Bands Bands Bands

By CryptoQue
The Bollinger Bands said buy a few days ago. Not a trader, don't teach trading. This signal has been making gains both in the traditional markets as well as in Crypto. Using the red arrows AND volume as sell signals it also has protection for the downside. That said, Bitcoin is making huge headway regarding adoption & Taproot, brings smart contracts to The Blockchain. As of this writing Bitcoin has surpassed Visa in value transfer metrics. Bitcoin USES Visa as a bridge to evacuate dollars from the traditional finance system into the decentralized finance system. We're still early. Lots of people still have no idea what Bitcoin is or that they'll need it to beat inflation & global instability. Once the Plebs catch on that dollars rob them of their value, there will be an explosion of adoption & rapid rise in price.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Technical Indicatorstaprootvisa
