BTC: penance and penants

Given last night's pullback, and Asia's refusal to save it, we have a penant. BTC's favorite formation.

I like to draw a horizontal at the mid point of its apex, then redraw the trend running up the spine of it, as a continuation of trend. I am drawing a pessimistic penant, assuming we're at a dip. It should hold like this, pure misery for days.

Interesting how it will likely take until the CME future open to correct and resend the trend line. Somebody wants to pick up lots of discounted BTC beforehand...

The CME open will simply mean plenty of new promises to buy it, and lots of corresponding volume. A lot of people are taking profits and acquiring lots of cheap BTC as we speak, it's just professionals in the markets work.

I like 20K by mid month... not dreaming

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BTCUSDCMEFundamental AnalysisPennant

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