On the infinite inoperability of market again

By peter-l
The beauty of speculation is that you never know who is going to win. In a casino, anyone can be a winner if they don't cheat. So the casino can attract countless people to participate in the so-called "princes and generals are all in peace"?

This logic has been put into full play in the digital currency market over the past decade, and while we've seen exchanges, big companies, manipulate some projects in the market at some point in time, more often than not, no one knows what the outcome will be. This infinite impotence attracted a lot of speculators, everyone thinking that this was the "Wild West" and that if they worked hard enough, they could find "gold."

But now, there are those who are not playing by the rules. While everyone was working hard, a group of gunmen suddenly arrived and reinstituted the rules of the game - winner-takes-all. You can imagine what that might look like.

Don't take that as a joke. The unregulated digital currency market is supposed to be a financial utopia, where people live by faith.

But the so-called "investment institutions", they do not have any faith. Because the essence of capital is greed. So these people could end up destroying this pure land.

The charm of the market lies in its unwieldability. Simply put, if you bet, you will not have a 100 percent chance of winning. The market becomes "operable" when buy - and - earn, but this is short-lived. Because while some people are bound to make money, others are bound to lose money.

You don't want to be a loser, but that's how trading works. Derivatives do not create value on their own, they simply change hands. The bubble was formed when marketable products were leveraged several times over.

And we all know that bubbles are bound to burst. So while Bitcoin may not be "tulip" today, the digital currency market is.

The history of derivatives is littered with catastrophes.

Now, all I can say is, when you get used to buying and making money, when everyone else is making money, please be rational and tell yourself that this is only temporary.

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