The thing with these bear markets are:
1/ There's plenty of bagholders just waiting to break even
2/ Most people haven't regained confidence and would panic sell at the first sign of trouble
So you need to break all these resistances and not have any FUD news or whale dumping long enough to leave the price time go up.
Which gives me an idea...
Look at these guys:
- George Soros: Got famous for breaking the bank of England, and making a profit of 1 billion usd after short selling 10 billion$ in GBP.
- Andrew Krieger: Used all the money his institution let him use to short with 400 leverage NZD, a position bigger than the countrie's whole money supply. After creating worldwide panic he got 300 million$ for his employer.
I don't have the money to rekt all the BTC delusional noobs that don't want to work :(
If someone became a legend out of scamming every BTC enthusiast thought...And revealed his identity, he'd be so hated by the population.
When you scam a large bank/government the plebs think it's a good thing someone stuck the finger to the big meanies, I don't think they'd smile if somone did this to the actual population directly.