bullish BTC scenario

By hoschnok
This is really bullish scenario and while 5k BTC in august may sound crazy for some of you, I just used trendlines here and compared the situation with segwit activation on litecoin. You can choose lower targets, but the idea and the dates are the same. People are telling me this information is already priced in, but exact same situation on LTC shows otherwise.

BCC changed nothing and BTC is still king of the hill. With activation of segwit we enable use of Lightning Network on BTC (lightning.network/). This means instant transactions at nearly zero costs in the near future. Coffee problem solved. This is the biggest and best news for months and with 80% of miners rejecting all other blocks (BIP91: medium.com/@jimmysong/segwit2x-what-you-need-to-know-b747e6326266) this is the most likely scenario to happen right now.

Coins like LTC will probably suffer here, since big advantages disappear for now. With segwit activating, miners could stop using Segwit2x and second chain split could be avoided. Another chain split will probably cause a new wave of FUD within the next few months. IMO the next bullrun could be a good moment to move some coins into FIAT and watch from the sidelines for some time.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)segwitTrend Analysis
