Nothing like the waking up to a complete market selloff. This is where disciplined investors/traders separate themselves from the emotional ones. Many are realizing this morning that their magic portfolios are nothing more than fairy dust. I have mentioned in just about ever article about the post after post after post of 400% 1010%+ returns, and that this was your sign that market sentiment was way too high! This is where many new traders and investors get caught up in the FOMO and tunnel themselves into a 30%+ hole.
Anyways I did not catch the initial selloff marked in orange. I will not go into why this would have been my exit point as I missed it, but more importantly what I do when I miss it. This is why we prepare for these moments by charting. Sometimes the most ridiculous levels happen. When I hear comments like "it will never go under $1100 or $1000 again", I can tell you with almost 90% surety these are the ones panicking this morning. Even as bullish as I was on BTC' I still had labeled on my chart pullback areas. These become critical during selloffs as you already have set your mind on where to look for reversals. So in lieu of having a blank chart up on the screen with the last 4 bars red and wondering what to do, we have a chart on the screen of where there is likely to be a reversal and are planning our next move!
#1 I already had labeled on the chart the next fibb levels lower. (every equity I own has a chart with these levels)
#2 Generally we get early buyers come in at these levels along with scalp traders (just like I did last night) But I missed the chance this morning.
#3 I take the time to see how the market reacts at these levels before I act!
#4 I'm watching the market here to see if I need to exit or this is just noise. After all Bitcoin is king and was down the least of my coins this morning. This is a sign that the market STILL favors bitcoin!
#5 I'm drinking a cup of coffee looking for buying opportunities. Long term we are still in a bull market! I am looking for over sold coins that I can scalp up and I was able to cover my sells on ETH' and NEO' at a lower price today! I was beginning to think that would not happen! Good morning America!
Bottom line I am still in my trade, I am more concerned about looking for bargains then exiting here. But it is up on my screen and the 1 hour chart does not look that bad. At least in comparison to the majority of the charts this morning. Buyers have quickly bought the last two red bars as evident from the wicks. The first green bar has no lower wick which implies to me buyers are continuing to step into the market continuing from the previous bar. We have a second green bar as well but it has not closed yet so I am monitoring it. Either way there are wicks to the upside which is a sign of people exiting or scalpers covering. Keep in mind bots are trading here to. So I'm just being patient.
In closing, sitting on cash is probably the greatest thing we have going for us right now, regardless if we lose on this trade or not, 25% of my portfolio did not go down at all.