
Monday morning

Each Friday the same thing: the (professional?) trader get out. Weekend , family, whatever. The volume stays low the whole weekend until the first Exchanges in the East open. And bam: BTC changes drastically. Right now, the last Mondays the price goes up. This weekend starts a day earlier. And voila: btc drops.


This is not a financial advice.
That´s onna be a looooong easter weekend. The last weekends just sideways. Boooooring! something big must happen (or rather will happen?)
Bitcoin's Weekend Tricks
Wow, a lot of famous trader here picked up my idea! Thaaat was easy ;)
Guys, it would be nice to at least give me the credentials though!

Nevertheless, it´s never good when masses start to do the same thing. So, the next thing will be to have the CME and CBOE or whatever that other future market is called to be in here. This, in order to find the gap! Will it be again higher than the market here on bitfinex? Monday morning, sha lal lalaa
