i'm back in a bit. i should trust myself by now. the thing is that bitmex is a treacherous place to trade. furthermore, i don't like to use stops. i don't swing big positions around mex. i use cross leverage on very small accounts that i like to build up over and over. liquidation is my stop, and this is fine based on the size.
why don't i like to use stops at mex? because if i put them where they won't be run, the amount of drawdown i'll likely encounter will qualify as unacceptable risk. of course it's easy to say "why don't I make more accurate entries?" , and that's the valid question, but to put the question in perspective, let me ask human beings a question: why don't you just make better choices in life? catch my meaning?
my goal is to trade accurately enough within my understanding, size and strategies that I don't need to use stop losses.
so, let's sum this with a tangental yet appropriate movie quote:
"roads? where were going we don't need roads"