is rotten to the core.

Prices should have been at 150k in December and those behind bitcoin control the price. 💥
I am not affected, because when there is manipulation, I operate in time frame (1m), around 3% - 6% per day. 💥
Now you understand why the Russians and Chinese do not have Bitcoin reserves ? why would they have them ? the price is manipulated by Westerners. 💥
It is convenient for me, because I am a speculator, I extract BTC / USD from anything that has a data pattern. 💥
Only madmen and magicians seek the truth and I have things of both, but I do not belong to either, I just want to be who I want to be, I just want to do what I want to do, without anyone forcing me to anything or I have to force anyone (balance). 💥

How FED will attack to BTC / Gold (5.5%) in March, on 6% a Big Financial Crisis starts. 💥
'You'll own nothing and be happy'. 💥
I do not recommend you to have your money in a bank, the stable coins will be affected by this, the value of Gold / Bitcoin will also be affected.

It will be a nightmare for everyone. 💥
I will have fertilizers, which I can exchange for anything I need. 💥
My master is never wrong. 💥
Soon there will be many protests, chaos, I will respect the law until they try to rob or attack me, if they do I will kill them all, my master does not forbid it, when it is in self-defense.

It's almost the beginning of the party for me. 💥
If things continue in the same pattern as they are going in March I am moving to the big forest, so no one will have the excuse that they met me by coincidence, whatever is within 5 miles (8 Km) of where I am will be duly shredded and burned. 💥
My master told me a long time ago that 'they' would come for me, I will be waiting for them with my high-powered 'Cavity magnetron', it doesn't make noise, they just explode humans like watermelons. 💥
Solitary Experiments: Epiphany.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
There is also something that the equations showed, 'plasma canons', very useful to melt armored units as if they were cheese in the microwave oven. 💥
I give you a piece of advice, don't fuck up my life, I'm a very despicable person when I get angry. 💥
It seems that we could use the 'Magnetron Sputtering' method to manufacture ALTIN coatings for the drilling / milling tools for the CNC's, one thing that was missing to not depend on anyone. 🥳

Potential drop to 82.5k. 💥
The recovery would take place on January 18. 💥
I have a trip tomorrow, I will find out if they can sell us this truck chassis. 🥳
I updated some modules and added a builder for building magnetrons automatically, you set the frequency, etc, and the module tells you how you should build the magnetron. 🥳
We use magnetrons for multiple things: defense, ionization of gases, distillation, etc. 💥
Now all our processes are based on electricity consumption and use of cheap resources, EPU generators do all the hard work, reducing costs to near zero. 🥳
We designed the production process of MgAlSi + graphene, it will allow to have a very light alloy, resistant to corrosion, 1/3 of the weight of steel and can be 3D printed.

Also the process of other compounds for special coatings (ultra high temperature ceramics), all with inexpensive materials. 💥
Solar Fake: Hurts so Bad.

Hell Yeah. 🥳

If the bulls don't defend the 91.3k level, the bull run is over, it will all come crashing down, your choice, recovery or massive losses.💥
- FTX to begin distributing $1.2B to creditors after Trump inauguration.

The guys from WEF strike again. 💥

The antics of the manipulators will cause BTC to eventually fall to 70k. 💥

In January we should be at 170k, thank you manipulators. 💥
Solar Fake: Disagree.

Hell Yeah. 🥳

Investors will have to go through hell to see the 170k. 💥
Blutengel: Living on the edge of the night (A Gothic anthem).

Hell Yeah. 🥳

Defend the position or everything they fought for goes to shit. 🔥
Solitary Experiments: Phoenix.

Hell Yeah. 🥳
- Bitcoin exchange reserves near 7-year low as hedge funds buy the dip.

Traders / Investors, they never know what this is all about, why do they think they manipulate the price ? hedge funds are not poor people with 4 dollars in their pockets.

I don't sell, because I don't feel like selling.

😂😂😂 * 10^67
- BTC Plunges Below $91K for the First Time Since November, Leaves $500M in Liquidations.

I don't get liquidated because I don't setup stop losses and I don't buy longs / shorts.

😂😂😂 * 10^67

If the market make a U turn and turns bullish I will piss myself laughing. 😂
Solar Fake: Observer.

Hell Yeah. 🥳

The algorithm that manipulates the market has swindled you again, don't worry, it did it to me several times, until I sat down to analyze what it was doing. 😂

The manipulation algorithm starts its attack again to keep prices low, which I am curious is exactly on the red line.

Has the SEC protected you against market manipulation ? has the SEC protected you from being defrauded ? has any country, judge or financial institution protected you ? 😂

The same algorithm over and over again, can't anyone see it ? 😂
I am very good at tracking / hunting things, an officer kept telling me that I would be very good for the army, the problem is my attitude, I don't chase bones when they are thrown. 😂
Criminals are not usually intelligent people, if they were, they would not be swindling, stealing and abusing others.

The funny thing is that they see themselves as geniuses. 😂
Mike Johnson thinks there should be "conditions" on aid to California but not on aid to Israel.

They apparently need more money for weapons.

Long live to 'democracy'. 😂
- Trump's Crypto Bet: U.S. Reserve May Prioritize USDC, XRP, and Solana Over Bitcoin.

Prioritize what has no value and what falls much more in Bear Market, as I said from the beginning, I love having a financial criminal in the white house. 😂
What I like about this, is that Trump will send money to the fools (because the fools are the ones who buy colored toilet paper with a dog logo), it is good for us because other assets will soar and we can get BTC / USD to have more Bitcoin and Silver. 😂
The chassis will not be sold, we will have to look for another way, although I take the measurements and with that we can do reverse engineering, I wanted to buy it to use the same registration number. 😂

Next step 96k. 😂

We have the last push before starting the Bear Market, to go to 140k we must correct to 95k - 90k, after that we will start our trip, In April, 99% will lose everything as usual. 😂
Bitcoin does not care what Trump says or does, nor what any country does, it is a fractal, algorithmic currency, the next turn will be after 2027. 😂

There are two possible points where the 'bottom' will be made, wait and see how far it falls. 😂

The total market will drop to at least 3.23T, then follow the manipulation to the downside to make a 'double bottom', then the wave to 140k will begin. 😂
They have manipulated too much, they have destroyed all the metrics, how smart the manipulators are, we have already made more metrics. 😂

The new wave will start around January 23rd. 😂
Suicide Commando: Die Motherfucker Die.

Hell Yeah. 😂
It seems that the drug trafficker 'Alvaro Uribe Velez' criticizes Venezuela's drug trafficking regime.

I like all this, so there is forced recruitment in Colombia, I do not go because I am a cripple. 😂


"Narcopols": Medellín Cartel “Financed” Senate Campaign of Former President Álvaro Uribe, Colombian Senators Told U.S. Embassy ->
My master knows how he does his things, this thing that is happening to me at the moment reminds me of the stories in Buddhism, something about 'bad luck' and in the end that bad luck was good luck. 😂
Don't worry, everyone in Latin America dresses like saints and in favor of democracies, but that doesn't exist here, never has existed and never will exist. 😂
Here both left and right wing parties support their 'friends', whether guerrilla groups or paramilitary groups, both are traffickers, both kidnap, both murder, both are criminals.

I vote for a proposal: roast them alive on a grill, both groups and those who support them. 😂
I must always be impartial, if they both murder, kidnap and traffic drugs and weapons, it is only fair that they receive the same punishment, regardless of the verbiage they speak, the facts matter more. 😂
I am amused by the fallacies and speeches of left and right wing political groups, they all dress up as saints, but they all support criminals and terrorists and the decisions they take affect their own population, what great saviors.

I would vote to exterminate them both. 😂
Be careful now TradingView forces you to disable strict browser mode, disable all security extensions and even forces you to disable your antivirus (Ad Blocker detected).

It is not an ad Blocker what you detect, what happens is that the strict mode of a browser what it does is to prevent URL's that do not have the hash in the request service to load, this prevents attackers can inject malware from different URL's to those of the service that you are accessing, in this case TradingView, the level of mediocrity is amazing.

Personally I am out of here, I am not going to expose my assets to third party malware, because the TradingView team is incapable of doing a decent back-end job (server). 🔥


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