1) What happens if the next price trend shows similar changes?
2) Where will the next 20&50 day lines be?
3) Will the next price range be 70:30 like red boxes?
4) Or will it be 76:24 like blue boxes?
Question 1 is the basic condition. As you can see, the secondary price is 65% less than the primary price. So I decided on the condition based on the expectation that the third price range would also be reduced to about 65% of the second price range. As a result, the 3rd estimated total price range was $6993.
The following is an estimate of where the intersection of the 20&50 day lines will be made:
The future direction of the 50 day line is drawn roughly similar to the current flow.
The expected 20 day line was drawn by taking the shape of the 20 day line into the red box that happened earlier.
As a result of that drawing, it was expected to create an intersection somewhere around $7,016.
The expected date for the intersection is December 9.
Based on these intersections, I first calculated the price range above and below the intersection at a ratio of 70:30.
I mentioned earlier that the 3rd estimated total price range is $6993. If you calculate the price for 70% of this price, you'll get $4895. Again, if you calculate the 30% price range from the blue box below the secondary intersection, you'll get $2,097. If you add or subtract each of these from the third estimated intersection, you'll see the same price range as the purple boxes in the chart. The highest point for purple boxes is $11,911, and the lowest point is $4919.
Next, if you calculate the price range in the 76:24 ratio, the price range above the 3rd estimated intersection is $6,993. And the lower price range is $1,258. If you calculate the price range like this, the highest is $12.750 and the lowest is $5758.
That's my rough estimate.
If you look at the chart above, you can see that the previous low point has risen again with the support of the 200 day line. I found two interesting features in this prediction. This is as follows:
1) The bottom of the box below the intersection is not far from my 200 day line.
2) The following support line, $6500 trade volume, is located in the junction area of boxes under purple and green.
That's why I told you yesterday that the price of BTC would drop to $6500. Of course, my expectations today are based on personal hopes and assumptions. Now I'm predicting two trends. First, it's a rise around $7200. However, considering the two-week and three-week charts, I think that if a change occurs at $7200, it's likely to be a rebound, not an increase The second is a rise from $6500. Personally, I put the biggest weight on this part.
That's it for today's analysis.
I just wanted to tell you that there is a possibility that the price flow of BTC could flow like this. It's just a possibility, so I hope you'll keep in mind your trading.
It's Saturday.
I hope you have a peaceful weekend, and I'll keep an eye on the flow.
Thank you.