Bitcoin end of year target 2022 early 2023

By altcoinb
I am using the Beam Band to help us see the possibility of Bitcoin's price action end of the year 2022. Notice we have touched the bottom of this Beam Band twice already and afterward, a price surge happened like clockwork. The question is when will we touch down again this year if at all? What we do know is as soon as it happens we can, with high probability, expect a surge in price soon afterword based on previous examples. The green checkmarks are touchpoints at bottom of the Beam band and the red one is the possible expected touch we are anticipating. Also, notice the average percentage between the first two comes out to 800%. If we move from this expected bottom price on the beam band then at 800% would give us over a 200k BTC price.

If we do not see the BTC peak this year most likely will happen in 2023. Taking the average day count from both bottom touches on the Bean band and averaging them out gives us about 295 days afterward for the possible peak which, if so, takes the peak well into March of next 2023
2022800actionbandBEANBeyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Harmonic PatternspeakpercentpriceTrend Analysis
