The jig is up, are you ready for this?

Ladies and gentleman.
Who would be easier for exchanges to liquidate/stop hunt?
Deep longs from $3,100/$3,500, or brand new EUPHORIC BEAR SHORTS?
I'm here because I believe I can give you the correct answer.

April 12th 2018, I called $6,755 as a potential reversal point for Bitcoin while in massive downtrend.
Less than 6-12 hours later we went from ~$6,753.60 to $8,080 in an HOUR.
That rally eventually lead on to hit 10k.
Some of my earliest followers remember that call. It made me, an amateur, A TOP POSTER on the ENTIRETY of TradingView for 3 days straight- beating Magic and Dark. (PS- Much love to you two.)
I'm sure you can understand why I was ECSTATIC.

No, I'm not here to gloat. No, I am not trying to be 'right'. However, since that call, I have wanted to beat it.
The feelings + analysis I had then are N O T H I N G compared to how bullish I am now. I am legitimately SHAKING as I type this.
I believe there is a very, very, very strong chance we may have ended the bear market.
At least for now.

I accidentally posted a Bitmex chart earlier when I meant to do Bitstamp.
It is very important you see this idea.
It will give you an understanding of what I see and why I believe this market is about to flip on a DIME.
They're nervous.


Long the dip between $3,900 and $3,950. Ladder if you want but *risk* no more than 5-10% capital.
I'd recommend $3,950/$3,900/$3,850. Wait, patiently.

Upon breakout of the neckline, take 10-20% of your profit where you see fit.
Then buy the dip with that same capital once the breakout retraces back to the neckline AROUND $4,127, SO LONG AS it clearly holds support.
5-10% *risk* MAX. PERIOD. This is not financial advice, just off-the-head thoughts that may help you make your own decision. As always, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Why do shorts keep closing?
Why do longs keep piling in?
Why do we keep getting darth maul lightsabers?
Why are we ignoring hidden bearish divergence in the weekly for the ... FIFTH CANDLE IN A ROW?
Why are alts suddenly having M A S S I V E rallies?
Why is Nano quiet? (Oh boy, this will be fun to watch.)
Why did we have that disastrous drop yesterday, and ***why did shorts CLOSE on it while longs OPENED?***
I'll tell you why.

We are about to very violently go from sell the rally to FOMO the dip. Target of this IHS is 4.8k/5.1k/5.6k.
If we reach FULL FOMO STATUS, we WILL test 6k and possibly beyond. Technically speaking, if this indeed actually happens, we will also be breaking out of the log-scale bullish descending wedge that has kept us in a bear market since the ALL TIME HIGH. The target of that?
Go visit TexasWestCapital and do some reading.
His projection will dumbfound you.
ALSO, keep in mind that around ~$4,800 will be completion of the primary C wave since bottom.
If we are able to surpass $4,800 with force I would be willing to place a sizeable bet says we COULD be at 8k/10k/112K a LOT sooner than people were expecting. (Which, ironically, is the entire point.)
Though, another lower low is possible later during the year and to be honest I'm PRAYING FOR IT. ($2,100 btw. IF.)
As a matter of fact, John McAfee may be right after all, like I've been saying for the past YEAR AND A HALF.
That man is crazy, but he isn't stupid. Maybe I'll get to meet him someday.
Target for this call if we don't have a lower low? $421,232.00 within 2-3 years TOPS.
They're S C A R E D and it's painted BLATANTLY all over the charts.
If you are a GOOD person, spread this around. Tell your friends. Share in telegrams. Post it to Facebook.
Talk about it. I go to gas stations and tell people to buy Bitcoin. I have even talked to someone at a restaurant.
It's amazing how life changing this is about to be for those of us that DO OUR OWN RESEARCH.
I MEAN IT. We NEED YOU. We WILL win IF you help.
Bitcoin is about FREEDOM, not CONTROL. PERMANENTLY #HODL IT and you will be set for GENERATIONS.
Tell your family to buy like $50 worth of BTC. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.
I want YOU to actually MAKE MONEY on this ***UNBELIEVABLE*** call.
I want YOU to have a better life. I mean that.
Bulls will need support around $3,950/$3,900 but ESPECIALLY at holding the 3.9k/$3,850 line.
Do you have the balls to help? Fortune favors the bold...
This idea is invalidated on a high volume break past $3,850. Maybe.
I'll buy all the way down to 2k for all I care. The bear is DEAD. Wait and see.

If you're short, consider getting out NOW, or get out on the dip that's soon to come.
I have been given a gift and a curse. They really don't like me for it because, at least sometimes, I can read them like a book. I intend to be one of them, eventually. And if I make it, I'm going to give back to the world more than anyone has ever in the history of man, I give you my word on that.
Sharing is caring, right?
I use to be a very nasty and manipulative person, so I can see what they're doing.
Can you?

These people will PAY DEARLY for liquidating the bulls yesterday.
It's the bulls turn. We are about to strike with a VENGEANCE.
You have been warned.

With a little bit of luck and a LOT of help from people who are TIRED OF THE BANKERS, this could be my best chart of all time. One that changes not only my life, but hopefully yours.

Good luck.
My name is MC Peewee, but you can call me teh Salesman.
(Not financial advice. DYOR you lazy butthead.)
I will leave you with this to think about.
It's ... It's ....
Fair warning- I suspect $3,850 is in play.
When we drop, if THAT goes down, this idea will be invalidated.
I posted an analysis not long ago on Reddit in /r/BitcoinMarkets.
They laughed at my Elliott Waves.

I'm putting my balls on the line to post this.
I don't think it will go entirely according to plan but I do believe the overall primary structure should be correct. It takes into account psychology with a bit of FOMO if indeed this idea is right.

Technically speaking, at some point within the next month ish or two, we will be in a Primary 3, Subwave 3, Micro 3, etc.
3-3-3-3-3-. When/if that hits, expect a very very very violent move.

If this happens even somewhat according to the count I have, the whole world will know of Bitcoin.

Lucky guess?
Okay, so after looking a little more in depth with things, there is a very strong chance $3,850 snaps like a twig. $3,800 is what has to hold, and I believe it will, though I do see some serious wick potential here.
If this is violent enough, there is a somewhat decent chance the .786 at could be tested at $3,730, though I do not see that materializing. I think we're looking at the most crucial buy support being between $3,850 and $3,800. Ideally, $3,850.

I'm laddered well below that point with incredibly low leverage (for once, lol.) so I'm hoping this dump is VIOLENT so I can catch a wick below $3,800. Guess we'll see.

If I had to put money on it, which I am, I am betting this rising diagonal holds.
Maybe a violent wick below it, which is what I am hoping for, but I think that's the best the bears will be able to do.
Then, bull euphoria. PAYBACK TIME.

Updated bull count from earlier.

Updated Bull Counts
$4,150/$4,175 then down we go.
I think we are finishing a 5th wave upwards.
FYI- The two bullish counts I just posted are wrong. That's what I get for trying to rush rather than take my time. THIS, I believe, is the current count.

We are quite literally going to break out of ATH bullish wedge, ascending triangle resistance, and an inverted head and shoulders all at the same time.
On Subwave 3 primary wave 3 might I add.
3-3-3. This will be VIOLENT.

Don't let them make you panic out of your coins when we plummet from $4,150 ish. Be prepared to long, because if you don't, you will potentially miss quite literally life-changing money.
Jesus man.
Inverted head and shoulders.
Ascending triangle.
Bullish wedge from ATH that we fell OUT OF when we hit bottom, and only recently was able to get back inside of.

And we have a 3-3-3 forming after the dump.
Oh holy mother the power of this market is about to rear itself.

Get ready yall
We wicked hard off the 50 MA on the 6h.
6h RSI is printing a double bottom on 50 aka bull territory.
2 hidden bullish divergences have printed in a row.
We're maintaining a bullish trend of higher closes.
The uptrend channel Bitcoin has been traveling in since the beginning of March is still intact.
If you're not long, I don't know why.

There is no guarantee we will have the elevator downwards that a lot of people including me are expecting. Bitcoin seems to be getting accumulated hard on the .236 retracements of micro time frames as well as macro time frames. Someone is accumulating big time right now. The question is, is it because we're going up or are they going to send us on an elevator ride?

I'm bullish until we break $3,950 with force or get denied hard slightly above 4k.
I get this funny feeling tomorrows close will be interesting. If we don't get the elevator ride downward by the time the weekly closes I suspect we will at least test weekly resistance.
Something tells me though that whales are going to paint the charts RIGHT before the weekly close, so be alert.
For reference, this is what happened the last time we had a double bottom in the 6h RSI around 50:
Just like last time, I'm going to be the only trader on TradingView that saw this coming.

We are literally days away. If that.
GL bears
Mother of God
According to that fractal, we make one more higher high, then drop for a higher low, then off we go.
So my best bet is $4,073, then $3,950, then liftoff.
Get ready for 6k. Wait and see.
Bitcoin fell out of a bear flag: No reaction
Bitcoin has fallen out of its uptrend channel: No reaction (So far.)
Bakkt delay yet again: No reaction.
Fake volume wash-trading FUD all over the place: No reaction.

The wedge is holding, for now..
4HR showing the uptrend is fighting to stay intact.
6HR just wicked again off the 50 MA.

Let the fight begin.
$3,950 holds. I'm betting on it.
If I'm right, wave 3 begins next.
That will be a sight to behold..

200 MA on the 4h stopped this dump cold in its tracks.

Are you ready?
I'm counter-trading my extreme bearish bias.
This is why.


7k or 9k+ here we come.
Zoomed out:
This consolidation has me thinking the prophecy will be right yet again.
Exactly 2 weeks left. Will it be right?
-Rampman10 -
I cannot comment on my charts anymore. My account is mostly deactivated at this point so the only interaction I can have is updating and publishing charts.
My gut tells me something isn't right. My gut is and has been telling me that we're going to "H" up to 10k+, but I've been ignoring it because my bias is extreme.

My GUT tells me this is no bullrun, but my gut is also telling me that 14K was not our final high before price discovery at lower levels.
5+ years.
If you had an opportunity to buy and forcibly strong hand something for that amount of time, which of these two would you pick?

Check your bias.
Today, the account Mc_peewee ceases to exist.
To my earliest followers and supporters- thank you.
I'm sorry I failed you.

Good luck everyone.
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