The Bouncing Ball

After my last few charts, I was watching the general flow, and saw this interesting pattern.

I've deleted all the crud from my previous TA, but kept in the dotted lines and the grey triangle, (I don't know the proper terms for these yet, sorry) and when I saw the price hit and turn at my green line, I thought.. Hmm, is this another "bounce", so I copy pasted the bounce, matched its height to the grey line, and repeated.

Time will tell if there is anything to this, This is purely a fun way to look at the chart, I have 0 skill in predicting, but if it follows the pattern, so be it.. Don't use for investment information.

p.s. this is all based on burst bubble graphs from several bubble market charts that I copied, The expectation is that after a shot for the moon, the bubble pops and then it bounces down and down, but is slowly rising based on user expectations (green = high, Yellow = average, and red= poor)

Note also my curious purple dotten line,.. why does a (is it called resistance?) line have to be a straight line..peoples perceptions change, so why not a curved line of resistance.

Trend Lines
