Bitcoin - "Do you feel lucky punk? huh? Do ya?

Here we go again with another triangle. The odds say it breaks North and we continue towards 30K as the first target. Of course there is always the chance of a break lower. My money is currently on higher.

At any rate, just thought I'd share what I am currently looking at.

Good Luck!

BBS Out.
Last night completely changed the shape of the triangle. It went from a very bullish looking setup to a bearish looking one. That's why the original title of this post was appropriate. "Do you feel lucky?" because looks can be deceiving. Even now, without a clear break and confirmation of the lower green line the price could continue North anyway after shaking out as many traders as possible. To be completely conservative one might wait for a breakout of the upper or lower green lines before taking a trade. For hodlers, any dip like this is a a good time to the throw a few more Satoshi on your pile.

I think we have liftoff to the next level. Especially if the ATH is taken out. If the ATH, however, acts as a point of rejection then a double top may form for an intermediate correction. Only time and price will tell.....

Good luck!

Trade closed: target reached
Bitcoin has hit all kinds of targets. I'm closing this chart but not my position. Still long and will be a hodler for a long time.

If I see anything I find interesting in the charts I will post it. Otherwise I'm just chilling and watching my bag grow. :0)

Good Luck everybody!

BBS Out.

bitcoinbearslayerBTCBTCUSDBullish PatternsTriangle
