Anyone who thinks altcoins are dying has probably forgotten that there have been even worse times in the past.
When I posted crash charts for altcoins in May 2018, I was declared crazy. There were people who said I should go to the doctor. These were the targets I had:
XRP from $0.70 to $0.30,
LTC from $140 to $40,
ETH from $700 to $100,
XVG from $0.05 to $0.005,
OMG from $13 to $1.20
NEO from $60 to $17
At that time, I was named as the biggest bearish author. And surprise ... all targets were reached.
Now the same happens again. I say that an altseason will come and again I find a lot of comments that say the opposite.
I read things like 'there will never be an altseason again'. Do you know what this statement reminds me? When Bitcoin was at over $20000 and people said the price will never fall back below $10000.
I always wonder where these people buy their crystal balls to use the word 'never' in trading.