New Moon, Full Moon & Planetary Aspects | Bitcoin Astrology

My dear friends, we are back with another episode of Bitcoin Astrology... Happy New Moon!

We have this beautiful chart and within this chart we can see what Bitcoin has been doing in the last few months. Truly, we can only know the price at which Bitcoin opened, how high it went and how low before the final days close. That's good, but this is not enough.

Where can we see the people, the humans, in this chart?

How to gauge the sentiment of the people or how they are likely to behave in the near future from this chart?

This type of data is missing and thus we will consider some astrological events that might add further strength to our thesis, more data to support our bias. Or we can simply use this information for mental gymnastics and/or entertainment purposes, the choice is yours.

I just want to share a few astrological details but for me to do so I have to give you some context first.

In Astrology, there is something called aspects. The planetary aspects is nothing more than the measurement of the distance between two planets, or the measurement of the distance between a planet and a certain point in the horoscope (the wheel of animals).

Depending on the distance between the planets, aspects can be considered either harmonious or inharmonious. For us technical analysts, financial reporters, curious onlookers, fans, readers, followers and traders, we will interpret harmonious aspects as positive (potentially bullish), while inharmonious aspects can be considered negative/problematic or potentially bearish. I use the word "potentially" because harmonious or not doesn't necessarily means bullish or bearish, but it depends on our interpretation of the data in relation to the chart.

Planetary Aspects

➖ Ok. We have a new Moon 4th of August 2024 in Leo. This is a positive new moon, good energies and not relevant to this analysis.

➖ On the 19th of August 2024 we have a full Moon in Aquarius. Astrologers consider this full Moon to be highly problematic, energy wise. It can be a challenging moment for us mentally at this time of the month.

Remember, the planets (wondering stars) incline, they do not compel.
These astrological events can give you a tendency, a disposition, kind of a like a soft impulse to do something but you are not forced.

It is like feeling the need to go out to have some fun on the night of the full Moon. You can decide if you want to do it or not but the feeling is there, you are not forced —these are subtle energies. Just as an example. Incline vs compel.

➖ Mercury goes retrograde today as well, 4th of August (until the 28th, basically the whole month), and this tends to cause some problems with our communications and transportation, all sorts of glitches related to our technological devices. You can see emails bouncing up, typos, misspellings, errors, mistakes and all sorts of unusual things that you would not experience normally. Something to be on the lookout for.

➖ Then we have an opposition, an "inharmonious" aspect, between Venus and Saturn. Which means that we will have to choose between things that are important to use.

➖ Uranus is the unpredictable planet, the planet of surprises. If there is an event that you cannot see coming, that's Uranus. If you can see it coming, then it is not Uranus, for you, it will be shocking; a surprise (unexpected events). Uranus is in a square aspect with the Sun and Moon. A square is an inharmonious aspect; look it up.

➖ Finally, this month Jupiter will square Saturn and thus we have another inharmonious aspect to consider... Don't worry, I shall put this all together and give you my interpretation.

Technical Astrological Analysis

Bitcoin's chart is showing bearish tendencies based on the fact that the uptrend stalled, it stopped completely on the 14th of March. After the cessation of the bullish trend, we saw a major increase in bearish volume (selling pressure) and a pattern of lower highs and lower lows showing up on the chart. This has been going now for almost five months.

Multiple indicators, such as the MACD and RSI, are also telling us that Bitcoin's current situation is leaning towards the bears, down/red. This is reflected as a bearish RSI reading on the daily timeframe, as well as for the MACD. And a strong, long-term bearish divergence on both indicators on the weekly timeframe. Let's see if we can put this together with the astrological events we outlined above.

Full Moons are a period of completion, excitement and movement; activity/conclusions. A "challenging" full Moon for us here would mean, negative news, troublesome events; bearish action. If prices were to move up and grow nicely, we wouldn't consider this challenging at all but nice and welcomed. A challenging situation as things are now resonates with a major market move contrary to what the majority of the participants expects. (This is just my interpretation of course, it can be wrong.)

Mercury goes retrograde at 4 degrees of Virgo. The Sabian symbol for this degree is, "a person dreaming of fairies." It relates to fantasizing, illusions and wishful thinking. I can easily make some connections with this phrase and what I am seeing coming from many people right now (or maybe this is my own state of mind?). Like a true synchronicity as every degree has a different Sabian symbol. Anyway, at this time people are likely to be more into their "heads" rather than centered on reality and can easily miss the mark vs what is happening and what they wish to see happening. I don't think this needs interpretation.

Uranus is having a square, inharmonious aspect, with the sun and the moon. This is a strong combination and we can read it as negative/problematic or simply, potentially bearish. Uranus was having an inharmonious aspect in late 2022. Guess what happened at that time? The exact same date when FTX collapsed Uranus was producing strong challenging vibrations.

The dates when the effect of these events are felt can vary and we can normally feel the energies a few days prior and after the astrological events take place. We are looking for a range between the 15th and 21st of August for these.

Bitcoin Short-Term Price Action

When Bitcoin moved above $70,000, there was an instant and very strong selling pressure felt. The same day Bitcoin wicked above $70,000, it moved back down to trade $4,000 USD lower. Bitcoin only lasted 15 minutes above 70K. In reverse, we can see Bitcoin moved below $60,000 yet no strong buying pressure. This is something to consider.


Now, what about the other side? Can this information be interpreted in a different way?

The stars incline, they do not compel. The way these energies affect a professor, a banker, an artist, a captain, a trader can be completely different. The way it affects a group of people, a certain country or sex, a company or institution can vary wildly, but in essence, we are looking at difficult energies and this should be the basis for our analysis and interpretation. We are not looking at pleasant harmonious energies, we are looking at challenging situations based on these astrological events and planetary aspects and thus we interpret these as supporting a bearish bias.

Back in early 2023, I don't know if you remember, we had a situation that does not happen very often. Right before Bitcoin went ultra-bullish mode, full right-up ahead, higher-more, all the planets stationed direct. Strong harmonious, positive energies.

When looking at the movements of the astros, the stars, there is always some planet or other that is moving retrograde, that is backwards, and this has certain subtle effects in the way we think, act and perceive things. Just as Bitcoin, the Cryptocurrency market was in doubt, many planets were in doubt; Just as all the planets started to move forward, so the market did the same. At that time we interpreted the aspects as bullish and bullish growth was the result.

My interpretations can be completely wrong. I am no astrologer, but the energies are kind of messy in the weeks to come.

August might not be it... But watch out, because we have some reckoning to do until after the USA elections are over and done.

Thank you for reading.

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