By LivingCrisp
CORRECTION 5:46 I say INVERSE H&S and I meant H&S.

SHOUT OUT! -- FIRST OFF! -- Thank you to all the FOLLOWERS! and Likes! That means a lot, REALLY it does. I hope you are learning and increasing your odds as a market speculator... because THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! you are a SPECULATOR. Maybe a lot of you know that already, maybe you need to hear it again from a friendly person [me] and not from getting your pee pee slapped [liqudated on a bad call] because you got to confident! anyways, that's my pep talk, stay humble, all ways be reforming!


SYNOPSIS - NOW, as one of my mentors always says, "let's get right into it"... This analysis is about learning the nature of a Head and Shoulders, Inverse or not. depending on the size of the H&S, will not only signal the distance [price action] but it will also dictate the time it will take to break down at the neck line. That is the focus of this post. What is the nature of the breakdown process and how can you prepare to re-enter for a quick bounce or position for a multi day long. PERSONALLY I LIKE MULTI-DAY LONGS/SHORTS because my life is too crazy for day trading ATM.

-thank you to followers, I need more. I'm looking for hand outs HONK HONK but seriously, share this shit!
TWITTER @90dayJeff - I'll take requests for analysis - ping me on Twitter

NOT financial ADVICE - ever notice how every speculator wants must CYA [cover your ass] by saying "Not Financial Advice"? That's because the [DS] doesn't want regular people talking about money with authority, because whatever controls the money, controls the people. Just ask the Apostle Paul [1Tim 6:10]. I'm not trying to preach here, but I'm sure you feel me anyways! -Soli Deo Gloria -WWG1WGA
click for video update ... thanks again for the TWITTER love!
PUMP? I'm HERE for YOU! I don't always update like a mad man, but when I do, IT's because the market is cray cray! ... SERIOUSLY... I will go weeks withouT updating, because the market is garbage. but now it's warming up and it's unpredictable.
I’m out and about this morning, so please forgive the lack of charting. Needless to say, last nights price action kept #ETC under the neckline. We had a solid bounce in the lower $7 up to mid $7. A nice little scalp opportunity for those of you who were up early or never went to bed.

I still see this H&S going down, for all the same reasons I’ve been pointing out in my detailed videos from the last couple days.

The only think I’m a little concerned with is that now we have developed a downward wedge on the 15min.

I don’t believe this will create a large move up, instead I think we will bang into the neckline for a while.

Here’s the issue with crypto in general, Every coin is effected my #BTC. So will we see a textbook breakdown of the H&S? Probably not this time. Will it break down? Yes. But I believe it will be slow. Mid $5 is still on the table. However, there will be plenty of opportunities to scalp and short on the way.

Now is a great time to watch and “paper trade” for new TA students and speculators.

Get prepared. By no means am I calling the bull run over, we still need to keep an eye on BTC. Crypto is like a crazy ex lover. Sometimes she do stuff you weren’t expecting. Think parabolic. This market is different. Crypto awareness, specifically BTC has grown. It’s become a household name, right along with Russia Russia Russia and all the Orange Man bad talk.

There is a change a brew’n... get ready get prepared. Markets are going to go bananas for the next 6 years! And that means, if you are aware, awake, and informed, you can ascend financial.

Beyond Technical AnalysisBTCBTCUSDChart PatternscoinbasecoinbaseproetcETCUSDmagaTrend Analysiswwg1wga

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