It is time to pay fkcing attention !

By SilentTrad3r
Previous chart

Buying half spot here


Next week we gonna celebrate 13th March BlackSwan and for obvious reason everyone kind of de-risk most of everything as we go near this haunted date. Economy kind starts recovering tho .

In crypto world nothing much change , people still afraid of blackswan that did crash btc 8k usd to 3.8k last year in one fcking day. That was +- 60% drop over night . Few traders said big exchangers went offline at that time to prevent BTC goes to 0 .

However these few weeks market shows few entities are accumulating BTC 45k -52k range near 100k btc and counting . My view is still slightly bear until 5.2k taken out and SnR flip happen on Daily TF .

I DONT WANT TO BE RIGHT, I WANT TO MAKE MONEY so im preparing for bull or bear case .

Right now FIB 0.786 seems Resistance and FIB 0.618 is Support . Most likely BTC gonna test 5.4k and the rejection will determine if FIB 0.618 will bounce or break through . Im looking to make Big 4ass leverage Long 36k - 38k if we ever get into that level .

This is not financial advise , but being spot long would be good for timebeing .

Good setup for me ; ->





might not work for you tho .
BTCUSDTrend Analysis
