I draw inspiration from a brief analysis of AUD-USD to make some considerations on the moment we are living.

In recent weeks the world economy has been in difficulty because of Covid-19, however, from a rapid comparison of the data, we can see how the Australian economy has strengthened over the American one since the beginning of the year.

Under normal conditions, I would be looking for a level where to buy the currency pair. But that of Covid-19 is not a crisis like any other. We have seen this in several respects, such as the total uncorrelation between American equities and safe-haven currencies (CHF and JPY).

If you take the chart with the comparison of the two markets, you can see that since March the USD-JPY and S&P 500 Futures have moved almost following an inverse correlation. That is because investors have preferred the US dollar as a safe-haven currency.

You can also see this aspect with the chart above, that compares AUD-USD (in red) always to the S&P 500 Futures (in blue).

Here you can see a perfect correlation between the two markets. What does this mean? It means that if the American market starts a new bearish phase, the fundamentals of the two economies will not matter; Aud-Usd will follow the movement of the S&P 500 Futures.

In conclusion, with the Covid-19 crisis, everything it is cancelled, also for the great liquidity that the central banks are putting in the markets. Markets must be “navigated on sight”; surely when the situation will normalise, there will be great opportunities, but for the moment caution is needed.
aud-usdaud_usdAUDUSDaudusdanalysisBeyond Technical AnalysisESsp500futuresS&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis
