This is really scary. Long dragged out sideways (up to 1 year)

By Noobincrypt
Its that time of the year again when we publish bearish outlooks for the coming year.

I was fortunate enough, along with a couple groups I belong to, to sorta get out near the top. Sadly for me and many others tho, we "bought the bottom", you can only catch so many knives. Not down now in btc, but down in USD from potential profit.

Now on to the good news. Good news is, were done dumping, if ltcusd fractals plays out we will retest this area in a month or less, and continue along sideways a long time. We could go A LITTLE lower but not much.

THe bad news, endless sideways. You wanted a bubble you got one, and now its over. I anticipate a long dragged out INSANE alt seasons in the coming weeks and months.

Do you remember the year where NMC, PPC and LTC mooned? Do you remember the last 1.5 years where BTC mooned? Do you remember the alt seasons we had the last year?? Now were going to have some serious alt plays coming up, but when and which coins are "almost" anyones guess.

Good luck everyone, Ive learned as well, only shill when you already bought the coins!

I always appreciate feedback. This fractal might not play out and may be a correction in a longer uptrend, but then again so was ltcusd right? Oops.
Careful, this maybe the local top for a while... well see.

Important recent things:
China lunar new year is 28th Jan.
We now have fees on spot in china, .02% same as btce.

careful here, we could go up or down. I am leaning towards down.
if we get past 974, that would be good for a bit higher, might go 1050, might go double top. Either way be careful. Not sure if alts/fiat better when this breaks down. I dont imagine new ATH but could happen.

the other fractal is the btcusd one back in 2014 from 166-300, and then on breakout to 500 and retrace down and all the way back up, we might be in that, or this ltcusd. Good luck.
Broke up previously and now in a decent OTE short area (or almost there), plenty of ppl closing, shorting, and selling corn. Might be a good time to do so before a retrace down. With the bearish sentiment tho this could move up a bit higher. Lowstrifes 23x day cycle will be ending soon, so maybe we can move a little higher or even double top. Im mostly alts now and have sold a few corns above 1k so I dont feel bad if everything dies.
