
BTC Range Bound and Down

By dipdizzywizzle
Like the tile says I am looking for BTC to be range bound to short over the next ten to twenty weeks. BTC was trapped in this very location back in 2017 where it spent nine weeks and traded from early August to the middle of October before it broke out of its range. BTC is still holding under the 200 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) where it broke under back in February of 2018 which is significant because BTC has not been under the 200 EMA since August of 2015. I am using a logarithmic scale on my chart because I have it on good authority that the institutional investors use this type of scale to make technical analysis decisions. Whats the importance of how institutional money uses charting to conduct technical analysis? It's important because it's institutional money that is pushing and driving the market. How can that be, you ask? Well, the crypto space is like the wild wild west. An unregulated decentralized space that's prime for old school market manipulation. Truly a shark's wet dream. Think about it for a minute. Who knew that the CME and the CBOE were going to launch BTC futures contracts and be given approval to do so? Not many people that's who. The Winklevoss twins knew and many of their friends and family not to mention the top leaders and members of the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, CME and the CBOE just to name a few. It probable took two to three years of work, research and technological innovation to stand up these new financial instruments. Then they partner with Gemini? Why would Wall Street use Gemini's auction price for bitcoin to quote their BTC futures contracts? Gemini is by far not the best or largest exchange by volume or any other factor for that matter. One could speculate that the twins are obedient servants to the master and will heel at command!

Only the top big money traders were invited to trade the open of the contracts launch. How do I know this? When I found out the contracts went live I tried to trade them through my TD Ameritrade account and was rejected so I called customer support and was politely told to pound sand up my ass because my money was no good at the bar! That's when I realized that some of the investors that we invited to trade it first were like cut bait and just there to provide equity for the sharks. You know how the old saying goes right? If you look around the table and you cant find the mark then the mark is you. This also helped me avoid getting caught up in the FOMO and getting trapped in positions where I would have to DCA like crazy just to get back to break even. See this old pump and dump has been around along time and it goes back tens of thousands of years. It's human psychology and the Oligarchy are masters of that psychology and the manipulation there of. If you go and look at the CFTC commitments of traders reports you will see the smart money was heavy short from jump street and are still heavy short. Add that information with the massive advertising campaign that started back in August 2017 and led up to the contract open and you have a classic boiler room pump and dump. Which was also perfect timing to get paid just before Christmas. I'm sure that in the small circle of the Oligarchy the Christmas of 2017 will live in infamy.

You can relate this back to the Bugs Bunny Cartoon's. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! The Oligarchy realized the power of Bitcoin and the future implications that the loss of control over the established monetary system would have on their way of life and their suffocating choke hold over humanity. They realized that the spark had already been lit and the revolution is on! Since they were not invited to the party they devised a plan to slow the train down long enough to jump aboard and ride to uncharted territory. They paid their whores well just look at the twins and others like Jamie Dimon and how he sold that ass like a dirty gutter slut! Yea I said it Bitch!

The institutional money (Sharks, Whales, Oligarchy) have been buying physical BTC since they made the decision to launch Bitcoin Futures contracts over three years ago. When price peaked over $19,000 they were taking profits selling physical BTC on the exchanges and shorting BTC futures contracts via the CBOE and the CME. The BTC price back in 2015 averaged around $250.00 a Bitcoin. That's the primary reason Bitcoin could fall back between $1,000 to $1,500 because there is no big money to defend price until much lower levels. One week after the BTC Futures contract opened on December 19, 2017 there were 828 contracts long compared to 2,199 contracts short. The 828 long's were controlled by 18 individual traders compared to the 2,199 short's that were controlled by just 9 individual traders. This correlates perfectly to market statistics that have proven year over year that the majority of traders loose money and the masses are generally wrong.

The point of my post is to say that personally I will be moving forward with caution. I will be watching the CFTC's Commitment of Traders weekly reports and waiting for a change in Relative Volume (RVOL). As the chart shows big moves are signaled buy spikes in RVOL. We are still in a active pattern of short pressure signaled by the recent spike in RVOL on the bear candles that I have illustrated above. Stay safe Crypto Soldiers and keep the faith because this is the future of money and they know it. They are riddled with fear each and every day because they know the gig is up and its just a matter of time until mankind unites and overthrows the taskmaster! Power to the people, all people. Viva La Crypto!

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Beyond Technical AnalysisBTCfundementalsfuturesTechnical IndicatorsrangeboundshortsmartmoneyTechnical AnalysistradingTrend Analysiswhales
