
Bearish Dip from 7000USD to 5500USD

By Morchella

With low volumes, an Aroon and RSI showing bearish signs, it's not too fancy to wait a drop below 7000 USD and buy on 6000-5500 USD supports in the next 2 or 3 months.

Hello guys, posting these analysis publicly to share my trading ideas with my classmates.

These ideas are normally made for my own usage and published as private, but I'm posting them publicly
as part of a group work about stock trading...

At no moment ever are my comments and/or charts claiming to be accurate advices about stock markets.

I'm just a random guy interested by financial markets, not a certified advisor.

Consider my observations accordingly...
Trade closed: target reached
After a wild crash on March 13th, the buying opportunity at 5500USD was there one week later.

However, the the price didn't dipped from 7k to 5,5k but went instead from 10k and then dropped to 3.5k...

Beeing patient was key there, thus the timeframe of 2-3 month was correctly gauged!
Trend Analysis
