A new Bullish Channel for Bitcoin?

I'll be watching this 4 hour channel on Coinbase to see how long Bitcoin can trade inside it. So long as we don't fall out of the bottom of this Channel we are making bank. :0)

Keep in mind that from now until next May 2021 the 365 day stock to flow price will continue to rise until it reaches over 99K. What does that mean in simple terms? As time goes on it will be harder and harder for the Bitcoin price to come back down. For example, when the S2F price hits 20K the chance of Bitcoin ever seeing 10K again will be greatly reduced. The higher the Stock to Flow value, the higher the low end price range as well. That's why we will never see $1, $10, $100, or $1,000 prices again. To expect those prices now you would have to be betting on a total failure of the Bitcoin protocol. If that is what you think, why get involved at all? At any rate, the continuous rise in the Stock to Flow value will continue to push Bitcoin higher and that, my friends, is very Bullish over the next 12-18 months.

Good luck!

BBS out.
For those of you not familiar with the Stock to Flow model see the following chart at the url between the >>> <<< arrows. Copy and paste to new window.

Trade closed: target reached
bitcoinbearslayerBTCBTCUSDBullish PatternsmoonParallel Channel
