
Manage Your Account and Make TV Very useful place for you

-Manage Your Account and Make TV Very useful place for you
At this topic, we will talk about some tips for newbie people at Trading field

-At worldwide TV is the first place for most traders or newbie and as home for analysts

-Here we try telling you as a newbie at this field how you make Tradingview useful place to you
most of the newbies come here don`t know anything just create an account and check top author list then start to follow names at this list

-The first thing you want to know the top rank beside name doesn`t mean anything
anyone can be top author by a way or another
also there at TV a good and excellent analysts and they work harder but never get chance to become at the TOP AUTHORS list but this is not our point

-There is what you should be looking for on the analyst profile you want to follow him.

-He Ignores mistakes or not
-Accuracy at analysis
-Managing capital
-Extent of analysis
-Currencies in which he excels
-Read his strategy and own your view
-As a first and important thing, He Ignores mistakes or not?
This analyst when he providing an idea or signal what he doing?!

Many here published ideas/signals but when it fails they just published a new one later and ignore old one

if you saw that, first advice, stop following this guy right now.
maybe he says i published it for myself and you don`t need to follow it

answer if he published his idea at public means he shared it with you with all so he should keep updates until the end

For himself, TV has a part called "Private ideas" he should publish on it.

-Why this point is important thing?

as a newbie you can`t drive a car, so you ride the bus means you join TV and start following people here.
So the bus leader is responsible for your safety until you arrived
In the sense, the analyst must keep updates until the end he shared his idea with you and here he is the leader and you following him.
if he didn`t and leave you alone or ignore his mistake, this cost you one thing, losing your money, for that, we make it as the first and important point on this topic.

-This leads us to
when you ride the bus you pay for the driver when you arrived your place right?
Your payment here is your support for this analyst who is work and publish idea/signal / advise for help you to making a profit
Your support can be
share analysis
Gift after make profit
this an important thing to all analysts here to keep free work but the realty few people show support for that many analysts here open and own his VIP channels
The care about you but what you did you only care about yourself no feedback etc
so he solved it by creat Vip service

Know you have the first point to start manage your TV account and make it useful to you.

now you got analysts keep updates until the end what you should be looking for?

What is the best point for this analyst in the sense what his advantages what make him better than
others and why he deserves your follow-up and your support?
-Accuracy at analysis

check his profile and calculated his History of fails and success

for some when the analyst published a wrong ideas for many starts bad comments and screams etc

At first if good at bad comments and screams why you follow others you are great so you should own your view and publish your ideas don`t follow others :)

if you see this analyst failed twice and won 3 times he is a winner, not a loser means The success rate should be higher than failure
If the opposite had you should stop following him
fail once not mean his is bad

and know that nothing called 100 % rate but there is 99% means he will fail and win but at the end should be a winner
-Managing capital

This important point like -He Ignores mistakes or not

As a trader or newbie or analyst, you should have a plan to manage capital mean how you invest your money means how much you keep at fiat how much you invest at this trade

you can do what you like but as an analyst, you follow if he provides Managing capital this good point if he didn`t you should learn this
But he is the leader and you are his follower so he should help you and you should support him
if you didn`t It is not defective if he does not provide full assistance
-Extent of analysis

mean this analyst provide short/mid/long term and what the Extent he is good on it
you should have in your list best analysts at




some of the analysts care only about Short-term means day trades etc
some care about mid or long-term
you should know as follower you should know about your analyst
what the term of his recommendation and which one he good on it
From that filtering, you will get an excellent list that suits you all the time
-Currencies in which he excels

this will help you to filter your list and know which analyst is good at BTC or alts or usdt pairs
this helps you to make your mind clear and avoid confused
Read his strategy and own your view

All this talking for this point Read his strategy and own your view you will not be a follower forever you should get they keys and drive the car

means you should start to own your view post your ideas and we wish this for all but how you can do that from your analysts you following

very simple way start to read chart open chart and check
what wedge means
what trend means
what resistance and support means
what pattern means and make your eyes work and your mind save all meaning and pattern as a hard disk
why he set target here why he set stop_loss here why he makes it bullish, not bearish

try draw what he draws this very easy and simple steps

if you want to ask you don`t need to ask anyone, Google,like open book wait you check him just ask there you will find your answer
At the end we wish best for you
sorry for the long text
hope it will be useful for you
we ask Allah reconcile and repay
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