October 10 is long gone and, personal expectations aside, we did realize the lowest bottom within the predicted period, namely exactly on September 19 and on October 10, another strong signal date calculated with my algorithm didn't come out as a second bottom but marked instead the beginning of yet another descending trend which found a bottom so far one day later on October 11. If that trend were to be confirmed, then my initial theory that we would break out the triangle upwards, in the meantime, would have been wrong. Interestingly enough **today happened**, we broke the triangle rising almost to the top of the secondary ascending triangle before dropping back down and yet the question at this moment is: could 1) my initial theory of breaking the descending triangle upwards and later suspicion of 2) an upcoming big drop to satisfy a lower demand at around the $5000's both be true? Most signals, and my personal convictions, say yes. Today, coincidence or not, manipulation or not, there was a big rise in the price mostly provoked by Tether loosing its peg to the USD as most of you certainly read on the news. The thing is, it had lost it already 3 weeks ago and Tether moved millions during these last weeks and still no one reacted to it until now? No!! So far, everything seems to corroborate the expectations of my initial theory. But then what about this new big drop that I've been talking about? Well first all the big players on exchanges like Bitfinex and from stock markets are getting ready to deposit millions in fiat from tomorrow on throughout next week, maybe in anticipation of SEC declarations expected on October 26; And although most would expect this to be a bullish sign (of fresh money ready to be exchanged into crypto), these new whales aren't looking to buy at the current price point but would rather retest the lowest support levels (using fresh money also as short collateral in the meantime) where they can then buy confidently at a much cheaper price, knowing their investment is at a lower risk of dropping further; so this new money will certainly play a big part in bringing down the market price for their convenience and we can only ride along if we choose to. After that, well hell will probably break loose and with their support we can only expect the market value of crypto to spike through the roof and initiate the new uptrend that should be moving inside the secondary ascending triangle this time. So far I have calculated four new dates, namely one not so strong signal for October 18/19 and three strong signals on October 23, November 1 and November 28. What they mean I'm yet to analyse and find out.